Chapter 276 Shade Her From the Sun (Add More for Mohan)

Qing Ge asked Yan Lixing and Xiao Yuerou to go ahead, she didn't want to go with them.

Simply hot eyes.

But Qing Ge seems to have neglected a little bit——

A figure in a black windbreaker followed Yan Lixing at the same pace as her.

is zero!

Yan Lixing and Xiao Yuerou walked in front talking and laughing, while Qing Ge and Ling were a little embarrassed behind.

Of course, it was just that Qing Ge felt embarrassed.


After a long time, he still opened his mouth, breaking the deadlock of silence.

"En." Qing Ge looked at the lotus blossoms blooming in the roadside pond.

The sun near noon is very hot, and there will be a slight burning sensation on the skin.

Zero glanced at Qing Ge from the corner of his eye.

The dress Qing Ge wore was a sleeveless design, and her white arms, which were as white as lotus root, were exposed to the scorching sun, which always gave people the illusion of being reckless.

Zero adjusted his figure while walking.

If Qing Ge is still in her original body, then she is definitely not afraid of being exposed to the sun.

I think she once went to Hawaii to sunbathe in order to have a wheat-colored skin!
But now is different.

Her figure now is completely opposite to before, and her skin is naturally fair and smooth like suet.

So Qing Ge decided to try a different style, so she didn't want to be exposed to the sun.

It's a pity that I forgot to bring a parasol out, the sun is so hot, it is estimated that it will be dark after a day of exposure.

Qing Ge thought so much in her heart, but there was no expression on her face, she was very calm.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that the burning sensation on her body was reduced by two points.

Subconsciously looked up.

I saw that the place where the sun should have been was blocked by a tall figure.

He was wearing a half black mask, the profile of his side face was deep and stern, with sharp edges and corners.

As if sensing Qing Ge's gaze, Ling tilted his head slightly, and moved his gaze to look over.

His originally indifferent and sharp eyes suddenly softened a little bit, and then they became cold and murderous again.

Like a child who has no time to hide his emotions.

Qing Ge slowly raised a faint smile.

She looked directly into Ling Hei's deep and deep eyes, and said, "You are closer to the sun than me, is it hotter?"

Zero's eyes were obviously dull for a second, he didn't expect Qing Ge to say such a thing.

In this way, a little witty remark.

While talking, the footsteps of the two did not stop.

After walking about three or four steps, Ling said softly, "I'm not hot."

Qing Ge raised her eyebrows, she glanced at the black windbreaker he had been wearing since she met Zero, and asked in a teasing tone: "Every time I see you, you wear this dress, don't you always wear it?" Did you take it off and wash it?"

To Qing Ge's surprise, as soon as she finished speaking, Zero actually let out a low laugh.

His laughter was different from his speaking voice, with a bit of sexy hoarseness that made ears tickle, like a ray of sweet warm wind, staggeringly entered from Qingge's ear cavity, entangled and controlled her brain.

At this moment, Qing Ge felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart.

It's like being in a state of intoxication after drinking a little alcohol, a little dizzy, but clearly aware of what I'm doing.

Listening to Zero's laughter, the corners of her mouth unconsciously wanted to lift up.

Seeing his smile, she thought too, laughing with him.

No one can replace the kind of joy that comes from the heart.

"It's not that they haven't been washed, it's just that I bought many of the same ones."

 Congratulations to Mohan for being promoted to the rudder master in this chapter~
  One more!
(End of this chapter)

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