Chapter 162 Shameless Little Rascal
Jiang Yifan's move, at best, is called dumping the pot, at worst, it is shameless playing a scoundrel!
Wan Ke looked at him helplessly, his facial features were almost twisted together, "Boss, pretend to be 13 and get struck by lightning, and you will go to hell if you play a rascal."

"Go, go, don't give me nonsense here. A beautiful man like me who is simple, kind, sunny, handsome, and personable, with hundreds of advantages, will go to hell, but you, for a car. Had a big row with dear Uncle Li and now hid the car."

Jiang Yifan waved his hand casually, and what he said was as true as possible.

"Cough, boss..."


"I have a sore throat."

Ah Chen and others on the side listened to Jiang Yifan's words, and they also subconsciously rolled their eyes, thinking to themselves, asking what is the thickest in the world, it must be Jiang Yifan's face, asking who is the most shameless in the world, it must be him chant!
At this moment, Li Yan pushed open the door and walked in, looking at Jiang Yifan with a gloomy expression, "Say, where is that car?"

"Oh, my dear Uncle Li, I told you everything, and I have already given it to Wanke afterwards." Jiang Yifan hurried over to make a place for Li Yan to sit, his face full of hospitality.

"Then why did you run away?" Li Yan asked, staring at him.

"Didn't I suddenly think about the car, so I thought to come and ask Wan Ke and ask him to send it to you quickly." Jiang Yifan pointed at Wan Ke, "Who knew that this kid would say no."

"Xiao Ke, you see that you have been driving for a few days, so give the car to Uncle." Li Yan looked at Wan Ke upon hearing this.

Wan Ke spread his hands in confusion, "Uncle Li, would you believe me if I said I didn't hide your car?"

"Do you think our dear Uncle Li will believe it?"

Before Li Yan could open his mouth, Jiang Yifan took over the conversation and continued, "Uncle Li, you can't listen to the nonsense of boy Wanke. When I came in just now, I asked him for a car, but he said that no one would give me that car. It belongs to him. I can't agree with this, so I got entangled with him. This kid refused to give it to him. He also said that he had quarreled with you because of this car before, and now that it is in his hands, he will not give it to you. "

"Not only that, but he also said that it's just a car. Old man Li has more money than he can count, so just buy another car."

Listening to Jiang Yifan's call, Li Yan's face became more and more gloomy, and he waved his hand and pointed, "Wanke, hand over the car to me, otherwise I will call your father. When he comes, he must beat you hard." Meal."

Wan Ke looked aggrieved and helpless, "Old... Li... I, I... really didn't take it!" As he spoke, he dropped the watermelon rind in his hand. I don't know if it was a coincidence that the watermelon rind fell on the coffee table. It bounced back again, and slapped Li Yan directly on the face.

The atmosphere in the private room was even more embarrassing now, Jiang Yifan quickly picked up a tissue to wipe Li Yan, and said, "Oh, Wanke, you are an unfilial child, even our Uncle Li will be beaten, you are too disrespectful gone."

"Hmph!" Li Yan didn't know whether he was really angry or fake, so he immediately took out his phone and dialed, "The second floor box, get over here."


During this period, no one spoke in the box, as if the silver needle would make a movement when it fell, within 2 minutes, a middle-aged man ran over.

That's right, it was Wan Ke's father who had met Jiang Yifan once.Easy!That is, the real behind-the-scenes boss of the Blue Enchantress!

Wan Yi ran over in a daze, looked at the scene in front of him, and asked cheerfully, "Old Li, what made you so angry?"

Li Yan glanced at Wan Yi coldly, "Your son took over my car and refused to return it."

"What car?"

"That modified Mercedes-Benz saloon."

Wan Yi rolled his eyes when he heard this, "Oh, a car, what do I think it is?"

"Damn it, it's a car! Can you remove the word 'ah'! That's worth millions." Li Yan said angrily, his eyes widening.

"That's all right, all right, you can take care of the kids, I'll let Wanke drive you back later." Wan Yi slapped Li Yan on the shoulder, then smiled and said, "Now let's talk about something serious, so, You come to my office first, and I will teach you a lesson for this kid."

"What business?" Li Yan asked.

"I've found Qin Fang's whereabouts." Wan Yi finished speaking solemnly, Li Yan was visibly shaken, then gave Wan Ke a vicious look, and walked outside.

At this time, Wan Ke began to tremble all over, seeing Wan Yi's expression, sat on the sofa with a bang, waiting for the next storm.

"Son." Wan Yi smiled at Jiang Yifan and sat next to Wan Ke.As soon as he raised his hand, he heard the latter put his head in his hands and shouted, "Dad, don't start your head."

Wan Yi broke Wan Ke's hand angrily, "Why should I hit you?"

"Then aren't you going to hit me now?" Wan Ke asked puzzled.

"Fuck you, I have to reward you for giving me such a bad breath." Wan Yi smiled and patted Wan Ke's head, and continued, "You just hid that car, old man. No matter what Li Tou wants, he can't give it to him, damn it, it can be regarded as letting me take advantage of it."

As soon as these words came out, not only Wan Ke was puzzled, but even Jiang Yifan and the others became confused. What the hell is Wan Yi doing?

"Two days ago, my old Li made a bet, and he won, and he made me look ugly in public. Can't I use this car to soothe my wounded heart?" Wan Yi glanced at the strange eyes around him, and muttered road.

"Uncle, may I ask how to make a fool of yourself?"

"Actually, it's nothing, just ask me to call him uncle in front of the people below." Wan Yi waved his hand casually, "It doesn't matter if you call him or not, but we are all people who want faces, right, so I I think Xiao Ke did the right thing this time, and I definitely can't give him the car."

"Dad, the car is really not..." Wan Ke was about to speak when Wan Yi spoke again, "As a reward for this time, Dad decided to let the girls he got recently get you to play for two days."

"Really?" Wan Ke's complexion changed immediately, and he cast a strange look at Jiang Yifan, which was no longer the same as before.

"Damn, I'm so happy!" Wan Yi stood up cheerfully, then looked at Jiang Yifan and said, "Come up with me too, let's discuss something together."

Jiang Yifan was stunned for a moment, he was still reminiscing about Wan Yi's performance just now, he now has some doubts, is Wan Ke his own?Why does Wanyi's shameless spirit have his own demeanor?But Wan Ke is...

After Wan Yi and Jiang Yifan left, Ah Chen leaned over to Wan Ke's side and muttered, "Little Boss, I always feel that your father and Boss have the air of a shameless little rascal."

(End of this chapter)

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