Chapter 969 Don’t Want Grandpa’s Gift For Nothing
Liusu didn't know that Ye Yuxian and the others were leaving tomorrow.

But she found out that Su Wanyi was pregnant again.

So she came to look for Su Wanyi again.

She keeps showing up recently, and everyone is used to it.

They have also mastered the ability to ignore her.

But this time was different, Tassel held a spear wrapped in cloth in his hand.

Everyone guessed that the thing wrapped in the white cloth should be the Mingfeng Divine Spear.

The reason why it is wrapped is because the tassels cannot make the sharp gun recognize the master.

Liusu handed the Mingfeng gun to Ye Yuxian.

Ye Yuxian didn't answer.

"Take this gun, and you will have all four magical weapons," Liusu said.

Ye Yuxian still ignored her.

He has no obsession with magic soldiers.

What gathers the four heaven and earth magic soldiers, what is the mission of the cloud clan.

Liusu said again: "I didn't give it to you, it was given to you by your father. He originally wanted you to inherit this sharp gun."

"I'm not good to you. It's our business that you hate me, but he didn't. It's not that he doesn't want to be responsible to you. He just can't come back."

It was difficult to say this sentence, but Tassel managed it.

She is learning to face reality.

Only then did Ye Yuxian react.

Because of his own experience, Ye Yuxian seemed to be able to understand the feelings of his father whom he had never met.

Su Wanyi took a step forward and took the gun for Ye Yuxian.

"Okay, I have to give up the gift from grandpa. The child's father has a magic sword in his hand, and my stomach doesn't have a good weapon!" Su Wanyi said.

Don't be polite to Tassel!

This is the heaven and earth magic weapon!Don't be in vain!
Su Wanyi's words made everyone feel that they were both reasonable and unacceptable.

Reasonably, this is really nothing to excuse.

What is unacceptable is that your family of three already has three hands, and this is the last one left, and you don't plan to let it go!It's really not giving outsiders a chance!
The magic weapons have become exclusive to your family, how do you make those who chase after the magic weapons for most of their lives get nothing?
The key point is that this last blow is for Su Wanyi's future daughter who is as big as a soybean in her stomach.

What does it mean to win at the starting line?

You have already reached the pinnacle of other people's life in the womb!

Su Wanyi accepted it, and Ye Yuxian had no objection.

But he still couldn't tell Liusu.

"Yu Xian, what do you want your mother to do so that you don't hate her?" Liusu still couldn't help it, called Ye Yuxian to stop, and asked him.

"What do you need to do, because I don't hate you." Ye Yuxian said, "I just don't have a mother. When we met five years ago, I told you that I gave you back all my flesh and blood. It doesn't matter anymore."

Ye Yuxian almost lost his life that time, and also ruined his cultivation.

He has already died once.

The scene of Ye Yuxian stabbing himself with a knife appeared in front of Liusu's eyes.

With each knife, blood flowed all over the ground.

But he smiled and said to her: "You said these are yours, then I will pay you back. I, Ye Yuxian, don't like to owe others."

After he finished speaking, he cut his face to pieces.

Never been in love.

So no matter what Liusu did, she would no longer be Ye Yuxian's mother.

He has no mother.

It was Su Wanyi who taught him "family" and "relatives", not the mother who was supposed to love him and raise him.

Liusu said with tears: "I see, I no longer expect you to recognize me as a mother, but only ask you to continue to allow me to appear in front of you."

(End of this chapter)

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