Chapter 268 Don't Go Too Much
"Okay, I'll listen to you." Qing Ge didn't have any objection to Qi Pa's words.

Along the way, Qi Pa greeted almost everyone cordially and warmly.

"Let me tell you, don't look at them as just a small staff of the crew. A large crew is composed of these small staff. Without them, there are only directors and actors, and the film cannot be filmed."

"So the first lesson that sister Qi taught you is that you must have a good relationship with these staff members. You don't know when these people will help you a lot! For example, if I can join such a big production and big IP crew, It was the man in the white baseball cap who recommended it to the casting director."

Qi Pa is not stingy at all with her years of experience, and "teaches" Qing Ge endlessly.

And Qing Ge nodded from time to time, and at the same time kept her words in mind.

When they passed by a well, a laughing female voice came over.

"Yo, isn't this Qi Pai?"

Qi Pa froze unconsciously when she heard the voice, and then turned around as if nothing happened.

There was still a vigorous smile on her face.

"It's Xie Lei, long time no see."

Qing Ge is extremely sensitive to sound, and she can clearly hear that Qi Pa's voice is different from before.

Qi Pai's voice trembled a little at the moment.

Not fear, but disgust?resentment?There is also a hint of self-deprecation.

Xie Lei walked over gracefully and gracefully in a water-green skirt sprinkled with flowers and smoke.

Her face has modern makeup, and her long black hair is casually scattered on her shoulders. It is obvious that she just changed clothes and has not made up or combed her hair.

"I didn't expect you to have this ability to enter the production team of Swordsman Legend. I thought you could only play tricks in your life." Xie Lei smiled sweetly, holding her wide sleeves and covering her mouth with a smile.

"That's really sorry to disappoint you." Qi Pa smiled lightly, "If there is nothing else, then we will leave first."

After finishing speaking, Qi Pa pulled Qing Ge and wanted to leave.

"Wait." Xie Lei rolled her eyes, and a bad idea came to her mind.

"What else is there?" Qi Pai looked over and asked.

"This girl is a trickster, right?" Xie Lei pointed at Qing Ge.

Qing Ge's black eyes suddenly sank, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

She hates people pointing at her with two things, one is a gun and the other is a finger.

Xie Lei was startled by Qing Ge's eyes, and quickly withdrew her fingers in fright.

However, she was stunned in her heart, how could she be frightened by the eyes of a little girl?It's incredible.

When Xie Lei looked into Qing Ge's eyes again, she found that her eyes were as calm as water, not scary at all.

Qi Pa: "So what if it is, so what if it's not?"

Xie Lei smiled softly, "If you're looking for a side role, as long as she washes all the clothes here, maybe you can get the role of my personal maid."

Qing Ge followed Xie Lei's line of sight, and saw a basin of clothes next to the well, which looked like filming props.

"No need! Thank you for your kindness!" Qi Pa resolutely rejected Xie Lei's request.

"Really?" Xie Lei didn't panic, and raised her hand to look at her bright nails, "This girl looks like a newcomer, I don't think her appearance is suitable for this circle, um, I'll see if I should Talk to my family, so..."

"Xie Lei!" Qi Pa finally got angry, she ran up to Xie Lei, put her arms around her hips and said, "Don't go too far!"

 There are two more ~ ​​released before nine o'clock ~
(End of this chapter)

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