Chapter 649 Come, let's drink this glass of orange juice

However, the expression on his face was still lazy.

As if just woke up.

Seeing Qing Ge's expression, Song Kang couldn't help asking: "Did I make you rest because of the noise?"

Qing Ge lazily shook his head.

"That's good." Songkang patted his chest, obviously relieved.

He was followed by a girl who held two plates of beef in her hands.

"Here's a steak I cooked for dinner for the two of us.

Seeing that you ate very little yesterday, I wondered if the food did not suit your appetite.

It's a pity that I don't know how to cook Chinese cuisine, so I can only fry two steaks to make up for it. "

Following Song Kang's words, two plates of delicious steaks were placed on the table.

Then, the girl brought two glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice from outside the door.

"Seeing that you like to eat steak and drink orange juice, I will try it today." Songkang put the orange juice on the sides of the two plates of beef respectively.

Qing Ge got out of bed, went to the table and sat down.

She glanced at the steak and orange juice of the two of them, picked up the orange juice, looked at it, put it down again, and then smiled at Songkang, "Your steak looks better than mine, do you mind if we change it?" A change?"

Songkang was very straightforward and changed the food and drinks for the two of them.

"Of course, we both haven't started eating anyway, it's the same."

In this way, Qing Ge picked up the knife and fork and prepared to eat.

Songkang's movements are very coherent, cutting the meat, forking the meat, and putting it into his mouth.

It looks like nothing is down.

Qing Ge picked up the orange juice and said to Songkang: "Thank you for your hospitality. I think I'm leaving tomorrow. Come on, cheers. I don't know when I will see you next time."

For Qingge's rare initiative, Songkang expressed his surprise.

It seems that since he answered a question from Qing Ge last night, Qing Ge's attitude has changed.

This is a good sign, and Songkang was very happy.

But, she said she was leaving tomorrow?
This is no good, his mission has not been completed yet. Mo Qingge left, how should he explain?

"Mo Qingge, why are you leaving in such a hurry? I still want to show you around!" Songkang's tone was slightly aggrieved.

Qing Ge didn't let go of the hand holding the orange juice, "You also know that I'm a star, but I don't have much time.

If Mr. Yan hadn't forced me to come here this time, and Mr. Yan has a good relationship with my BOSS and could ask for leave, I wouldn't have time to come to Myanmar at all. "

"Since you've come here, don't care about a day or two!" Songkang continued to persuade.

"Mr. Songkang, my hands have been raised for a long time, don't you have any self-consciousness?"

Hearing this, Song Kang quickly picked up the orange juice and carefully clinked glasses with Qing Ge.

After taking a sip of the orange juice, he continued, "I'm sorry to hear that you're leaving tomorrow.

No, you can't leave tomorrow. If you want to leave, I will go with you.

Not only do I want to go out with you, after I go out with you, I will tell everyone that I like you! "

Seeing that Songkang drank the orange juice, Qing Ge put down the glass and leaned back in the chair.

This indifferent appearance is obviously not the first time Songkang has seen him, but for some reason, this time, he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"Mo Qingge, what's the matter with you?" Songkang felt a little uneasy, so he asked her with a smile.

Qing Ge just looked at Songkang indifferently, without saying a word, as if she was waiting for something.

(End of this chapter)

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