Chapter 796 Failed to protect your mother as a father, I don't want to protect you badly

Chu Yu shook his head and said: "Chuchen, the mission failed, we will face cruel punishment no matter what. We have spent a lot of effort to win this mission, and failure means that there will be no next mission." This is a one-time chance. Compared with that kind of end, we still have a glimmer of hope in front of us."

Chuchen bowed his head, he was persuaded.

The discussion between the three of them has come to fruition, and they can agree to the transaction terms proposed by Su Wanyi.

When Su Wanyi came to see them the next morning, they gave Su Wanyi an affirmative answer.

After negotiating the details, the two sides reached a consensus.

In the room, Su Wanyi, Su Cheng, Bai Yunshan and Zuo Runzhi sat around a table.

Only Ye Yuxian was excluded.

Su Wanyi did not intend to involve Ye Yuxian in this matter, and planned to entrust Dai Bao to her father to take care of her.

Su Wanyi explained the whole incident to Su Cheng.

After listening, Su Cheng concluded: "So now there are two irresolvable conflicts between us and the Yun clan of the Xujing of the Four Kingdoms. I know. But three of the four magic weapons are in the hands of us."

"Secondly, their saintess ordered them to capture some people with cultivation to go back, in order to achieve a certain purpose, and the purpose may have something to do with Ye Yuxian, because the saintess has always had the heart to kill Ye Yuxian."

Because the status of the three people captured in Shiguo Xujing is not high, there are some things they themselves don't know, and Bai Yunshan can't ask too confidential content even if he uses Lihunjing.

But it is already known that the conflict between them and the virtual mirror of the four countries cannot be resolved.

Now it's just a coincidence, and sooner or later, someone from Shiguo Xujing will come to you.

"Father, I plan to go to the virtual mirror of the Four Kingdoms." Su Wanyi told Su Cheng her thoughts, "Instead of being beaten passively, it is better to take the initiative."

Su Cheng said: "Father will support you wherever you are going, there is only one request, and father asks to go with you."

"Father!" Su Wanyi didn't really want Su Cheng to go with her.

"Wanxi, my father is not a child, my father failed to protect your mother well, I don't want to protect you too well."

Su Cheng has deep guilt about his wife.

This time Su Wanyi was facing a mysterious and unknown but extremely powerful threat.

If it is not handled well, her life, Dai Bao's and Ye Yuxian's will be in danger.

If Su Cheng could stand by and watch at this time, it would be a waste of being a father!

In the past, Su Cheng was unconscious and failed to appear by her side to protect her daughter when she was in danger.

Now that he is awake and has recovered a lot of cultivation, even if his strength is limited, he must do his best to protect his daughter!
"But Dad, I don't want you to have something to do." Su Wanyi said.

"But if dad can't be by your side when you have something to do, and face it with you, it will be more uncomfortable for dad to live than to die." Su Cheng said.

Su Wanyi couldn't hold back Su Cheng, so she could only let Su Cheng go with her.

Bai Yunshan also patted his chest and said that he wanted to go together: "Wan Yi, you can't leave me behind on this matter. After all, I have a lot of credit for this matter."

The smooth interrogation process is all thanks to Bai Yunshan and his Soul-Leaving Mirror.

(End of this chapter)

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