Agent Fest

Chapter 74 David Gu

Chapter 74 Gu David (addition for Qiqi)
After Qing Ge and Mao Jiu separated at the hotel entrance, they called Yun Xin back.

"Mo Qingge, you finally called me back! Let me tell you, that man is not dead at all! My dad took him back and hanged him for slow torture, but after seeing the news today, he was sent to the hospital. Go to our hospital for treatment!"

As soon as the phone was connected, Yun Xin chattered a lot.

"Well, I see." Qing Ge was not surprised at all, this was what she expected.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow he will come out to prove your innocence!" Yun Xin said excitedly, "I'm too tired from training these days, so I set the mute in the morning in order to sleep late, don't get me wrong that I deliberately didn't answer your call ah!"

"Training?" Qing Ge's tone was somewhat puzzled.

"Yeah, hey, didn't you say that as long as I can catch your three tricks, I can be your little brother? I'm working hard for this goal!"

Qing Ge smiled slightly, "Yun Xin, I'm very glad you have this awareness, but you can't lose sight of one and lose your health."

Gu Junlin was in a daze of boredom, when he heard Yun Xin's name, he couldn't help but glance at Qing Ge.

He thought that the girl Mo Qingge was really amazing.

They suddenly appeared in his father's exclusive room, and his father and mother tried their best to match them up, and they also knew Yunwang's daughter.

How has he never heard of such a girl?
"Thank you, Boss Qing Ge, for your teaching. I will definitely keep it in mind! Well, Boss, I will train first. Sister Wan Cong is really scary. When I answer the phone, she will stare at me covetously, afraid that I will be lazy. !" Yun Xin's funny tone made Qing Ge laugh.

"Goodbye." Qing Ge hung up the phone.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Gu Junlin standing aside with his hands in his pockets.

Qing Ge, who seemed to be in a good mood because of the [-] in storage, teased: "David Gu, can we go now?"

Gu Junlin didn't realize for a while that Qing Ge was calling him, until he realized that Qing Ge was staring at him for almost a minute before he raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you calling me?"

"Isn't it just the two of us here?" Qing Ge's upturned phoenix eyes seemed to be filled with sparkling starlight, and his smile had an appeal that could make others raise their mouths.

"Why David?" Gu Junlin walked to Qing Ge's side in two steps with long legs.

Qing Ge's height is only 160, while Gu Junlin's is 190.

Now that the two are so close, Qing Ge has to raise his head to the sky to see Gu Junlin's face.

So she took two steps back very tactfully.

"Because I think you look like a statue." After finishing speaking, Qing Ge suddenly realized something, and quickly changed the subject, "Let's go back quickly. I'm going to take Qingxia home for dinner."

Then turn around and walk in the direction of the Ford Mustang.

Gu Junlin narrowed his eyes slightly, and the corner of his mouth slanted into an evil arc.

"I didn't expect you to be young, but you are quite open-minded." Gu Junlin raised his foot to catch up, and the cold breath immediately lingered on the back of Qingge's neck, "You want to see me without clothes so much?"

"Who wants to watch it?" Qing Ge kept on walking, retorting imposingly but not daring to turn around.

Her face is a little red now, she must not let Gu Junlin see it!

Only when Qing Ge said that Gu Junlin was like a statue did he realize that David is a whole statue, with a certain part visible at a glance.

 Add more for the beautiful and elegant Qiqi~
(End of this chapter)

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