Agent Fest

Chapter 30 Why didn't you hand in your homework?

Chapter 30 Why didn't you hand in your homework?
When the morning reading time is up, the group leaders of each subject begin to sort out the homework received.

Mo Qingge's team leaders found that she hadn't handed in her homework.

They got the same answer from Mo Qingge: "I will tell the teacher myself."

Li Qiutong rolled his eyes, pulled the English team leader and said with a smile, "I'll give it to the class representative for you."

The English team leader knew that Li Qiutong had a good relationship with Yao Meng, the representative of the English class, so he directly handed over a stack of test papers to Li Qiutong.

Li Qiutong walked to Yao Meng's place and said something into Yao Meng's ear.

Yao Meng turned to look at Qing Ge, and nodded to Li Qiutong.

"Hands itchy." Qing Xia rested her pointed chin on the table, listlessly playing with her deliberately manicured pointed nails.

"Baby, can I gouge out that woman's eyeballs? Such disgusting eyes are really annoying."

"No." Qing Ge directly refused Qing Xia, "Have a good sleep, and we will have dinner together at noon."

Qing Ge didn't expect Qing Xia to attend the class.

Qing Xia pursed her lips, her pitiful appearance could fool everyone who didn't know her true face.

The appearance of an angel and the heart of a devil are all about Qingxia.

Mu Zuoxuan pretended not to hear anything, and read the morning very seriously.

Because it rained two days ago, there was rainwater accumulation on the playground, so there is no need to do exercises for these two days.

The first class is English class. Although it is Chinese early reading, it does not prevent the English teacher from entering the class in advance.

As soon as Teacher Wu stood firm on the podium, Yao Meng went up with a stack of test papers.

Yao Meng was talking to Teacher Wu, and Teacher Wu shot fiercely at Qing Ge who was sitting in the last row.

Sitting in front of Qing Ge, Li Qiutong could naturally see Teacher Wu's eyes.

She secretly laughed in her heart.

Mo Qingge, Mo Qingge, even if you are better than me in math, but your English score has always barely reached the passing line. Operation.

This is not a trap I dug, you dug a hole for yourself, I just dropped a couple of handfuls of soil.

I will let you know that helping Gao Ziwen and embarrassing me in front of my classmates is the stupidest thing you have ever done in your life.

Li Qiutong asked Yao Meng to tell Teacher Wu that Mo Qingge didn't do homework, and said that such a simple paper could not catch her eyes at all, and she didn't know which uneducated person wrote the test paper.

And Yao Meng told Li Qiutong yesterday that this test paper was written by Teacher Wu.

Teacher Wu had an impression of Mo Qingge, a student.

Because Mo Qingge belongs to the rare girl who is always on the edge of the passing line.

Girls generally speak good English.

Usually, Teacher Wu would only call Mo Qingge into the office to criticize her grades, but today Mo Qingge actually said such a thing?

Would Mo Qingge really say such a thing?

Teacher Wu was a little suspicious, he wanted to ask Mo Qingge himself.

If Mo Qingge admits his mistake and makes up his homework, as a teacher, he won't care about children.

Regardless of the morning reading, Teacher Wu got off the podium and walked straight to Qing Ge's seat.

"Mo Qingge, why didn't you hand in your homework?" Teacher Wu knocked on Qing Ge's desk, signaling her to stop her morning reading.

Li Qiutong raised his ears to eavesdrop.

"I think it's very simple, and I don't want to waste time." Qing Ge originally wanted to say this, which was somewhat similar to what Li Qiutong planted on her.

But what Li Qiutong told Yao Meng to say, it seemed that Qing Ge was very conceited and disrespectful to Teacher Wu.

And Qing Ge's tone is very indifferent now, and she still wants to say the next sentence.

In exchange for not doing my homework, I won't be wrong any time you ask me to answer questions.

However, when Mr. Wu heard that Mo Qingge really said that, the anger in his heart suddenly "boomed".

 Teacher Wu: I’m so mad baby, you said that the test paper that baby worked so hard to produce was too simple and a waste of time!The baby is going to be angry!

(End of this chapter)

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