Agent Fest

Chapter 14 Poor School Grass

Chapter 14 Poor School Grass
"Mo Qingge!" Li Qiutong yelled angrily, "I'm sorry!"

"Gao Ziwen." Qing Ge reminded.

Li Qiutong reluctantly said, "Gao Ziwen is sorry."

"Also, remember to go to the English teacher and give me a new paper." Qing Ge stepped off the podium and returned to her seat.

The whole class was in an uproar.

In less than a morning, Mo Qingge actually made Yun Xin and Li Qiutong feel embarrassed one after another.

Many people silently decided in their hearts that they should stay away from Mo Qingge in the future, otherwise they would definitely be implicated by her.

Li Qiutong, on the other hand, already hated Mo Qingge who made her embarrassing, and was thinking about how to retaliate.

A math class ends in the blink of an eye.

After class, Teacher Jiang dragged Mo Qingge to the office to talk.

It was nothing more than encouraging Mo Qingge to participate in the math competition, praising Mo Qingge for being smart, and saying that Mo Qingge would definitely develop well in the future.

Coming out of the office, Mo Qingge, who was forced by Teacher Jiang to imagine the future, began to think about what she lacked the most.


She had to have money before she could afford to buy the equipment she wanted, and then she could re-enter the secret service and know who betrayed her.

But now she is a high school student with very weak functions and cannot accept the job of an agent.

How to make money then?

Just when Qing Ge was thinking about this important issue, she bumped into someone head-on.

"Hey, isn't this the little idiot from class three?"

"What's the matter, today's drama is a chance encounter?"

Two joking voices sounded.

Qing Ge rubbed his forehead, glanced at the person he hit, said "Sorry" and wanted to leave.

"Hey, hey? So it's not a chance meeting today, it's just trying to get you?" Another man blocked Qing Ge's way.

According to Qingxia's information, Mo Qingge has a long-time crush, Yu Baifei, a senior high school student.

And on the day when Mo Qingge was taken back to Qin's house after school, Mo Qingge finally plucked up the courage to stuff the love letter into Yu Baifei's drawer.

Now that he ran into Yu Baifei, Qing Ge had to clean up this mess.

It's just that Qing Ge never likes to deal with these romantic matters.

"Let me go." She raised her head and said coldly at the boy blocking the way.

The boy was taken aback by Qing Ge's eyes.

"What are you pretending for? Don't you just want to attract Yu Baifei's attention? I advise you to go home and look in the mirror. Don't be ugly!"

The boy came back to his senses and found that he was shocked by this fool, and was watched by many people, so he couldn't help but cursed a few words.

"That's right, we Bai Fei will never like you! Only the school belle of class six can be worthy of Bai Fei!" Another boy echoed.

Qing Ge wanted to laugh when he heard these words.

This is youth. Boys and girls discuss who they like every day besides studying.

What a bunch of cute and annoying little fart kids.

"why are you laughing?"

A slightly deep voice sounded beside Qing Ge's ears.

From the corner of Qing Ge's eyes, she could see many girls committing nympho at the classroom door and by the windows.

"I laughed, you are so pitiful." Qing Ge raised his head and looked at Yu Baifei.

Her eyes hidden behind the frame are like a thousand-year-old well, so quiet that there are no waves.

"What nonsense are you talking about? What's so pitiful about Bai Fei? You are the one who is pitiful!" The boy beside Yu Baifei said proudly.

"He has the name and skin of a school grass, but the self-cultivation inside cannot support these two words, and the person involved is still complacent. Isn't this pitiful?"

 Wuli Qingge's mouth skills are really MAX~
(End of this chapter)

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