Chapter 213 Daisy
After getting in the car, Lance asked Qing Ge if what he said just now was scolding him, and he would not drive unless Qing Ge answered.

Qing Ge said, are you afraid of not having a car when you have a mobile phone?If Lance doesn't drive, they just get out of the car and take Didi.

When Qing Ge said that, Lance shut his mouth in embarrassment, entered the restaurant Qing Ge mentioned in the navigation, and drove silently without speaking.

He still comforted himself in his heart that he was not fussing over children, but he was actually afraid that Qing Ge would not participate in the Chinese Bridge Competition in a fit of anger.

I went to the exchange center this afternoon and already entered Qing Ge's information into the center's database.

The previous Chinese Bridge Competitions were all cooperated by the Exchange Center and the TV station. The information entered into the database of the center has been synchronized to the TV station. At the same time, the start-up plan of the TV station will be activated.

The opening ceremony of the Chinese Bridge Competition will be broadcast live on TV next Monday. If Qing Ge does not go, the consequences will not be acceptable to a little Lance.

Lance has experienced Qing Ge's temperament a little bit, and knows that she is different from ordinary students.

So he should try his best not to mess with her.

After driving for 10 minutes, they finally arrived at the restaurant Qing Ge mentioned.

The warm orange light illuminates the restaurant warmly and beautifully. Just standing at the door, you can see a lot of AC Milan ornaments on the walls inside.

A burst of melodious piano sounds slowly came from the house, as if it could cleanse people's tired body and mind after a day.

Lance sniffed the air, excited, "I smell spaghetti!"

"Your nose is very sensitive." After Qing Ge threw down a sentence in Huaxia, she and Myron walked into the restaurant.

And Liu Lansi pondered over the hidden lines of her words alone.

What does a sensitive nose mean?

After thinking for a while, Lance decided that he couldn't do this anymore.

Although Mo Qingge looked cold, he couldn't always try to figure out what she said with malice.

Maybe Mo Qingge was really praising him?

The more Lance thought about it, the more likely he felt it was possible. He nodded to himself and entered the restaurant.

The air conditioner with a moderate temperature will not make people feel too cold, it is very comfortable.

Qing Ge chose a place by the window, and small daisies with white petals and yellow stamens were planted on the ground outside the window.

After ordering the dishes, Qing Ge saw that Myron was staring at the daisies outside the window, so he also looked at them, and said in a low voice, "Daisy is the national flower of Italy. It is small and exquisite, beautiful and beautiful, and has high ornamental value." .The Italians think it has a gentleman's style, so the daisy is designated as the national flower."

Hearing these words, an imperceptible light flashed quickly in Myron's eyes, and then raised a sunny smile to look at Qing Ge.

"Are you homesick?" Qing Ge looked into his icy blue eyes, with a hint of concern in her tone that she didn't realize.

"Yeah." Myron nodded slightly, and looked at the patch of daisies outside the window again. "Originally, there were a lot of daisies planted in my yard. My mother planted them herself, but now there are not many left."

"Excuse me, your mother..." Qing Ge asked softly.

"It's been many years since I passed away." Myron's expression didn't change, but there was a hint of sadness in his words.

He stared out of the window and rubbed his thumb, seemingly unconsciously comforting himself.

Qing Ge noticed this detail, and felt pity for the big boy in front of him two points more.

 There is a foreshadowing in this chapter~
(End of this chapter)

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