Chapter 982 It's not really haunted, is it?
Su Wanyi came over to check.

As Gao Haiyang said, the death of the deceased was ugly.

Feng Ling said: "This person should have been dead for a few days."

Bai Yunshan also felt the creeps: "It's not really haunted, is it?"

Zuo Runzhi comforted him: "Don't think about it, there is a possibility of monsters, ghosts are impossible."

Gao Haiyang also quickly said: "That's right, it must be the ghost emissary of the Ghost Realm Saint, not a female ghost, everyone, don't think about it."

After Ye Yuxian glanced at the corpse, he curled his lips into a smile.

Su Wanyi noticed his smile, it seemed that he already knew something.

Su Wanyi leaned closer to Ye Yuxian and asked in a low voice, "It seems that you are very good at this kind of thing?"

At the time of the Black Mirror, he took out the Black Mirror as soon as he made a move, and when he was in the Black Bat Realm, he could also take down the Black Bat King.

This guy seems to be good at this kind of insane stuff.

He is truly worthy of his title of "Sage of Ghost Domain".

Ye Yuxian leaned close to Su Wanyi's ear, "If you want to learn, I can teach you, okay?"

After speaking, he smiled temptingly.

Su Wanyi found that she had been infected by Bai Yunshan recently, and her resistance to beauties plummeted.

Obviously, she didn't feel much about Ye Yuxian in the past, and she could remain calm even if he was so magnificent.

Unlike now, when he whispered a few words in his ear, and then showed a seductive smile, her heartbeat seemed to be on the accelerator.

Su Wanyi hurriedly distanced herself from Ye Yuxian, and then turned her attention to the corpse in front of her that attracted everyone's attention.

Gao Haiyang ordered: "Everyone look around, the lair of that thing must be nearby!"

Although everyone in Qingyang Sect was afraid, they had to obey the arrangement of the Sect Master.

The formation spread out slightly, and everyone began to expand the scope of the search.

Suddenly, a scream from a disciple was heard.

Everyone heard the words and hurriedly chased in the direction of the sound.

The disciple accidentally stepped on the air and fell from the ground.

The person didn't die, but fell under Hei Buliuqiu, which made the disciple tremble with fright.

"Sect master, help me, sect master, save me quickly!"

The man appealed to the crowd above for help.

The cave looked a bit deep, and there was quite a lot of space underneath.

Gao Haiyang immediately judged that this was the lair of the monster: "This cave may have something to do with that thing, let's go down now."

It is said that the disciples of Qingyangmen are afraid and nervous.

They cheered themselves up one after another. As cultivated people, they should take the responsibility of protecting ordinary villagers as a matter of course. At this time, they can't back down at all.

Although I cheered myself up, when it was time to jump down, everyone hesitated again.

Fear is instinctive.

Just when the disciples of Qingyangmen hesitated.

Ye Yuxian and the others have already started to jump down.

One by one, simply and neatly, without the slightest hesitation.

Even Daibao, the youngest, jumped without hesitation.

"Tuan Tuan, let's dance together!" Dai Bao said to Tuan Tuan.

Following the two groups of cute creatures, they jumped down.

Ye Yuxian below caught one with each hand, and the two cute creatures giggled in his arms.

Seeing Ye Yuxian and the others dance so decisively, everyone in Qingyangmen couldn't hesitate anymore.

Come down one after another.

Gao Haiyang left ten people to meet him at the entrance of the cave, and the rest followed him into the cave.

After coming down, I found that the space in this cave is really big, and all 30 of them can stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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