Chapter 715 Take off the safety equipment and run for your life
There was a soothing sound from below. Looking down, I saw the director of the playground talking with a loudspeaker.

Although they are all comforting words, how can the people on the jumping machine listen to them?
They only know that the jumping machine may fall down at any time, and they may die at any time. Apart from crying and fear, they really have no brains and reflexes to do other things.

Wu Xin also broke down emotionally, crying tears and snot flowing together.

At this time, he regretted it!
Why be a paparazzi?Why bring a camera up?Why do you want to turn the camera without listening to the staff?Why not hold the camera well? !
He doesn't want to die, he really doesn't want to die!

If he can survive, he will never be in the paparazzi industry again, and will never write stories about celebrities according to his own wishes!

Wu Xin didn't realize how many detrimental things he had done before when life and death were at stake!

This incident of jumping off a building must be retribution, retribution!
Thinking of this, Wu Xin cried again.

If he can survive, he will definitely wash his hands, Mo Qingge, AG president, he will stop reporting!
He just wants to live!

At this moment, Wu Xin heard a burst of exclamation from the crowd below.

He subconsciously looked in Qingge's direction.

I saw that Qing Ge and Zero were unfastening the safety equipment on their bodies!
All the onlookers noticed this scene, and it was impossible for the principal not to see it.

He quickly raised the loudspeaker and said anxiously: "Tourists on the top don't act rashly! You just need to sit safely on it and wait for rescue! There are still 3 minutes, and the rescuers will arrive in 3 minutes. Never disengage the security device!"

However, Qing Ge and Zero ignored the director's words and continued their behavior.

Soon, the rungs on their chests were pushed up.

"You guys, what are you doing here?" The girl sitting next to Qing Ge asked sobbingly.

Qing Ge didn't speak, but Ling replied: "The rescuers still have 3 minutes to arrive, but if the jumping machine falls at a high speed, it only takes 3 seconds. We don't want to gamble with [-] minutes for [-] seconds. We only have one life, and we still control it." It’s more solid in the hand.”

Regarding Zero's explanation, Qing Ge wasn't too surprised.

Ever since he knew that he had a relationship with someone in the army, Qing Ge had a new understanding of Zero.

Like, he's actually not that cold-hearted.

If it is a pure agent, in this case, he will only run for his own life, instead of explaining to others why they did this.

Because in this case, one more person is one more burden.

However, zero was explained.

Qing Ge felt that this should have something to do with the central idea of ​​"serving the people".

Compared with her, Zero should be considered a good person.

The girl who asked the question watched Qing Ge and Ling climb up from their seats, feeling terrified.

They don't have any protective equipment on their bodies, that is to say, once they slip or fall, they are really dead...

But what Zero said made the girl feel very reasonable.

Others also heard what Ling said, but didn't the principal say it too, don't act rashly.

Today's update is over, see you tomorrow~
Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward~ touch big

(End of this chapter)

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