Chapter 1037
Yue Jinhan glanced at her book.

He remembered that this was the book he was holding when he and Nasha met in the corridor.

Yue Jinhan suddenly felt disgusted.

Although he didn't like Nasha, he still knew what kind of character Nasha was.

According to his understanding of Nasha, it is absolutely impossible for Nasha to read such obscure books.

It's not just Nasha, the possibility of ordinary people liking this kind of book is very small, unless they are people who are particularly interested in this aspect.

After a little thought, Yue Jinhan could figure out that the reason why Nasha read this book in front of him was just to pretend for him to read it.

He finds such a woman disgusting.

But in fact, it was only because Yue Jinhan didn't like Nasha, so whatever Nasha did was wrong.

If it was Yue Xilian who was reading a book that she couldn't understand but Yue Jinhan liked very much, then Yue Jinhan would only think that Yue Xilian was cute and couldn't stop wanting to tease her .

without feeling disgusted.

Therefore, when the same thing is done by different people, the effect is often different.

This day, Yue Jinhan didn't say a word to Nasha.

Even if it's just pretending, he doesn't want to.


During the lunch break, Qing Ge sat in the car and used his notebook and Nanyin video.

"Morning, Nanyin." The domestic time is early morning.

"Morning, Qingge." Nanyin's eyes were black and blue, it seemed that he didn't sleep well last night.

Qing Ge knew very well why Nanyin didn't sleep well, so she didn't ask any more questions.

"Nanyin, I have an IP here, please check it for me." After speaking, Qing Ge sent the IP that the man gave to her.

"Alright Qingge, wait a moment." Nanyin typed on the keyboard after receiving the string of numbers.

Qing Ge also took the opportunity to have lunch in the car.

Xu Jingyao and Yue Jinhan ate and talked together, so she was the only one in the car.

"We found it." Ten minutes later, Nan Yin said.

"Where is it?" Qing Ge had only eaten half of his meal.

"Emperor Capital, Pinjin Cave." Nanyin looked up at the camera and said seriously.

imperial capital.

Qin Yuyan, who was heavily made up, was sitting on the bed with a cigarette in her left hand and her phone in her right hand, as if she was waiting for something.

"Trash, you agreed to give me the result today. What time is it now, and there is no news yet!" Qin Yuyan threw her phone on the bed, rolling her eyes with heavy eye makeup.

The obvious false eyelashes almost didn't fall off because of this white eye.

knock knock knock.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Qin Yuyan's voice was hoarse.

Compared with her original voice, it added a bit of mature and sexy charm, but it lacked the youthful vigor that should belong to her age.

Sister Wu walked in from the outside with a flattering smile.

"What's wrong?" Qin Yuyan was impatient, as if she was annoyed when she saw Sister Wu.

"Well, Sister Yan, Mr. Wang said he wanted to see you." Sister Wu's tone was very flattering, and she respected Qin Yuyan's title.

How could he still have the aura of looking down on her and trying to kill her at the beginning.

"No." Qin Yuyan directly refused.

"Oh my little ancestor, you have already rejected Mr. Wang once, this time you must not refuse again~" Sister Wu persuaded Qin Yuyan with nice words.

"If I say I won't see you, then I won't see you." Qin Yuyan flicked the cigarette in her hand in Sister Wu's direction.

If Sister Wu hadn't retreated quickly, she would have been hit and scalded.

(End of this chapter)

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