Chapter 419 Climbing Up
Zero glanced at the thrown ice pack, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart.

A bottle of water drank quickly.

Qing Ge lifted off the clean quilt, put on her shoes and stood up.

But when she thought that even the shoes were taken off by Zero, she didn't dare and didn't want to look up at Zero.

I don't want to look at his deep black eyes.

Those eyes that can make her heart move.

"You don't have to wait until something goes wrong, you can climb up now." She lowered her head, seemingly arranging her clothes, but she was actually trying to avoid eye contact with Zero.

"Now?" Zero frowned.

She was the one who said not to climb, and she was the one who said to climb.

What Mu Zuoxuan said is right, women's minds are really fickle.

"Well. I've thought about it. Anyway, we have to wait for the rescue team. Whether it's the international rescue team that may come, or your people, we should try to go to the safest place."

Qing Ge didn't want to sleep when she lay on the table at first.

She was thinking about something, so she just closed her eyes and rested her mind.

Later, maybe it started to have a fever, my head was a little dizzy, my body couldn't stand it, and I fell asleep without knowing it.

"Do you think the safest place is the first floor?"

"It's the bottom floor." Qing Ge corrected, "We should climb to the bottom of the Poseidon, which is above the current floor, where the cabin fan is.

That way, as soon as rescuers arrive, they will see us first. "

Zero has no comments.

If it was just him, things would be fine.

He only needs to find a buoyant plank or something and throw it into the sea to sit on it, and then use his backpack to pack some food and fresh water to maintain his basic living needs.

There is a locator on his body, no matter where he drifts on the sea, someone can find him.

The two reached an agreement and walked out of the room.

Lu Shan was sitting on the ground in front of the room dozing off, with a black backpack around him.

In the backpack are the food and fresh water he collected.

"Lu Shan." Qing Ge called out.

"I'm here!" Lu Shan jumped up suddenly, his eyes were a little hazy, and there were some bloodshot eyes.

He also said before that he would not be sleepy after drinking a lot of wine, which seems to be a lie.

He shook his head, rubbed his face twice with the palm of his hand, and forced himself to wake up.

After his eyes became clear, he looked at the two of them.

"Mo Qingge, have you had a fever?" Lu Shan looked at Qingge, who was still blushing, and asked with concern.

"Well, it's almost there." Qing Ge nodded.

No one knows her body better than her.

Xu Shi took the anti-fever medicine and fell into a deep sleep for a while. Qing Ge felt that her head was not so dizzy or painful anymore, but her lips were a little dry.

"Then are you hungry now and want to find something to eat? Don't look for it, let me tell you, all the food and water I can see so far have been put into my backpack." Speaking of this, Lu Shan said A look of pride.

He always felt that he had done a great thing.

Qing Ge glanced at the black backpacks all over the floor, and roughly counted them.

There are nine in total, and it is not a problem for the three of them to recite three each.

Thinking of this, she picked up three and carried them on her back.

"Thank you Lu Shan, I don't want to eat. Get ready, we will continue to climb right away."

"Okay!" Lu Shan didn't have doubts like Ling, he listened to Qing Ge very much.

Zero also silently carried three backpacks on his shoulders, then reached out and took the three backpacks from Qing Ge's shoulders.

(End of this chapter)

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