Chapter 838 Saved Chu Yu
Chuchen and Chuxia are very obedient, and they keep making sure that they will definitely complete the task, so that Su Wanyi can rest assured and save Chuyu with peace of mind.

Su Wanyi closed the door, and said to Chu Yu, "We're starting."

Chu Yu didn't know what Su Wanyi was going to do.

Can she really get rid of the remnants of beasts in her body?
Chu Yu was wondering when he saw Zilong's figure appearing from Su Wanyi's back.

Just sticking out a head, even if it's just a head, that huge head will almost fill the whole room.

If the whole body comes out, the house will definitely collapse.

"Ho Ho, my aunt came out again." Zilong didn't dare to roar loudly, for fear of disturbing the wind chime.

Su Wanyi doesn't want to expose Zilong's affairs just yet.

"You..." Chu Yu looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, "'s on your back."

Su Wanyi explained to Chu Yu: "Zilong is not a remnant soul, but a complete dragon. She will help you get rid of the remnant souls in your body."

Chu Yu nodded.

If it is Zilong, it should be possible, right?
If it is Zilong in full state and full strength, even the body of the black beast can't do anything to it.

Although the current Zilong's power is incomplete, it only looks like one-tenth.

But it is enough to deal with a wisp of the beast's remnant soul.

After half an hour.

The door opened, and Chu Chen and Chu Xia who were waiting at the door hurriedly gathered around.

"How is it? How is Chu Yu?"

The two couldn't help but poke their heads into the room.

Su Wan consciously gave way and let the two of them go in.

Chu Yu's appearance in the room had returned to normal, but he was unconscious.

"She is a little weak and needs to rest." Su Wanyi explained.

Too much stamina was consumed by the beast's remnant soul.

One more hour and it will probably be cold.

Chuchen and Chuxia carefully touched Chuyu's body, making sure that she still had body temperature and breathing, that she was still alive, and both of them showed joyful expressions on their faces.

Then the two turned their heads and kowtowed to Su Wanyi.

"Thank you Su Zongzhu for saving your life, great kindness..."

"Stop!" Su Wanyi immediately stopped the two of them, "Don't kneel, every day, I always feel that my life is going to be shortened. This matter can be regarded as what you need, and I have something to gain, so you don't have to Thank you, really."

Su Wanyi told the truth, she didn't want to get others to be grateful to her for being cheap.

"But you did save Chu Yu." Chu Xia said.

"That's the benefit of our previous cooperation." Su Wanyi put it another way.

Chuchen and Chuxia suddenly didn't know what to say.

Su Wanyi asked the two of them: "How did she become like this?"

Zilong said that under normal circumstances, it is difficult for the remnant souls of divine beasts to fuse with living people.

This is rarely the case.

Chuchen and Chuxia glanced at each other, and then they decided to tell Su Wanyi.

So Chu Xia told what happened when Chu Yu was 16 years old.

"The remnant soul of that black beast probably fused with Chu Yu's body at that time, because of Chu Yu's despair and pain." Chu Xia said.

"So this time, it was also because of her pain and despair that this part of the power in her body was completely awakened and took over her body." Su Wanyi asked.

Chu Xia nodded: "If it wasn't for Chu Yu, we should have died, drained of blood, and turned into cold corpses."

(End of this chapter)

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