Chapter 104 Fierce Battle on the Beach

Jiang Yifan and Wan Ke skipped class smoothly, and the latter leaned against the wall and asked, "Boss, where can I find beautiful women?"


Jiang Yifan felt that beautiful women are not found by looking for them. Isn't there a saying that is very good, if the flowers are in full bloom, the butterflies will come by themselves!
Two handsome young men are walking on the street, still worried that no beautiful woman will come to the door?
Shrugging slightly, he gave Wan Ke a tug, and said, "Let's go, as long as I'm not allowed to stay in the campus, I can go anywhere."

Wan Ke twitched his lips, "You have no goal after making trouble for a long time?"

The two walked for about 5 minutes, and they were almost at the beach. Feeling the sea breeze, Jiang Yifan rolled up his trousers, took off his shoes, and walked on the beach, enjoying a rare kind of peace.

"Boss, boss, look, that girl is so beautiful!" Wan Ke pulled Jiang Yifan at this moment, and pointed to their left.

Jiang Yifan looked over as Wan Ke pointed out, and saw a girl in a red dress walking barefoot on the edge of the beach.

The red color is particularly eye-catching against the blue sea and blue sky. Looking at it from a distance, the girl's face can't be seen clearly, but her figure is definitely top-notch, about the age of [-].

Wan Ke eagerly looked at Jiang Yifan eagerly, and said with a cheap smile, "Boss, you see that there are so many beauties around you, and this one is not bad, why don't you leave it to me?"

"Go after it if you can!" Jiang Yifan shrugged, but there was a bad feeling between her brows, she always felt that something was wrong!
Wan Ke heard that Jiang Yifan had no intention of chasing the girl, so he walked over there with his shoes.

As Wan Ke got closer and closer to the beauty in red, Jiang Yifan's bad premonition became more and more intense.

Frowning slightly, he kept staring at Wan Ke, fearing that something might happen.

But just as Jiang Yifan lowered his head to light a cigarette, he heard Wan Ke's scream!
He immediately looked over to the side of the scream, and saw three men swiping the knives in their hands and slashing and killing the beautiful woman in red frantically!

And Wan Ke was already frozen in place, less than five meters away from the woman in red!
In other words, this cruel scene actually happened in front of Wan Ke!
Jiang Yifan ran towards that side without the slightest hesitation. Although Wan Ke had a bit of a young master's temper, he never said anything and regarded himself as his best friend.

Jiang Yifan has never had a male friend since he came to Chenbei City, and Wan Ke is definitely the first one, so he won't let him get hurt!

This scream obviously aroused those people holding machetes, so Wan Ke must be killed to silence him!

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Yifan had already run tens of meters, but at this moment, those men stopped their brutal slashing and looked at Wan Ke at the same time!

The leading man grinned at the corner of his mouth, winked at the people around him, and then walked towards Wan Ke with the other two big men around him.

Wan Ke was stunned. He had never seen such a cruel scene before. He wanted to run, but his legs were no longer in control, and he slumped on the ground, looking at the three men in front of him in horror, "I...I have nothing... See...don't...don't kill me!"

"We feel that dead people can keep their mouths tighter when it comes to keeping things secret!" The leading man was wearing a white shirt, and the other two were wearing black shirts, which seemed a bit eye-catching.

Walking to Wan Ke's side, squatting down, the blood on the machete was still there, and dripped onto Wan Ke's face.

The man in the white shirt put it to his mouth, smiled ferociously, and sucked a mouthful of blood from the blade, then slowly raised the machete in his hand and slashed at Wan Ke's neck!

At the same time, Jiang Yifan was already three to four meters away from them, and immediately burst out a golden needle from his cuff, and shot towards that side!



The gold needle directly pierced a finger of the man in the white shirt, and the knife fell to the ground in an instant, and then he raised his head suddenly, looked at Jiang Yifan, the ferocity on his face became even more terrifying, and said viciously, "There is one here who wants to kill you!" of!"

Jiang Yifan flashed to Wan Ke's side, but the big man suddenly took out a short knife from the other hand, and stabbed directly at Wan Ke's heart!

Jiang Yifan took a look at the situation, and it was obviously impossible to use golden needles. If he left it alone, then Wan Ke would surely die!
At this time, there was no time for Jiang Yifan to think, so he gritted his teeth and immediately reached out to grab the blade of the short knife.

A cold feeling in the palm of the hand spread all over the body immediately, followed by excruciating pain, and the blood in the palm of the hand directly covered Wan Ke's shirt along the blade!
Jiang Yifan's eyes were full of anger, and he let go of his hand suddenly, then raised his blood-stained fist and swung at the man in white shirt!
The man was kicked back a few steps, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, spat to the side, and said to the two people around him, "Cut them off for me, lest the boss say that we are not doing well!"

While speaking, two big men in black came towards Jiang Yifan, each of them was tall and strong with fierce eyes, and the blades in their hands were extremely dazzling under the sunlight.

Jiang Yifan let out a 'hiss', the pain in the palm of his hand was getting bigger and bigger, he gritted his teeth, there was no time to bandage at this time, even though he was also a doctor, the enemy would not give him time to heal, and then he appeared like a ghost in the Behind a big man's back, the palm of his hand suddenly hit a man unconscious!
He needs a quick fix!

Seeing this, the other burly man immediately took two steps back, kicked Jiang Yifan's stomach, and dropped the machete in his hand.

Jiang Yifan raised his eyes slightly, and at this moment between the calcium carbide sparks, he suddenly grabbed the man's raised right foot with his big hand, and pulled forward, the knife fell through, and he himself leaned forward, The machete in the big man's hand was caught in his hand at once, and he wiped it on his neck with his backhand!
Because the blood of the big man's artery was cut and directly splashed all over Jiang Yifan, he was really like a wounded wild wolf at this time, making him full of hostility!
He raised his eyes and looked at the man in the white shirt, "Say, who is the person behind you!"

The man in the white shirt paused for a moment, apparently not expecting to meet such a difficult person, he took two steps back, but reached for the phone in his pocket, ready to call his boss!
(End of this chapter)

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