Chapter 264 Boss, You Are Too Cruel!
[Boss, I can only find so much. 】

【Um. 】

For Zero, being able to get so much information is enough.

After all, this guy named Jinli is not threatening now, he just needs to know the general background of Jinli.

【However, boss, I found that you've been paying a lot of attention to Mo Qingge recently.Firstly, it was because she revealed her identity when she returned to Jiang City, and now she had to investigate the people she came into contact with.Boss, do you have a problem? 】

There was a vibration on the desktop, and Mu Zuoxuan's text message ended with a smirk, which looked really cheap.

Zero picked up the phone with a blank expression, and tapped the screen quickly with his knuckle-knuckle fingers.

Mu Zuoxuan was sitting on the carpet in the living room, looking at the computer and laughing.

The boss must feel shy after seeing his text message, right?
What does it look like if the boss is shy?Oops, I really want to see it!

Yue Xilian came out of the small kitchen with a cup of tea, and was about to send it to Yue Jinhan.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Mu Zuoxuan's face with a wicked smile.

"Tu Bimu, are you okay? Why are you smirking?"

"Hey, little Lianlian, do you want to see the boss blushing shyly?" Mu Zuoxuan smiled and raised his head, as if he had already seen it.

"You didn't take your medicine today, did you? How could Brother Jing Yao be blushing with embarrassment?" Yue Xilian looked at him with a look of "Made mentally retarded". After giving him a heavy look of contempt, she opened Yue Jinhan's room and walked in.

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)cut~~" Mu Zuoxuan rolled his eyes at Yue Xilian's back, and then laughed to himself.

"Ding dong."

At this time, his mobile phone beeped, and there was a text message.

When he clicked on the text message and read it, he let out a miserable cry.

"Tubimu, what's the matter with you?" Yue Xilian opened the door and asked angrily.

"Oh my god! The boss is too cruel! He actually asked me to train at the S-level training intensity for two hours a day! S-level, two hours!!" Mu Xuanxuan hugged his head and was about to hit the coffee table. His tone was full of hopelessness.

"I received a text message, and the boss asked me to supervise you." Yue Jinhan in a white suit came out of the room with his mobile phone in his hand, and said with a smile in his eyes.

"Oh my God, do I want to live again! Boss, you are playing for real! I just made a joke, and you are going to punish me like this! Boss, you want to avenge yourself! You all know that I am a technical talent, I, I, I, I can't stand such high-intensity training at all! You might as well stab me to death! Just stab me to death!" Mu Zuoxuan lay on the ground rolling around playing a rogue.

Yue Jinhan and Yue Xilian looked at each other, and they both saw the funny look in each other's eyes.


The recording content of the Chinese Bridge Competition is to allow foreign students to participate in various competitions in the process of understanding Chinese traditional culture and cuisine.

Therefore, during this week, Qingge not only took on the task of introducing traditional Chinese culture and food to some foreign students, but also played games with them from time to time.

Fortunately, apart from Hathaway, the other foreign students are very friendly, so Qing Ge gets along well with them.

And during this week, the relationship between Qing Ge and Jin Li is getting better and better.

It felt like Jin Li was born to be Qing Ge's younger brother. When the two were together, sometimes there was a tacit understanding.

This made Lance slap his lips, thinking that the two of them had some ulterior affair.

 It means that the orange juice is lazy today...... There are two or three more changes, depending on the situation~
(End of this chapter)

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