Chapter 171 The Courier on the Wrangler
Jiang Yifan watched Wan Ke's face change suddenly, and suddenly turned his head and looked along the school gate, only to see a familiar figure walking out.

Although the figure was wearing a set of looser clothes, it still couldn't hide the delicate appearance and temperament.

After looking at the door twice, he walked towards the shepherd. At this time, a man stepped out of the car, dressed in a strange way.

Because he was driving a Wrangler, he was actually wearing a courier suit.

Jiang Yifan frowned, and before he could speak, Wan Ke rushed out and stood in front of Tang Guo without saying a word.

"Wanke? What are you doing here?" Tang Guo asked, frowning.

"Tang Guo, I really didn't expect you to be such a person." Wan Ke glared, almost shouting these words.

"What kind of person am I? I haven't taken any medicine." Tang Guo muttered, and walked straight ahead, bypassing Wan Ke.

"Lin Yanran?" asked the man beside the shepherd.

Tang Guo shook his head, "I'm his sister."

"Then get in the car and have a look." The man said and went directly into the back door.

Wan Ke looked at this scene, didn't stop there, grabbed the man by the hair, pulled him out with all his strength, and punched him out without saying a word!


The man received a punch and glared at Wan Ke, "What are you doing!"

"What am I doing?" Wan Ke grinned, rubbing his wrist and making a gesture to hit him again.

"Stop!" Tang Guo walked over at this moment, looking at Wan Ke very unhappy, "What are you going to do?"

"He's not a good person, you should go back to school." Wan Ke didn't have the flamboyant air he used to. Since Wan Yi was attacked, his whole person has changed a bit, plus what he learned with Jiang Yifan on weekdays At this moment, a kind of aura erupted from his body!
Jiang Yifan got up at this time, and walked over speechlessly, muttering as he walked, "Anyone's IQ is almost zero when facing someone they like."

"Damn it, you dare to come to our school to find Tang Guo!" At this moment, Wan Ke made another move.

Jiang Yifan saw that something was wrong, and shouted, "Xiao Ke, stop quickly, he is just a courier."

"Ah?" Wan Ke paused, looked at the man, then at the Wrangler's car, "It's definitely not, there's no courier brother who drives such a good car."

"Actually, I'm also curious about this matter." Jiang Yifan muttered, and walked in front of the three of them.Before he was ready to speak, the door behind the Wrangler suddenly opened, and three men with guns came running down.

At the same time, the man who was originally wearing the courier costume suddenly changed his face, revealing his ferocious side. He pulled Tang Guo back hard, and a sharp blade appeared on the latter's neck.

Seeing this, Jiang Yifan frowned tightly. Sure enough, something was wrong!

Wan Ke was shocked when he saw this scene!The corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and he murmured, "Do you still have bodyguards with you when picking up girls?"

"Who are you?" Jiang Yifan asked coldly.

"It doesn't matter who you are, what matters is that we are here to kill you today." The man holding Tang Guo sneered and took a step back.




As soon as the voice fell, the three men behind shot directly at Jiang Yifan without any warning!

This is the gate of the campus!

How dare you openly shoot in front of countless passers-by around you!As soon as the gunshot rang out, the people around immediately panicked, some screamed, and some hid nearby.

It was too late, but soon, Jiang Yifan felt that something was wrong while the courier man was talking, so he dodged and pushed away the stunned Wan Ke behind him, while he rolled directly towards the ground.Just dodging like this, a bullet still flew past his left shoulder, and the blood flowed out directly.The half sleeves that were originally white were instantly dyed more than half of them red!

"Boss!" Wan Ke became impatient and ran towards him.

"Run!" Jiang Yifan roared at Wan Ke.


Two more shots were fired, and then the alarm sounded. The men didn't hesitate at all when they saw this, and directly dragged Tang Guo into the car.Immediately after a roar, the Wrangler galloped away.

Jiang Yifan raised his fist and slammed it on the ground, cursing, "Damn it!"

But he didn't hesitate, looking at Wan Ke, "You stay, I'll go after you."

"I'll go too." Wan Ke looked solemn, apparently despite letting go of that impossible relationship, he still liked Tang Guo in his heart.

"You can't go, the police are coming soon, you stay where you are, if it's the policewoman who came to me last time, you tell her, let him quickly mobilize his men to chase after her, if not, you have to go immediately Find him and tell her what's going on here. Do you know!" Jiang Yifan patted Wan Ke on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I won't let Tang Guo have an accident!"

Wan Ke bit his lip and nodded heavily, it was clearly visible that there was a drop of blood on the corner of his mouth.

Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Yifan drove the car and chased the Wrangler in the direction from which he was fleeing.It all happened so suddenly that he was not prepared for it at all.

At the beginning, I just felt that the man on the Wrangler might have the same purpose as the man on the Mazda, to come to Chenbei University to catch girls, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen.

At that time, he still felt a little weird. After all, no matter how rich a courier boy is, he would not be able to drive a million-dollar Wrangler to deliver the courier. If he had been more vigilant at the time, this kind of thing would not have happened.



Annoyed, Jiang Yifan smashed the steering wheel directly, but he ignored the gunshot wound on his left arm, grinned in pain, and continued to follow.

He may have guessed something. There is a 80.00% chance that this group of people were sent by Qin Fang. Right now, he is the only one who has the leisure to do these things. Of course, other possibilities are not ruled out. We all know that Tang Guo is A relative of Lin Yanran's family.

Although Lin Huafeng is now the superficial emperor of Chenbei City, there are still many people who refuse to accept him, perhaps there was some kind of hatred at the beginning.

Every enemy of Jiang Yifan has told him a truth, he would rather kill the wrong than let him go!
So now, even if he digs three feet into the ground, he still wants to get Tang Guo out. That's still a child, a naive, lovely, pure and kind child!
Santana was speeding on the road, ignoring all the passing vehicles and the abuse of pedestrians, and even ignoring the traffic lights at every intersection!
It kept driving until it reached the edge of the urban area and the suburbs, which is the place where Xing Yuantian fell into the tunnel at the beginning...

(End of this chapter)

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