Chapter 849 Dumb, Uncle Ye Zi is your real father

Su Wanyi looked down at the dumb-looking Dai Bao.

At this moment, Daibao was completely dizzy.

I have no idea what the fuck is talking about.

His small processor can't handle such a complicated information flow at all, and is currently in a half-dead state...

Su Wan thought that the reason why he approached her and said he wanted to marry her at first was probably because Daibao was his son.


Su Wanyi sighed softly from the bottom of her heart.

Knowing that Dai Bao's biological father was not a real beggar but Ye Yuxian whom he was familiar with, was an extremely complicated matter for Su Wanyi.

It shouldn't be a bad thing.

It's better to be him than to be someone who doesn't know anyone.

But at the same time, it also brought another problem.

This made her unable to treat Ye Yuxian with the same eyes as before.

There is a fool between them, this is a fact that nothing can change.

Daibao blinked his eyes, why did mother keep sighing?
Didn't my mother say it herself, you can't keep talking about anger, it will make you grow old.



"Do you like your Uncle Ye Zi?"

"En!" Daibao nodded heavily, without a second of hesitation.

"Then you want him to be your father?" Su Wanyi asked.

Little Daibao has mentioned it more than once.

"Hmm!" Daibao's eyes were filled with excitement.

You can read his expectation for this matter from his expression.

Su Wan thought, what should she say to Ye Yuxian, but Dai Bao likes Ye Yuxian, and Ye Yuxian also likes Dai Bao, and he is sincerely good to Dai Bao.

She couldn't deprive him of the right to get along with the child as a real father.

Su Wanyi sighed again.

Then a decision was made.

"Daibao, mother told you one thing. Mother lied to you when she said that your father had passed away." Su Wanyi patiently explained the matter to Daibao.

"Huh?" Daibao was stunned.

"Because mother didn't know where he was or who he was, mother couldn't find him. Mother didn't want Daibao to be sad, so she lied to Daibao that he had passed away."

Su Wanyi believes that Daibao is already sensible, and he may not understand the complicated things between adults, but as long as she carefully explains this matter to him, he can understand it.

"Is Dumbboy's father good-looking?"

Daibao asked seriously.

Su Wanyi: "..."

Son, when your mother and I tell you such a serious question, can you not let your mother and I break my work for a second!
You hopeless face control!

"In the past, mother didn't know who he was, where he was, let alone what he looked like, but just now mother found out that Dai Bao's real father is none other than your Uncle Yezi." Su Wanyi continued Explain to Dumb.

"Huh?" Daibao's mouth grew so big that it could fit an egg in it.

"Uncle Ye Zi is Daibao's biological father?" Daibao pointed to his little nose to confirm with his mother.

"Well, yes." Su Wanyi replied.

Today in Jingchi, many things happened between the two.

While soaking in the pool, he took off his clothes.

She saw his chest.

There should have been a wound there.

Even if the wound heals, there should be a big scar.


Nothing at all.

He was flat and smooth without any scars.

The powerful self-healing ability is exactly the same as Daibao's.

(End of this chapter)

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