Chapter 820 Wash Your Brain
"Hmph!" Xiaoying hummed angrily.

What they say is what they say.

Obviously it was the selfish intention of that annoying saint to catch their wife, but she had the nerve to say it was for the Yun clan!

Ye Yuxian came out of the hall, and the Elder Shiqin had a look of contempt when he saw him.

They met.

Four and a half years ago.

Elder Shiqin accompanied the saint girl to go out, and he encountered this evil breed before!

The reason why he can be recognized at a glance is because his appearance is more or less like a saint.

At that time, Ye Yuxian said righteously that he didn't want what the saint gave him.

He also said that he would return what the saint gave him.

In the end, isn't he here to grab the position of the Lord of the Holy Palace?

Elder Shiqin sarcastically said: "The young master has been a big fish and a lot of meat every day, so it can be seen that life outside is not very good!"

It is true that she said this before Ye Yuxian was six years old.

Ye Yuxian was so young back then, he was thrown outside, without father or mother, so it's no wonder he was doing well.

But that's why it's so bad?

Isn't it because the person who should have given him warmth and family just wanted to kill him?

"Are you jealous of me?" Ye Yuxian asked, "Why don't you pay attention to what I eat and do every day?"

Ye Yuxian then said: "Get out of the rest of the people, the place where I live, don't have cats or dogs, come in and run wild."

Elder Shiqin said: "Young master, the prisoner is missing now, and I came here to search for people under the order of the saint. Young master, please clarify your identity!"

"Who defines the prisoner? Why should I admit the prisoner she defined? I don't need to submit to her until the Holy Judgment comes out."

Ye Yuxian squinted her eyes, with an evil look on her face, and a somewhat lazy expression.

"What is the young master talking about? Even if there is no holy order, the saint is still the young master's mother, and she is someone the young master must respect and respect." Elder Shiqin retorted.

"So when she wanted my respect, she became my mother? At other times, she was thinking about how to chop me up? Your logic is like a dog, it's horrible."

Ye Yuxian sneered, took a step forward, raised her foot, and kicked.

"Plop—" The water splashed everywhere.

Behind Elder Shiqin was the pond, and Ye Yuxian kicked him directly into the pond.

Elder Shiqin poked his head out of the water a few times.

"What are you doing?! What are you? Give you three points of color and you will be brilliant! Call you young master and you will really consider yourself a master?!"

Elder Shiqin tore his face directly, and didn't even bother to pretend.

"Your logic is so poor, I thought it was something that shouldn't be installed in my mind, I'll wash it off for you."

Ye Yuxian stood on the shore, leisurely watching Elder Shiqin splashing in the water.

I don't know when I picked up a stick in my hand.

Seeing that Elder Shiqin was about to get up, he knocked down with a stick, making people stay in the water and unable to get up.

"If the others don't want to leave my palace, they should come down and play in the water with this old woman. She is quite boring by herself."

Ye Yuxian turned her head and glanced at the maids brought by Elder Shiqin to search his palace.

The maids looked at each other, they didn't want to go down.

This young master made them feel scared. He even dared to torture the elder Shiqin, let alone ordinary maids like them!
"You bastard! You are so courageous! You don't even look at what you are!"

Elder Shiqin, who drank sip after sip of the pool water, still cursed Ye Yuxian.

(End of this chapter)

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