Agent Fest

Chapter 28 I Will Not Give Up

Chapter 28 I Will Not Give Up

"Young master Gu, you are speaking too harshly. Although Ms. Yun is not a strong player, she still has the most basic skills, so she can't be called a waste." Uncle Ha tentatively smoothed things over with a smile.

"Whether it's a piece of trash can only be known after a test, late." Gu Junlin leaned back on the leather sofa, with his arms languidly draped across it, his phoenix eyes were full of interest.

The muscular men in suits parted on both sides, and a girl in a black leather jacket came out.

The girl's eyes were astonishingly indifferent, as if nothing in this world could stop her for a moment.

Only when she looks at Gu Junlin, will her eyes be filled with respect and submission.

"If you can get Wan Cong's approval, then you are always welcome at Gu Family Camp." Gu Junlin said casually.

Yun Xin raised her head, her eyes met Wan Cong's.

She clenched her fists.

Although this Wan Cong looks like a ruthless character, even though she doesn't know what to do to get Wan Cong's approval.


In order to be able to stand by Mo Qingge's side, Yun Xin is willing to use all methods to train herself.

"Ah—" Yun Xin yelled loudly, and rushed towards Wan Cong.

Wan Cong stood there expressionless, and when Yun Xin rushed in front of her, she punched Yun Xin in the face.

Yun Xin fell to the ground in response, a deep fist mark appeared on her face.

Yun Xin spat out a mouthful of blood, stood up resolutely, and attacked Xiang Wancong again.

She was knocked down again, got up again...

After seeing it, Uncle Ha turned his head away and couldn't bear to watch it again.

In Gu Junlin's eyes, there was finally a hint of appreciation.

Tonight, for Yun Xin, it was very long...

In the early morning of the next day, Qing Ge and Qing Xia went to school together.

Last night, Qing Ge didn't go home, but took a room with Qing Xia in the hotel, and the two of them quarreled for a long time before going to sleep.

"You just follow me into the class?"

On the way, Qing Singer was holding a pancake fruit, and turned his head to ask Qing Xia who was eating buns.

"Baby, do you think I'm out of my mind? Before I left the base, I got hold of the director of the Jiang City Education Bureau. He personally called the principal of Jiangzhong. There is no problem at all."

Qing Xia took a bite of the bun stuffed with bean paste, and the dark red color of the bean paste stuck to her lips, making Qing Xia look even more seductive.

"Qingxia, if you don't go back, it means betrayal, and the people in the base will not spare you." Qing Ge felt a little emotional.

"Chasing and killing?" Qing Xia raised her eyebrows, "That's good, me, but I like the game of cat and mouse the most."

Qing Ge looked at Qing Xia who was bloodthirsty and excited, and remained silent.

The two walked to the class.

The principal hasn't come yet, so Qingxia doesn't have any desks, chairs and books.

Before Mu Lian came, Qing Xia sat directly in Mu Lian's seat, watching Qing Ge take out a book from her bag and prepare for morning reading.

"Hee hee." Qing Xia leaned closer to Qing Ge, "Baby Qing Ge, my life is always changing because of you. You see, I haven't studied in 17 years, and because of you, I actually sit in the classroom."

Qing Ge smiled lightly.

She was only 12 years old when Qingxia was picked up from the dead man's cave.

For five years, Qingxia developed an almost pathological dependence and attachment to her.

It was precisely because of such Qingxia that Qing Ge was able to trust her so much after experiencing an unimaginable rebirth, and told her everything.

"Good morning, Mo Qingge."

A playful male voice sounded, and the gentle smile on Qing Xia's face disappeared instantly.

There is actually a man who greets Qing Ge with such an intimate tone?
 Sorry babies, I have something to do today, so the update is late. It seems that it is too late today, and I will make more compensation tomorrow~
  Orange Juice has recommended tickets for 230, and this week's recommended tickets will reach 300 + more updates!Can it reach 300 tomorrow? ~
  There will be another update later!mwah


(End of this chapter)

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