Agent Fest

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Turning around suspiciously, Qing Ge still felt that someone was following her.

But since she hasn't found that person now, let's wait for someone to show her feet.

Yu Genggen walked behind Qing Ge just like a normal student.

This is the skill that Yu Geng Geng specially cultivated for being a paparazzi-Mount Tai collapses before it collapses.

Seeing that Mo Qingge didn't suspect her, Yu Genggeng was secretly delighted. It seems that she is really a paparazzi material!

After Qing Ge left school, he took the route he had researched in advance, which was the route back to his adoptive parents' house.

Jiang City can barely be regarded as a third-tier city. In the past few years, in order to rectify the appearance of the city, the government has vigorously embarked on demolition and relocation. Everywhere you go, you can see a big "demolition" written on the wall.

Qing Ge had to go through such a piece of demolition ruins on his way home.

When Qing Ge was analyzing which way to make money was more practical, she heard a burst of shouts for help.

"Fuck you, you just left me and ran away! It's a shame that I still treat you as my sisters! Woooooo, don't come close to me! Help!"

Qing Ge's memory for voices was astonishingly good, even if she could only hear vague voices, she could still tell that it was Yun Xin's voice.

Yun Xin was besieged?

What to do with her.

Qing Ge raised his foot and wanted to leave.

"Don't touch me! Ah! Xin Xuanrui, I'm your uncle! If we have the ability, let's fight one-on-one! Let a group of punks come and ruin me! Dong Youmeng! I treat you as a good sister and you push me into the pit of fire! Even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

Qing Ge raised her foot and put it down again.

Yun Xin's current situation is really similar to her when she was in the snow mountain.

One and three are good sisters that Qing Ge used to think, but it was one of them who exposed Qing Ge's location, which caused the mission to fail, and Qing Ge was shot and fell into the snow mountain.

No one understands this feeling of being betrayed better than Qing Ge.

Yun Xin waved the glass fragments from side to side with a ferocious expression, with a vigilant look, for fear that if she was not careful, she would be caught in the air.

In front of her were a few wretched hooligans, and behind her was a half-knocked wall.

Yun Xin's face was scratched, blood was on the corner of her mouth, and her clothes and trousers were covered with mud and dust.

A slit was cut on the chest of the upper body clothes, and a slit was torn on the right trouser leg from the knee to the ankle.

The white moon and thighs are looming.

Yun Xin is actually very pretty, and her figure is even hotter.

The mud all over her body made the skin in the seam of her clothes more fair and attractive.

The few hooligans looked at each other, and they could see the undisguised desire in each other's eyes.

This little girl is nice, but her temper is too wild.

The hooligans were more afraid of the shard of glass in Yun Xin's hand.

"What are you afraid of! At worst, you will be slashed! I will go first, and after you subdue her, I will be the first to enjoy it!" A little hooligan spit on the ground and rushed up without fear of death.

Sure enough, he was only cut twice by Yun Xin, and snatched the shards of glass from Yun Xin's hand.

The rest of the hooligans hurried up, raised Yun Xin's hands above her head and tied them.


Yun Xin's short sleeves and trousers were roughly ripped open by the hooligans, revealing the smooth, tender and sweet girlish skin inside.

"You bastards! Let me go!" Yun Xin struggled desperately, her long legs wanted to kick the hooligan, but unfortunately they held her down hard.

"Hey, little sister, the more intense your struggle, the more excited I will be."

Looking at the hooligans' disgusting lecherous smiles, Yun Xin's eyes turned red, she didn't want to be ruined by these hooligans!don't want!

A few pairs of big rough hands couldn't wait to caress Yun Xin's body, no matter how much Yun Xin twisted, she couldn't get rid of these people's snake-like touch.

Yun Xin's heart was almost desperate, and tears kept rolling down.

She shouted hoarsely: "Can someone help me!"

"This is the demolition area, no one will come to rescue you even if you shout your throat out." He said wretchedly.


 This week, if there are more than 300 recommended tickets, you will get more!

(End of this chapter)

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