Chapter 1120 Evidence
Seeing that Qing Ge was so persistent, Nasha told her what happened after she fell into a coma.

"Ahem, look, am I right? If you want him to notice you, you have to show your talent, you, cough..."

"Qing Ge, stop talking, it hurts me to see you like this!" Nasha's tears were about to fall.

"Okay, then I'll squint for a while." Qing Ge also knew that it wouldn't have much effect if he acted miserably.

When Xu Jingyao came back, he saw that Qing Ge seemed to have fallen asleep again.

Hearing the sound, Qing Ge closed his eyes and opened them.

"Do you want to eat now or wait a while?" Xu Jingyao asked very gently.

"Eat now." Qing Ge moved his body.

"Don't move!" Xu Jingyao raised his voice slightly, dropped his things, quickly came to her side, and helped her lift up.

Nasha looked at this scene and felt that she couldn't do anything by herself and was very useless.

On the contrary, Qing Ge has been calming her down.

Qing Ge fell asleep after eating.

Because Nasha was almost killed, Elb quickly rushed back to the country of Sam to investigate the matter.

However, no matter what method he used, there was no way to find the surveillance video at that time.

And those who died couldn't guess their identities at all.

Just when he was at a loss, Nasha appeared with evidence.

"Nasa, where did this thing come from?" Elb asked in shock, looking at the video data on the hard drive.

Because the evidence in this material points directly to Adam of the Wood family.

In other words, this sudden attack was planned by Adam alone?

Adam, doesn't he want to maintain the superficial peace of the Wood family and the Adrian family?
"Father, Xu Jingyao commissioned a well-known Chinese hacker to investigate these.

On the night when this incident happened, when Qing Ge was still in the operating room, I heard him call someone to ask him to investigate the incident.

In the past few days, he finally found out! "

Nasha was also very emotional.

She said, who on earth is so short-sighted and wants to kill her?
It turned out to be someone from a hostile family!
Erb watched the surveillance video over and over again.

He couldn't find any flaws.

That said, this video is real!

It proves this from two angles.

One is where Adam's car is, and the other is what happened in the restaurant by the sea.

It can be seen from the monitoring that in the restaurant, when someone answered the phone, Adam just dialed out the phone.

After Adam hung up the phone, the man started to do it.

"Father, Mo Qingge is my friend, she was injured so badly to save me, you must avenge her!"

"Nasa, that kind of injury is nothing." Erbu didn't care much about Qing Ge's injury.

"Father, Mo Qingge also advised me to ease the relationship between me and Yue Jinhan, and now the relationship between me and Yue Jinhan has really eased!" Nasha kept talking about Qingge in front of Erbu good words.

Obviously, this sentence moved Erb more than the previous sentence.

"You said your relationship with Yue Jinhan has eased?" Elb looked at Nasha.

"Yes, it's because Mo Qingge gave me ideas."

"Nasa, even if Mo Qingge doesn't get hurt, I will punish this Adam properly.

Today's juniors really don't talk about any rules, they dare to move anything! "

(End of this chapter)

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