Chapter 861 Successfully Bought the Iron Eater
Those bamboos were eaten by the iron-eating beast in a short while, and then it walked towards Su Wanyi with its chubby body.

Su Wanyi still has milk and goat's milk left in her hands, and she packed them in a water bag.

She wasn't quite sure what the iron eater would like to drink, either.

When the iron-eating beast approached and grabbed Su Wanyi's legs with its two front hooves, Fengling instinctively retreated a few steps.

Su Wanyi took out the bag containing the goat's milk and gave the iron-eater a sniff.

Then the iron-eater opened its mouth wide, and began to lick it.

The goat's milk in the water bag successfully conquered the iron eater.

There is no resistance at all.

Feng Ling was dumbfounded.

In the end, he snatched the water bag from Su Wanyi's hand and ate it by himself.

The chubby body sat on the ground, holding the water bag in its two front paws, with a satisfied expression on its face.

I go!

Feng Ling didn't know what to say.

Can it really work?

The one on the ground, the guy holding the water bag filled with goat milk and chewing for a while is really an iron eater?
Why does it look so soft and cute?
I kind of... kind of want to touch it...

The water bag was not full, only a small drop.

The iron eater quickly drank the goat milk in the water bag.

It shook the empty bag in its paws for a long time.

After confirming that no drop of goat milk could be shaken out, the iron-eating beast crawled towards Su Wanyi again, stretching out its paws to try to reach another water bag she was carrying.

The two bags are the same, but the one on Su Wanyi's body is still heavy.

"Do you want to eat? If you want to eat you, let me touch you... Oh no, let me see that stone, okay?"

It's more important to get down to business, let's talk about it later when we have a chance.

Although Su Wan wanted to do this for a long time.

It was impossible before.

The iron-eating beast bit Su Wanyi's clothes corner, and dragged Su Wanyi towards the holy stone.

Not a second of hesitation.

Feng Ling was dumbfounded.

Well, you are a beast guarding the holy stone!Could you be a little more conscientious?
At least you have to struggle a little bit!
Just for a few bites, you just forget your duties?
Are you really good like this?
Su Wanyi was brought in front of the holy stone by the iron-eating beast.

As soon as he approached the holy stone, the light and shadow in front of him changed again.

The picture in front of me is changing rapidly, starting from a long time ago and continuing to the present.

Every little thing that happened near this holy stone,

When she woke up, the iron-eating beast under her feet was still pulling at the corner of her clothes, as if wondering why she stopped.

Su Wanyi continued to move forward, and when she got closer, she could clearly see the rules and regulations written on the holy stone.

But other than that, nothing special happened.

Is this holy stone really that sacred?
Su Wanyi turned her head and looked at Fengling with puzzled eyes.

Feng Ling said: "It's always like this, if you get close to it, it's like an ordinary rock."

"If I knock it once, will it respond?" Su Wanyi asked.

"You'll know if you get closer." Feng Ling said.

After hearing Su Wanyi's words, she wanted to get closer.

But when she reached the third step, she was blocked by a huge force.

It was like facing a typhoon of magnitude [-] or [-], and it was impossible to take another step forward.

It looks ordinary, but it contains a powerful force that human beings cannot resist.

In this case, there is no difference whether there is an iron-eating beast guarding it or not.

(End of this chapter)

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