Chapter 181 Lin Yanran is Dead

When Jiang Yifan was happily preparing to enjoy the tenderness from Lin Yanran, he suddenly felt a force pulling him aside.

"Boom!" I saw a kitchen knife brushing against the tip of his hair, and it was directly pierced against the wall behind.For this scene, one can imagine how much effort the kitchen knife thrower just used.

Jiang Yifan patted his chest with lingering fear, the sweat oozed from his forehead, looked at Zhao Liu next to him and said, "Thank you."

"By the way, is this your daughter-in-law?" Zhao Liudu shook his head with great difficulty, he was so scared just now.

Jiang Yifan paused, glanced at Lin Yanran, and said, "At first I was sure, but now I'm not sure."

"Either way, let's go." Zhao Liu just walked out of the ghost gate, and he didn't want a girl to silence him.

"Jiang Yifan! Either you die or I die today!"

At this time, Lin Yanran walked towards him as if running away, holding a fruit knife in her hand, her momentum was as if she was rushing to her death.

When he arrived in front of Jiang Yifan, the fruit knife in his hand stabbed straight at Jiang Yifan's heart.

"Oh my god, I don't want to accompany you." Zhao Liu didn't hesitate when he saw this, and stepped aside. On the other hand, Jiang Yifan frowned, and stepped aside, but the knife seemed to press the tracker, and he just blinked. He swung it over again, this time facing his neck!
"Ah!" Seeing this shocking scene, Tang Guo screamed and squatted on the ground.

Jiang Yifan raised his left hand abruptly and directly grabbed Lin Yanran's wrist, but what he didn't expect was that the latter directly changed the way of his backhand, making his move miss.

Her brows furrowed even more. Although Lin Yanran had learned some basic self-defense techniques and taekwondo at school, she was still a weak girl after all. How could she have such a quick reaction?

"Take your life!" Lin Yanran shouted softly, raised the knife again, and still aimed at Jiang Yifan's neck!

At this moment, Jiang Yifan didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest, he paused, and directly used extreme speed to control his body and straddled directly behind Lin Yanran, and slammed his palm towards the latter's neck!
'Boom! This time, Lin Yanran didn't have any defenses, was hit directly, and fell to the ground without a word.

Tang Guo walked over at this time, looked at Lin Yanran who had fainted, and shouted at Jiang Yifan with some displeasure, "What are you doing!"

"She's going to kill me, what do you think I can do?" Jiang Yifan frowned, with a vague premonition.But he couldn't explain this premonition clearly, and he didn't know where to start.

Tang Guo glared at him angrily, then helped Lin Yanran up, and walked towards the sofa.

Zhao Liu swallowed his saliva and looked at Jiang Yifan, "You are indeed too ruthless. Even if she wants to kill you, she is still someone so close to you."

"I don't want to, but..." Jiang Yifan was at a loss for words, and suddenly didn't know how to speak.He sighed and walked towards the sofa.

Seeing Lin Yanran lying on the sofa, with sweat dripping down her fair face, her slightly pale face made him feel distressed.

Just when he was about to raise his hand to wake her up, Tang Guo opened him with his hand, "You are not allowed to touch Sister Yanran."

"Guoguo, I was forced to just now."

"As a last resort, you can't use such a heavy hand. Sister Yanran is just angry. As a man, why don't you give in to him?" Tang Guo shouted hoarsely.

Jiang Yifan is now the first and the second big. He wanted to explain, but felt unable to explain. He wanted to say something, but suddenly felt unable to say.

He felt more and more that something was wrong, but he couldn't say it out. He leaned against the sofa, picked up a cigarette, and looked at Tang Guo's back as he left to pour water, his eyes became a little dazed.

Zhao Liu looked at Jiang Yifan at this time, and suddenly sighed, "Girl, wake up for a while..." At this moment, the voice stopped abruptly, and suddenly shouted, "Be careful!"

Lin Yanran, who was originally lying flat on the sofa, sat up abruptly, and at some point a dagger appeared in her hand, and she wiped it straight at Jiang Yifan's neck.

Zhao Liu yelled and woke up Jiang Yifan directly, but the dagger came too suddenly. Even though he was powerful, he was defenseless after all.

A cold breath roared from his neck, Jiang Yifan subconsciously raised his hand to block it, only to see a line of blood gushing out.

Jiang Yifan's right index finger suddenly felt cold, followed by a sharp pain.

Ten fingers connected to the heart, when the fingers are injured, the pain will be more painful than any other injury!

The piercing pain made Jiang Yifan gasp, and shook his hand vigorously, but the blood was still flowing.I can't stop it!Thinking about it, it also allocated blood vessels!
Looking at the three to four centimeters long incision, Jiang Yifan's face became cloudy, looking at Lin Yanran who was still pale in front of him, "Do you really want my life that much?"

"Today, it's either you die or I die." Lin Yanran's voice suddenly became a little hoarse, and the dagger in her hand went straight up. This time, she didn't attack Jiang Yifan, but put it under her own neck.

"I know I can't kill you anymore, so I will kill myself first. I want you to let you live in guilt for the rest of your life, let you be jealous of Lin Huafeng for the rest of your life, and let you live in the shadows for the rest of your life! But I also It will turn into a ghost and make you restless forever!"


There was a sound of a glass falling to the ground, followed by Tang Guo's exclamation, "Sister Yanran! Don't...!"

"Yan Ran!" Jiang Yifan also yelled, and immediately started to run away at extreme speed, but it was already too late!
I saw the dagger in Lin Yanran's hand wiped directly into her neck, and the blood flowed out directly. At this time, Lin Yanran's face was ferocious, and she was extremely angry!

The dagger slipped from between her fingers, and Lin Yanran herself also slowly fell from the sofa to the ground, staring wide-eyed, already lifeless.

"Ah!" Seeing this bloody scene, Tang Guo screamed and fainted.

When Zhao Liu watched this scene, he was already stunned in place, with his mouth wide open, not knowing what to say.

Jiang Yifan frowned tightly, the scenes that happened with Lin Yanran played in his mind one after another, when she said, I, Lin Yanran, swear from now on, I will live to chase and kill you, Jiang Yifan, for the rest of my life!

At this moment, she fell in front of her.

Slowly walking over, looking at Lin Yanran who died with regret, Jiang Yifan suddenly laughed...

ps: Comment on this chapter, and say what you want to say the most after reading it, enough for ten non-repeated comments, and a new chapter will be added next Tuesday.

 ps: Comment on this chapter, and say what you want to say the most after reading it, enough for ten non-repeated comments, and a new chapter will be added next Tuesday.

(End of this chapter)

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