Chapter 805 Greeting the young master
Ye Yuxian brought Daibao to the entrance of the Four Kingdoms Mirror.

Ah Zhou looked around and found that there was nothing but a vast expanse of white snow-capped mountains.

What is the master bringing them here for?
Ye Yuxian didn't speak, and walked straight forward.

"Hey master, there is snow ahead!"

Seeing that his master was about to bump into him, Ah Ping hurriedly shouted.

Master, even if you are abandoned by Ms. Su again, you don't have to be so overwhelmed!
Ah Ping was shouting, when suddenly he saw his master passing through the snow-capped mountains.

The moment Ye Yuxian's body passed through the snow mountain, the scene in front of him changed dramatically.

It turns out that this snow mountain is not really all snow mountains, there is such a big hole in it!

"Come in quickly." Ye Yuxian said.

If Ye Yuxian walked away, Aping and the others would not be able to enter.

This place requires a special token to enter.

Ye Yuxian doesn't have a special token, but has another thing that can open the door.

Aping, Azhou and Xiaoying quickly followed in.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Aping can only say that he admires the uncanny craftsmanship of nature.

This cliff looks like it was cut out with a knife.

Aping was a little flustered.

Now they are going to go into the legendary virtual mirror of the Four Kingdoms.

I heard that there are many masters there.

The first level of the legendary realm is considered entry-level.

After going down the mountain to the entrance, the guard stopped the group of people he didn't know.

"Who?" asked the guard.

The black-clothed man in front of him was cold and arrogant, exuding such a sinister and stern aura all over his body.

The man in front of him terrified the law enforcement elders.

Fortunately, there was still a cute baby in the man's arms, which relieved the oppressive feeling brought by the man.

The guard had no memory of ever seeing such a person.

"Go and tell your saintess that Ye Yuxian is back." Ye Yuxian said.

"What did you say?!"

The guard's eyes were full of horror.

"Can't you understand what people say?"

"Quick, go report! It's Ye Yuxian!"

the guard yelled in panic.

The people who heard this behind were also terrified.

Ye Yuxian!
It's that monster!
He actually came back by himself!

Proudly back!
Not long after, I saw an old man with a thin monkey face coming.

Seeing Ye Yuxian, his expression was complicated.

"You... are you really... Ye Yuxian?"

"Otherwise, how do you think I got in?"

Because the saint's blood he possesses is more useful than any token in the virtual mirror of the four kingdoms.

There are only two people who can freely enter and leave the Four Kingdoms Virtual Mirror without their tokens of the Four Kingdoms Virtual Mirror.

One is their saint.

One is the person who has the blood of the saint.

The law enforcement elder frowned, not knowing what to do for a while.

The law enforcement elder is in a complicated mood at the moment.

Sheng Gong has always wanted to kill Ye Yuxian.

But they can only be killed secretly, not openly.

Because he is a demon seed, but he is also a person who has the blood of their saintess.

The most noble bloodline among the Yun clan.

It is a noble blood that can make the people of the Yun clan absolutely submit.

They have no right to take action against Ye Yuxian who has such a noble bloodline.

This person is a member of the Yun clan that they don't want to admit.

But they are people who truly have the noble blood of their Yun clan.


Everyone looked at the elder, waiting for the elder's answer.

Do you want to let Ye Yuxian in?
After struggling for a long time, the law enforcement elder bent down and bowed.

"Congratulations, Young Master."

(End of this chapter)

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