Chapter 131 The Scream of Dawn

While speaking, Jiang Yifan opened his arms, and made a gesture to push towards Lin Yanran, but at this moment, the latter turned around suddenly and avoided, using the quilt to protect himself, "You want to What?"

"Don't make trouble, everyone is an adult, don't you need to pretend to be ignorant!" Jiang Yifan said with a smile.

"Get out of here!" Lin Yanran felt a little regretful at this moment, it would have been better for Tang Guo to find out just now, but this time it was good, Tang Guo was fooled, but Jiang Yifan, a wolf, was brought into the room.

Jiang Yifan grinned, "This is your father's task, if you want to blame you, blame him."

Lin Yanran picked up the phone from the bed and looked at Jiang Yifan, "Stay away from me."

"Want to call your father?" Jiang Yifan shrugged, "Call, but you will be very disappointed with the answer you get."

In fact, Lin Yanran picked up the phone to scare Jiang Yifan, after all, whose father can let a man and his daughter... right, but looking at this guy, he doesn't seem to be afraid at all.

Gritting his teeth, he put the phone aside, and then looked at Jiang Yifan, "You leave quickly, except for these things, I can promise you everything else."

"No, no, this is the only thing I have to do now." Jiang Yifan leaned over without saying a word, and before Lin Yanran could struggle, he put both hands on the latter's arms that were going to be raised.

Grinning, looking at the fair face, there were a little tears in Lingdong's eyes, and said with a smirk, "You can shout at the top of your throat now, I can guarantee that Tang Guo will be absolutely surprised."

Lin Yanran was really about to cry. This girl gave this bastard her first kiss. Could it be the first time... When she thought of this, she suddenly felt like God, what did you send me? .

"Dong dong dong!" I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but suddenly there was another knock on the door.

This knock on the door was undoubtedly a life-saving straw for Lin Yanran!He gave Jiang Yifan a hard look, "Go away! Don't let Tang Guo see it."

"Hey, you're still shy!" Jiang Yifan immediately retracted into the quilt, and murmured, "Don't worry, I promise not to be discovered by Tang Guo."

Lin Yanran lifted the quilt and found that Jiang Yifan was indeed gone, she thought to herself, "Could he be invisible? '

Jiang Yifan snickered, hiding a woolen thread, Lin Yanran's bed is quite special, under a large mattress is a big sponge, covered with a layer of cloth, the zipper is on the side, Jiang Yifan is He hid in this big sponge at the fastest speed, so he was able to hide his body very well.

But you can't stay too long, there are sponges inside, if it takes a long time, it will definitely suffocate...

Tang Guo ran in from the door, wearing a relatively wide half-sleeve, jumped onto the bed, jumped a few times vigorously, and said to Lin Yanran, "Sister Yanran, tomorrow is the weekend, let's meet tonight Let's rest together."

Jiang Yifan, who was listening below, suddenly had the feeling of being strangled by a ghost. Tang Guo jumped a few times just now, which already made him very uncomfortable. A night in this damn sponge pad?

Then let Lin Yanran collect her body tomorrow!
I prayed secretly in my heart, Sister Yanran, let Tang Guo leave quickly, I promise I won't do anything to you tonight, so why not?

However, Lin Yanran thought for a moment, agreed readily, and said to Tang Guo, "Okay, I just happened to be thinking about calling you over."

At this time, Lin Yanran also pondered over where Jiang Yifan hid, his room was only this big, if it was obvious, it would be easy to find, and there was only that big sponge pad.

So she felt that, just as Tang Guo was here, Jiang Yifan didn't dare to do anything to her all night, and by the way, he could punish him...

If you dare to fight with this girl, you are still far behind!

Hearing that Lin Yanran actually agreed, Jiang Yifan was about to vomit blood, with an aggrieved expression on his face.Pray that Tang Guo will leave for a while, and then run away immediately!
"Guoguo, let's play a game." At this moment, Lin Yanran suddenly spoke.

"What are you playing?" Tang Guo asked happily.She seemed to like staying in the same room with Lin Yanran.

The playful look in Lin Yanran's eyes was particularly full, and she pinched Tang Guo's cheek and said, "Let's just play on the bed and see who is taller."

"Okay, okay!" Tang Guo immediately agreed.

But Jiang Yifan who is hidden in the sponge cushion is not happy, you jumped so high, you have to spit out all the food I ate tonight when you hit the ground!

Lin Yanran, you little girl, just wait, tomorrow I will post the photo of our meeting on the campus website!

No, I want everyone in the city to see that you kissed me on your own initiative!


"Sister Yanran, you can't jump high enough!"

"Again, I'm sure I can surpass you."


"Sister Yanran, I'm tired, let's rest."

"Sleep on wool, get up and dance for me!"

It didn't take long for Jiang Yifan to feel that he was going to roll his eyes. He resisted the sore feeling in his body and muttered secretly in his heart, a man can bend and stretch, Yanran heroine, Aunt Yanran, please forgive me.I promise I won't talk about you kissing me, really, I swear to God!

Maybe the two girls were really tired from playing, and after about four or ten minutes, they heard the sound of turning off the lights. That's why Jiang Yifan didn't endure this kind of torture.

I don't know how long it took before I suddenly heard Tang Guo's voice, "Sister Yanran, bring me some paper."

The sound came from the bathroom, and Jiang Yifan was overjoyed. At this moment, he got out of the sponge cushion and looked at Lin Yanran who was about to deliver paper to Tang Guo. Bored and panicked, and even more tormented by the two of them, his complexion was a bit grim, "Lin Yanran, let's ride a donkey to read the libretto and wait and see!"

After saying a word, Jiang Yifan turned around and left the room, leaving behind Lin Yanran who couldn't help laughing.

For Jiang Yifan, this night was joyful, painful, and exciting.

Early the next morning, when Jiang Yifan was still asleep, there was a sudden scream from upstairs. This life completely broke the silence of dawn, filling every corner of the villa, but Jiang Yifan was wearing After finishing his clothes, he walked out slowly, lit a cigarette and looked up at the upstairs.

ps: I have something to do today, so let's do two more.Excuse me.

(End of this chapter)

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