Chapter 144 Three Conditions
When someone stops Jiang Yifan from smoking, his solution is usually very rough!
After walking into the office, he held a guy who was beaten into a pig's head and threw it on the ground casually. Looking at the Xing father and son beside Lin Yaran, he smiled and said, "I'm sorry, your dog is biting people, I will clean it up for you." Clean it up, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble for you in the future."

"Jiang Yifan, you..." Xing Yuantian saw that his own person had been beaten, and immediately became angry, and pointed forward a step forward.

At this time, Xing Yuanshan stood up behind him, showing a faint smile, and then said, "Then I have to thank you very much, but my dog ​​bit someone else, Xing can still afford the medical expenses. "

Jiang Yifan's eyes shrank slightly, and his intuition told him that Xing Yuanshan was not simple!
On the other hand, Xing Yuantian was far inferior to his father. Standing aside, he felt that the anger in his heart had spread to his whole body, as if he wanted to tear Jiang Yifan alive.

"Xiaotian, throw him out and deal with it." Xing Yuanshan walked over and patted Xing Yuantian on the shoulder, pointing at the person who was beaten into a pig's head and said in a cold voice.

Xing Yuantian was stunned for a moment, looked at his father's bottomless eyes, gritted his teeth, and carried the man out.

"Hahahaha, sit down when you come and come." Xing Yuanshan immediately recovered that smile.

Lin Yaran nodded and sat back in her original seat, but Jiang Yifan lit another cigarette and sat opposite Xing Yuanshan, crossing his legs, showing no sign of fear.

"Miss Lin, you can continue." Xing Yuanshan took a deep look at Jiang Yifan, and then smiled lightly.

Lin Yaran looked away from Jiang Yifan, and then showed a professional smile, "That's right, Mr. Xing, I heard that the current palace garden is a real estate developed under your banner. We want to discuss with you whether we can change it. A name, of course, you can mention the conditions. As long as we can do it, we will try our best to meet it."

Xing Yuanshan let go of his crossed hands when he heard the words, and said slowly, "Actually, Xing has heard about Miss Lin Yaran's reputation in the business world a long time ago, and everyone said that seeing once is worse than hearing it for a long time. After seeing it today, I really admire your father." , being able to cultivate such a talent is not like my son, who is not at all up to date."

"Mr. Xing, you are being polite. I just have my father helping me behind my back."

"It's better for young people to be more modest." When Xing Yuanshan said this, he looked at Jiang Yifan, and the meaning was naturally obvious.

Lin Yaran smiled and nodded, "Look, what I just mentioned?"

"It's easy to change your name, so you have to tell me the reason." Xing Yuanshan asked with a smile.

"You should have heard the story of Huatian Village. In fact, we came this time to rectify the name of Huatian Village." Lin Yaran did not choose to hide it. After all, in business, it is for profit. If it is for this kind of If things are concealed, it will be counterproductive. Besides, Xing Yuanshan is not a simple person at first glance, so I am afraid that he has checked all these.

Xing Yuanshan nodded, "Of course I know this, but what I'm wondering is, why did you Lin suddenly think of rectifying the name of Huatian Village? Or is it because of this young man?"

"That's right, it's because of me." Without waiting for Lin Yaran to speak, Jiang Yifan spoke directly. Instead of going around in circles, it's better to open the skylight and speak honestly. Besides, it's all about rectifying his name, and it's not his character to be timid.

Xing Yuanshan thought for a while after hearing the words, "I can agree to you, but I have three conditions. If you agree, I will immediately start asking people to do it."

"Tell me." Lin Yaran showed a faint smile when she saw how happy Xing Yuanshan was.

"First, according to the rules of our real estate industry, before deciding on a name, we will definitely ask some gentlemen whether this name will bring us good luck, so with the original name, if we suddenly change the name now, I'm afraid we will have to It consumes a lot of human resources, so we will not pay this part of the money. It has to be taken by you Lin."

After Xing Yuanshan finished speaking, Lin Yaran nodded, "Of course we are here to get this. Don't worry, we will also negotiate with you before deciding on the final name. I understand the rules here."

Indeed, businessmen are very concerned about this kind of thing. They will spend a lot of money to find someone to get the name of a community, which is undoubtedly a good sign.

Like lucky numbers.

Xing Yuanshan went on to say, "Second, this young man ruined my son's marriage before, and I am not the kind of person who will be too forceful. If I miss it, then there is no fate, but the truth is about fairness. Since he let My son is not feeling well, so I, as a father, must not let it go."

"What do you mean?" Lin Yaran frowned slightly, vaguely guessing something.

Xing Yuanshan smiled meaningfully and said, "It's very simple, let him apologize to my son, and let my son beat me up."

"Mr. Xing, I'm afraid..." Lin Yaran paused when she heard this, maybe an apology is okay, but a beating...

"Miss Lin can rest assured, it's just a simple beating, and it won't make him lose arms or legs. It's just letting my son vent his anger." Xing Yuanshan said with a smile.

During this period, Jiang Yifan's expression didn't change at all, as if he didn't listen to their conversation, he just smoked alone.

Before Lin Yaran could reply, Xing Yuanshan's voice came over again, "As for the third condition, it's not a formal one, but something I've wanted to do for a long time."

"What is it?"

"Now I want to represent the identity of a father, like you proposed marriage with your father, that is to say, I want Xiaotian and Miss Lin to be friends, and everyone will be happy when they get together. It's not a bad thing." When Xing Yuanshan said here, he picked up the cup on the coffee table and squinted his eyes to drink tea.

He didn't hurry to urge Lin Yaran, after all, this is not a trivial matter!

Lin Yaran looked at Jiang Yifan, and was about to speak when the latter stood up suddenly, took Lin Yaran's hand, and smiled at Xing Yuanshan, "Don't be afraid if there is a dog at home, the only thing that is afraid is that the owner will also get rabies and go see him." People just bite."

"Let's go." After speaking, Jiang Yifan pulled Lin Yaran and prepared to leave. The latter was still hesitant, but Jiang Yifan did not hesitate at all.

From the very beginning, Xing Yuanshan never thought of giving them a chance to cooperate. Instead of being scolded here, it's better to leave directly!

"Young man, you should think about it. As far as I know, you are the only person who has come out of Huatian Village. Now you have a chance and you don't want it. After that, if you beg me on your knees, I won't agree." Xing Yuanshan looked mean With a deep smile, he didn't even lift his head when he spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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