Chapter 854 Your Mother, I Wasn't Broken On The First Day

She also has the appearance of a three-year-old, and she is also very cute!
This poor treatment is too much, right?

"If you can't coax Daibao well, you can die to me." Ye Yuxian said coldly.

This is more ruthless.

And I feel that he is not just talking, but really wants to chop people up.

"It's okay for them, I'm your aunt after all..." Feng Ling was also heartbroken.

"I didn't even recognize my own mother, where is my aunt?"

My son recognized it.

I don't know where the aunt who came out can compare with her own son?

"I..." Feng Ling found herself speechless.

Well, admit it.

She still expects this couple to give birth to a new saint for her, so she can only bear it, hey.

Dai Baosa Yazi ran into the house and threw herself into his mother's arms with an aggrieved expression on her face.

"Mother, mother, Daibao wants a younger sister, so quickly give Daibao a younger sister." Daibao pouted, crying.

"Don't talk nonsense, how can you be so lucky, how can you win the lottery every time?!"


"Ahem, it's nothing, my sister or something will let your godfather and mother give birth." Su Wanyi dumped the blame on Bai Yunshan and Zuo Runzhi.

"Daibao doesn't want other people's sisters anymore, other people's sisters will become aunts..."

Dai Bao was stimulated, very, very much.

"It's okay, if you get cheated a few more times, you will learn to be smart."


"Your mother, I didn't break down on the first day."

Woohoo, he might have been picked up by his mother.

Dai Bao sniffed, his little face was full of grievances.

Su Wanyi laughed at the little guy's pitiful appearance: "Okay, be good, that aunt of yours is a special case, and ordinary little sisters are real little sisters, and they won't lie."

The son's psychological shadow still needs to be enlightened, otherwise it will be bad if he has a shadow on the beautiful sister in the future.

Dai Bao still pouted, looking very sad.

"Daibao wants a beautiful sister, a really beautiful sister, not a mother-in-law." The beautiful sister is gone, and life is gloomy.

"There are not so many fake sisters. That mother-in-law also became like that because of injury and illness."


"Well, she didn't mean to become like this to deceive Daibao. Of course, she didn't tell Daibao in advance that she was not good, she was bad, and when she came back, mother would beat her up for you and didn't give her a meal. Eat, okay?"

For Daibao, spanking and not giving food are two major tortures, and they are the most serious punishment.

"Yeah!" Dai Bao nodded, "Hungry, if she didn't do it on purpose, just go hungry."

Since he was sick, he shouldn't be so angry with her.

After the excitement, everyone dispersed.

Even Dai Bao took his grandfather's hand and went outside.

Only Su Wanyi was left in the room, Ye Yuxian did not leave outside the room.

Through a door, both of them could detect each other's presence.

Su Wanyi walked to the door, hesitated for a while, but still did not open the door.

With his back against the door, he knew that the person outside the door was close at hand.

When Ye Yuxian noticed Su Wanyi approaching, he couldn't help becoming nervous.

Both could hear each other's breathing.

so close.

Also that far.

"Love." Ye Yuxian opened his mouth after a long time.

Su Wanyi could hear it, but didn't respond.

She knew that even if she didn't speak, Ye Yuxian knew she was there.

(End of this chapter)

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