Chapter 841 I Don’t Want Tragedy to Happen Again
"Really?" Feng Ling smiled slightly, "The elder Shiqi wants to arrest everyone, don't let them escape, just a Chiyin Tianji, if these juniors also escape, then It's really become a big joke of Shikoku Xujing."

"Elder Fengling, don't run around here and there. If you meet him, the subordinates are afraid that they won't care about Elder Fengling's safety. It would be bad if you startled Elder Fengling."

The elder Shiqi said caring words, but there was no concern for Fengling in his expression.

Of course Feng Ling understood.

Feng Ling turned to ask: "Why did I only see you and not Shi Qin?"

"I'm sorry Elder Fengling is concerned. Shiqin was injured and barely survived." Elder Shiqi replied.

When Chu Yu ran away, he cut Elder Shiqin's neck, but the wound was not big enough, and the bleeding speed was not too fast.

After Chu Yu left with Chu Chen and Chu Xia, Shi Qin was rescued by the rushing people, the wound was treated in time, and his life was saved, but because of excessive blood loss, he was still bedridden for the time being.

"Oh? That's really lucky." Feng Ling smiled cutely.

The elder Shiqi thought to himself: Why pretend to care?She clearly wished that Shi Qin would die!
For the sake of his own status, he disregarded his sister's affection and ruined his own sister's innocence!
On the surface, Fengling is gentle and pleasant, but she has seen how dark she is in her heart more than 20 years ago.

Elder Shiqi still maintained the superficial etiquette: "Elder Fengling should go back earlier. Recently, the Shiguo Xujing is not peaceful. A few days ago, he just ran away with some prisoners captured outside. These days, Chizong started to make trouble again. I don't know if someone with a heart is playing with these things behind the scenes."

"The elder Shiqi should take more precautions. Don't let anyone take advantage of the loopholes. In a few days, the young master will go to meet the holy stone and wait for the holy judge." Feng Ling said.

"Elder Fengling doesn't need to worry about that," Elder Shiqi said.

Don't that evil bastard try to replace their saintess!

"Then I won't bother you and continue looking for the prisoner." Elder Fengling turned his head and walked away.

In fact, he didn't go far, and turned his head to stare at Elder Shiqi and others.

They can't be allowed to go to the pool to do damage.

Fortunately, the elders of Shiqi didn't intend to go to the Jingchi to search for people.

Waiting for Elder Shiqi and the others to go far away, Feng Ling came out again, and was about to go to the Jingchi, but saw the Great Elder walking over.

The Great Elder had gray hair, white beard dragged to the ground, and a cane in his hand. Even a ghost like Feng Ling became serious when he saw him.

"Big elder."

The wind chime took the initiative to call.

The small figure, respectful, looks extraordinarily well-behaved.

"Why did the wind chime come to clean the pool? You have been reluctant to come here for many years." The elder said.

Feng Ling's small childish face showed an expression that was obviously not for this age, but it was the real side of her, she was not a child at all.

Feng Ling said: "Some things have to be faced, and running away will not solve the problem."

"It's hard for you to have such a heart." The elder said with a long sigh.

To be honest, when facing the Great Elder, Feng Ling was a little flustered.

There are some things she can't let anyone know for the time being.

Including the Great Elder.

The Great Elder is someone she respects, but the Great Elder has his own responsibilities.

The Great Elder said: "Fengling, don't be too obsessed with anything. If you get obsessed, you will easily get demons."

Feng Ling replied: "The elder should tell my sister what he said."

The elder said: "I just don't want to see the tragedy happen again."

After speaking, the Great Elder turned his head and left.

Fengling stood there, thinking to herself: I don't want any more tragedies to happen, so I must stop her.

(End of this chapter)

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