Chapter 858 Iron Eater

"The holy stone is an absolutely sacred existence of our Yun clan. It has been like this since the existence of our Yun clan. We don't know where it came from and why it is like this. This kind of obedience is engraved in our blood."

After listening to Feng Ling's words, Su Wanyi touched her chin thoughtfully.

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to see the holy stone first, I can't do things that are completely out of luck." Su Wanyi said.

"It's not impossible for you to see it, but the holy stone is guarded by iron-eating beasts, and ordinary people can't get close to it." Feng Ling explained.

"Iron-eater?" Su Wanyi's eyes lit up.

"That's right, the iron-eating beast used to be Chi You's mount, and it's extremely ferocious." Feng Ling said.

"Is it black and white hair?" Su Wanyi asked.

"Yes, exactly the same as in the legend."

"I want to see it even more." Su Wanyi looked forward to it inexplicably.

Feng Ling was very puzzled, and didn't understand why Su Wanyi became more excited after hearing about the iron-eating beast.

Feng Ling said again: "Then what are you going to do with the blood pool? I heard that she arrested some Chizong people again to fill the vacancy of Chu Yu who fled. And this time the charges are even more serious." It's right."

Chu Yu ran away in public, confirming the charge of treason they charged Chizong.

So the Holy Maiden ordered to further investigate Chizong thoroughly, arresting people from Chizong who had been in contact with Chu Yu and the others on weekdays for interrogation.

It was said to be an interrogation, but in fact they were all escorted to feed the blood pool.

Su Wanyi said: "Of course it will be destroyed. If it is not destroyed, wait for her to use some strange forbidden technique to..."

As she said that, Su Wanyi glanced at Ye Yuxian.

Ye Yuxian has been looking at Su Wanyi.

The eyes of the two met, and after a moment of collision, Su Wanyi quickly looked away.

"We can't let her succeed, the blood pool must be destroyed." Su Wanyi continued.

"If it is destroyed, what kind of destruction is it?" Feng Ling asked, she wanted to hear Su Wanyi's opinion.

"Let go of all the people she caught." Su Wanyi said, "Without these people, she won't be able to catch more people for a while, and the Holy Judgment will be in three days. If the Holy Judgment turns out to be her defeat , she can no longer order people from the Yun clan to help her catch more people."

This is the most direct and effective way to solve the problem.

But it is very difficult to implement at the same time.

That's not one or two people, it's hundreds of people!
This is the most central location of the entire Four Kingdoms Virtual Mirror. It is unprecedented for so many captives to pass through the defense lines of the Four Kingdoms Virtual Mirror and go to the outside world.

Feng Ling also felt that Su Wanyi was whimsical.

"It's okay if you want to let go of one or two. Like Chu Yu and the others, if you save them, you'll save them. Just hide them here. How are you going to save those hundreds of people?"

Feng Ling questioned this.

"Then do you have a better solution?" Su Wanyi asked Fengling back.

"It seems... not..." Feng Ling said.

As long as those people are in her sister's hands, she can kill them at any time and drain their blood to make a blood pool.

"I agree with Wanyi..." Ye Yuxian stated.

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone looked at him strangely.

Your Majesty, please stop talking. If you don't say anything, we all know that you must support Su Wanyi's ideas.

So it doesn't matter if you say it or not.

We don't believe that you dare to stand up and say at this time, I will oppose you in the evening.

 I finally adjusted it back~ Phew~~~Resume zero-point update~~
(End of this chapter)

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