Chapter 845 Uncle Aping, will Uncle Ye Zi bring Dai Bao back with his little sister?

On the other side, Dai Bao was guarding the door of Ye Yuxian's room.

He held a round long wooden stick in his hand.

This is his task tonight!

Cover Uncle Ye Zi to steal the baby!
Uncle Ye Zi said that he was going to the Jingchi to steal something, and let Dai Bao sleep in the room alone.

Uncle Ye Zi deliberately didn't tell him what it was.

snort!Don't think he doesn't know, Uncle Yezi must have gone to steal the baby!
Sister Fengling said it all!If you go to that clean pool, there will be a baby!

As for why the weapon is a wooden stick?
Because Ugly Dao Dao hid before entering Shiguo Xujing!
Uncle Ye Zi said that there are villains here who want Ugly Daodao, and Ugly Daodao cannot be found for them.

Let's hide it, so Jiang Zi and the others won't be able to take pictures.

"Daibao, are you hungry?" Ah Ping and Azhou sat on the left and right sides of Daibao like two statues.

Daibao's mission is fake, and the mission of the two of them to watch Daibao tonight is real.

The master said that he was going to visit the Jingchi and leave them to take care of Daibao.

So they have to guard Daibao's safety every step of the way.

"Dummy is not hungry!"

"Is Daibao sleepy?" A Ping tried to coax Daibao to sleep.

Daibao shook his head stubbornly and said, "Not sleepy!"

Daibao must wait for Uncle Yezi to come back today!
"Uncle Aping, will Uncle Yezi bring back the little sister for Daibao?" Daibao pouted, looking at Aping expectantly.

I don't know if it's because after meeting Princess Xinrui, I found out that the little girl can be so good-looking, and Daibao began to look forward to having a beautiful little sister.

Then seeing the wind chimes, Daibao's obsession deepened.

No matter what, I want to have a beautiful sister.

In the past, his obsession was all about wanting a beautiful father.

Although it is actually similar, because before having a beautiful sister, one must have a beautiful father.

His mother alone can't change a younger sister.

"This..." Ah Ping didn't know how to answer Xiaodaibao's stupid question.

It is absolutely impossible to bring the baby back.

It would be great if he could bring his mother back.

But having said that, if you want a little sister, you have to abduct your mother first.

After thinking for a long time, A Ping replied: "Daibao will have a younger sister, but tonight should not be enough. The little sister will grow up in Daibao's mother's belly for a long time, and will come out with Daibao when she is big enough. meet."

"That's it." Dai Bao thought for a while, and then said to A Ping, "Uncle A Ping, you and sister Xiu'er have a baby too, okay?"

One sister doesn't seem to be enough.

"Ah?" Ah Ping didn't expect that Daibao would suddenly involve him, and he was a little dumbfounded.

"As well as Uncle Azhou and Sister Xiaoying, you will give Daibao a younger sister too!" Daibao said to Azhou again.

Ah Zhou smirked: "I think so too, wait for Xiaoying to agree, she won't even marry me! I will try harder."

In this regard, Aping is ashamed of himself.

A Ping thinks he is smarter than A Zhou, but in this matter, A Zhou crushed A Ping.

Daibao began to snap his fingers: "There is also a godfather and a godmother, so Jiangzi Daibao can have many younger sisters! But you have to remember to have a beautiful one!"

Khan da da, Ah Ping was really defeated by Daibao.

The little master is really mighty, he assigned tasks to all of them at once.

(End of this chapter)

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