Chapter 1039 How Did She Know His Cell Phone Number

So she invited three.

And why are there six people participating in the mission?
The remaining three are the "apprentices" of the three agents, who came out to see the world by the way.

It's a pity that they all died in Qing Ge's hands.

The three agents agreed to operate late at night and reply to Qin Yuyan at six o'clock this morning.

But now it is already 06:30, and there is no news.

After Qin Yuyan scolded Sister Wu, she began to scold these secret agents.

"What nonsense agents? Why don't we just let them kill Mo Qingge? Why is the work efficiency so low?
Still ranked in the top [-], I think it's almost as low as the man I was looking for last time! "

Qin Yuyan already had a premonition.

They haven't replied yet, so they probably were killed by Mo Qingge.

Kill it and kill it.

Qin Yuyan took out another cigarette and lit it.

She's here now, not to mention how safe she is.

In order not to let her get hurt, Mr. Wang specially arranged people around this circle to protect her.

Even if Mo Qingge wanted to seek revenge on her, he had to pass Mr. Wang's test first.

Although she didn't know who Mr. Wang was, she heard that there was a lot of power behind it.

The nature is different from the four big families, but the status may be almost the same.

It was also Qin Yuyan's first time hearing about this character. In her impression, there seemed to be no such awesome person in the imperial capital.

At first, she also thought that the king was always pretending.

But from Mr. Wang's behavior of throwing cards again and again, and the money in the card, it can be seen that this Mr. Wang is at least financially strong.

So the rumors are not necessarily false.

Qin Yuyan chose to believe it.

Therefore, even if Mo Qingge and Xu Jingyao were together for such a No. [-] person, they would be tied at most, and there was no way to fight.

Qin Yuyan took a deep breath of the cigarette and closed her eyes.

She always hated the smell of cigarettes before, but since falling into hell, she has fallen in love with the slightly pungent stimulation in her throat.

It seems that only in this way can she feel that she is really living in this world.

Sister Wu exited Qin Yuyan's room with a smiling face.

As soon as the door was closed, the smile on his face disappeared.

Why didn't he want to kill this little girl?

It's just that he caught a powerful Mr. Wang and started to show face to him!

If it wasn't for Qin Yuyan's use value and making money, Sister Wu would have killed her long ago.

Anyway, there is no way to kill Qin Yuyan now.

Not only can it not be killed, but it has to be raised well.

Who made this big fish fall in love with this dead girl.

Thinking of this, Sister Wu sighed silently.

Suddenly, the phone in his pocket vibrated.

When I took it out, it was a call from an unfamiliar number.

For a person like Sister Wu, no matter who calls, he will answer the call.

Maybe it's a business.

Press to answer.

"Sister Wu, long time no see." A voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't remember whose voice appeared on the other side.

"I'm sorry, I've been in contact with too many people these days. I didn't remember who you are for a while. May I ask who you are?"

"Qin Yuyan isn't dead yet?"

As soon as these words came out, Sister Wu remembered.

"Hey, it's you, why did you remember to call me?" Sister Wu asked with ease.

He did add Qing Ge's WeChat account, but his WeChat account is not his mobile phone number.

So how did Qing Ge know his cell phone number?

(End of this chapter)

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