Chapter 988 That Ghost Realm Saint Venerable Is Very Evil
Because a woman knows that she has no relatives, no one may bury herself when she dies outside, and even those who bullied her will look at her corpse and laugh at her.

She doesn't want to do this.

She told the statue that she could not die in its territory, as it would be disrespectful to it.

But she didn't want to leave too far, because only this place made her feel safe.

The last time she came, she also wiped the statue, and during the cleaning process, the statue was moved by her.

It was this action that destroyed the original demon-suppressing seal.

Followed her to hang himself.

And she didn't become a ghost in the end.

It's just that her prayers these years have come true. The demonized spirit monkey that came out of the town golem was constantly affected by her resentment and hatred for five years, and finally became the ghost she didn't turn into, seeking revenge from the people in the village. .

After reading the whole story, everyone was silent for a while.

The magic monkey is very weak, the resentment of an ordinary girl can't give the magic monkey too much strength.

It doesn't take much time for Ye Yuxian to solve it.

It knew from the very beginning that it was no match for Ye Yuxian and the others, so when it came to the entrance of the village last night, it sensed Ye Yuxian and the others and ran away.

When Ye Yuxian and the others found its lair, it didn't want Ye Yuxian and the others to destroy that place, so it tried to scare them away by creating vibrations.

But the story itself is a sad one.

After Chu Yu read the story, she got up without saying a word, Chu Xia and Chu Chen hurriedly chased after seeing this.

I saw Chu Yu heading towards the mountain.

Su Wanyi didn't stop her.

Han Yuanfeng asked, "Where are they going?"

Su Wanyi said: "She probably wants that girl to be buried in peace."

Chu Yu himself has experienced pain and despair, and he also knows the pain of being helpless.

That woman lived in this small world, isolated and helpless, unable to resist, so she hoped that she could become a ghost.

This poor and sad wish.

Ye Yuxian had already settled the matter, but the people of Qingyangmen didn't know about it. For them, the unknown danger was still there, and ghosts and ghosts would come to them at any time.

After the break, Gao Haiyang brought his disciples to discuss with Ye Yuxian again.

"Mr. Ye, I would like to borrow your three master guards from you." Gao Haiyang said, "It is daytime now, and the power of that ghost should be restricted. I want to take this opportunity to get rid of it. Of course, Mr. Ye and Madam doesn’t need to go, it’s safe for everyone to stay in the village during the day.”

Ye Yuxian replied: "My three master guards have the same thoughts as the master master, so they have already gone to the cave last night."

"What?" Hearing this, Gao Haiyang was surprised, and after taking a closer look, he found that the three of Chu Yu, Chu Xia and Chu Chen were really not there.

Gao Haiyang was in a hurry: "Why didn't Mr. Ye tell us? We also want to go with them, how many people can take care of us!"

Ye Yuxian said unhurriedly: "Master Gao, don't worry, since they have gone, they must be sure, and the ghosts probably can't do anything to them."

Gao Haiyang didn't think so: "Young Master Ye, you can't take it lightly. Although it's daytime, the Ghost Realm Lord is very evil. The ghosts he released must not be so easy to deal with!"

Hearing this, Han Yuanfeng next to him smiled gloatingly.

Su Wanyi felt that this evaluation was fairly fair, and Ye Yuxian was indeed quite wicked.

(End of this chapter)

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