Chapter 745 Surveillance has been deleted

Just when Zero was about to go to the police station to check the surveillance video at that time, the bedroom door opened.

After brushing their teeth, Qing Ge and Luo Qianqian came out from inside.

Qing Ge is fine, but Luo Qianqian's eyes are black and blue, making it obvious that she didn't have a good rest last night.

"Ha~" Luo Qianqian raised her head and yawned big.

"Come to disturb my sleep so early in the morning. If you have anything to say, hurry up and tell me. Sister Qing Ge and I will continue to sleep and go back to the cage."

Qing Ge greeted Zero.

"Are you okay last night?" Zero asked after carefully checking her whole body.

Qing Ge shook his head, "Qianqian said they found me not long after I fell into a coma, so there's nothing wrong, except that my arm is still a little numb."

As he spoke, Qing Ge touched his arm subconsciously.

"You guys rest for a while, I'll go to the police station to look at the surveillance video from last night." Ling felt that what happened last night was definitely not accidental.

And obviously, Qing Ge also thinks this way, so she doesn't have any objections.

After Ling left, Qing Ge and Luo Qianqian went back to the room and squinted for a while.

Qian Yi didn't sleep anymore, he had to order some food for the two of them, and they could eat directly after waking up.

After Qianyi came back from the restaurant, she found that Zero was already sitting on the sofa outside.

Qian Yi just wanted to speak, but didn't know what to call Ling.

This AG president is very strange, and his name has never been announced to the outside world.

Everyone calls him BOSS, but no one knows his real name.

"BOSS, why did you come back so soon?" Qian Yi could only call out "BOSS" following the crowd.

Zero shifted his gaze from the phone screen to Qian Yi, his handsome brows were furrowed, "Last night's surveillance was deleted."

"Deleted?" Qian Yi pretended to be surprised on purpose.

But in fact Schubert had already spoken to him, telling him that the monitoring was dealt with.

Because Qing Ge was taken away by the police last night, not Luo Qianqian.

If Zero sees the monitoring, then the lie will have flaws.

"Yeah." There was a notification tone from Ling's mobile phone, and he looked down again.

"But if there is a car accident, the traffic police should have a record, right?" Qian Yi asked.

"There are records, I went to see it, and I also went to see the driver, that driver was a normal drunk driver, so the accident was just an accident.

But the "old man" you call is hard to find even if there is video data. "

Zero's fingers kept touching the phone, as if he was sending a message to someone.

Seeing that Ling was sending a message to someone, Qian Yi didn't say anything more.

Ling was sending a message to Mu Zuoxuan.

--been deleted?Don't worry, I'll hack into Jiangshi Optical District Bureau to have a look.

——Don't be too ostentatious.


5 minute later.

——It seems that the other party is a veteran, the traces of deletion have been cleaned up very cleanly, and it has been completely deleted.

——So you can't find it?
——I'll think of another way.

5 minute later.

——I recovered a little bit. Although it was only a few seconds, it was enough to see what that person looked like and his figure.

[video message]
--I see.

At zero o'clock, I opened the video sent by Mu Zuoxuan, and saw the old man's face inside.

At this moment, the bedroom door opened again, and both Qing Ge and Luo Qianqian looked much more energetic than before.

"Did you take this at the police station?" Qing Ge stood behind Ling, looking at the video that was playing in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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