Chapter 213 True Love
Listening to Bai Lao's words, Jiang Yifan suddenly had a rhythm of crying and laughing, "Bai Lao, what you said, she is not a child anymore, she is also from the police academy, and she is protected by others."

"It's different." Bai Lao shook his head, "Now I can restrain myself a bit by her side, but old man, I still have a few years to live, so I'm worried that when she is really ready, she will really go to the front line , if something happens to her, my Bai family will die."

The greatest love in the world is the love of parents, and the most difficult love in the world is family love.

Jiang Yifan could hear Bai Lao's good intentions, and nodded silently, "If there is such a day, I will do my best to protect her."

Seeing Jiang Yifan's solemn expression, Bai Lao relaxed, and then said, "By the way, the medical research meeting is not far away. How are you preparing?"

Jiang Yifan scratched his head, "It's ready." Prepare some wool, if it wasn't for Bai Lao's reminder, he probably would have almost forgotten about such a thing.

"Well, I'll let you know then."

"Then Bai Lao, I'll leave first, and I'll come to see Police Officer Bai in a few days." Jiang Yifan thought that there was nothing else to do, he might as well leave, otherwise, if Bai Lao was asking about the gathering of the medical community, then he would trouble.

After leaving the hospital, Jiang Yifan called Zhao Liu and asked about the ghost-faced double flower. The latter said that he had never seen him since he entered the abandoned factory in the suburbs that day.

Jiang Yifan sat in the car and thought about it for a while, but he couldn't figure out what this ghost-faced double flower was holding back!There must be a demon for no reason.It is absolutely impossible to withdraw from the stage of Chenbei City after such a silence these few days.

When I was about to go to Huatian Village, I suddenly received a call from Wan Ke, saying that I wanted to go to the beach together.

Jiang Yifan thought about it and agreed, and drove straight to the beach.

For such a hot weather, many people have already piled up beside the beach.Putting up tents and the like are enjoying the baptism of the sea breeze.

Wan Ke and others set up the iron stove and were preparing things for the barbecue.

Jiang Yifan parked his car on the edge of the beach, walked towards them, curled his lips and said with a smile, "I said you guys are really free, you just eat, drink and have fun every day."

"Why do you think so much? If you don't play enough in the past few years, you will definitely regret it in the future." Wan Ke muttered, then turned to Hua Zi and the others and shouted, "Hurry up, the charcoal is almost gone."

"Little Boss, this can't be fast. The sheep you just slaughtered is sliced ​​and skewered. Even with eight hands, we can't handle it."

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up." Wan Ke said and walked over, and this time, only Zhang Momo and Jiang Yifan were left beside the stove.

"Brother Fan, you and Xiao Ke are in the same class. It stands to reason that we are both on vacation. What are you busy with every day?" Zhang Momo asked.

Jiang Yifan smiled and said, "I'm busy, how can I talk to little Kirby."

"I heard from Xiao Ke that you are very good at kung fu, is it true or not?" Zhang Momo moved closer to Jiang Yifan and asked.

"It's alright."

"I also heard from him that you have some golden needles, like Xiao Li's flying knife, and there are no false hairs. Are you so magical?" Zhang Momo continued to ask.

"He really told you everything."

"Is it as exaggerated as he said?"

"It must be an exaggeration, Xiao Li Feidao is in the legend, okay?" Jiang Yifan spread his hands, and Zhang Momo's question and answer with him gave him a very awkward feeling.

Zhang Momo rested his chin in both hands, and said curiously, "Then can you perform it?"

"This...isn't a good show."

"Just for a moment, I really want to see it." Zhang Mo stomped his feet, as if acting like a baby.

At this time Wan Ke also came over, muttering that the whole lamb will be roasted soon, and sat next to Zhang Momo, "What are you talking about, so happy?"

"Didn't you say Brother Fan's unique skill of flying golden needles before? I really want to see it, but he won't let me." Zhang Momo said coquettishly, shaking Wan Ke's arm.

Wan Ke paused, "Boss, just show her. There is nothing to lose."

Jiang Yifan thought about it for a while, but he didn't want to refute Wan Ke's face, so he took out a wallet from his pocket, opened it and immediately filled it with gold needles.

Because the weather was hot, he was wearing half-sleeves, so he couldn't put it in his jacket pocket, so Jiang Yifan prepared a clip.

Zhang Momo looked at it playfully, then picked up a drink bottle and placed it four or five meters ahead.Bouncing back to Wan Ke's side, he fixed his eyes on the golden needle in Jiang Yifan's hand.

Jiang Yifan twisted a golden needle, his eyes flickered, and his fingers directly flicked the golden needle out.


The golden needle pierced the air and pierced a hole in the top of the bottle.

"Wow, that's great!" Zhang Momo cheered in amazement like a little girl.

Jiang Yifan pursed his lips. If his master Cang Yunzi knew about it, he would probably drive the old man to death if he performed for others with a golden needle.

"Can I have a look at these needles?" Zhang Momo approached Jiang Yifan and asked.

Jiang Yifan handed the clip to her casually, "Be careful, don't tie your hands."

Zhang Momo took the clip carefully, and looked at it, with a look of surprise on his face, Wan Ke was very happy seeing her like this, and said to Jiang Yifan, "Mo Mo is simpler than me."

"You're not innocent, you're dirty!" Jiang Yifan gave Wan Ke a blank look, "Where did you find this girl?"

"At the gate of the blue enchantress, I just came home from school that day, and happened to meet her being stopped by a few gangsters, so a bloody drama of a hero saving the beauty was staged. Slightly." Wan Ke spread his hands and said.

"It's going well." Jiang Yifan smiled casually, but his eyes turned to Zhang Momo's side more often.

Wan Ke smiled, "This is fate. When fate comes, you can't stop it." As he spoke, he hugged Zhang Momo directly into his arms, "Boss, this is my true love."

"Go, go, don't disgust me, I really love you."

"It's really true love. I have seen many beauties before, but at that time it was just novelty and possessiveness at work, but Momo is different. I can feel the subtle feeling when I'm with her, As if I would suffocate without her."

Wan Ke said with a very happy face, and kissed Zhang Momo's forehead, "You will marry me, right?"

"Enen. As long as you don't betray me, I will be with you forever." Zhang Momo said affectionately.

"I will never betray you until I die." Wan Ke nodded solemnly and kissed her directly.

"Ouch..." Jiang Yifan stood up speechlessly, and walked towards Ah Chen and the others.

ps: Let me tell you the update time, six o'clock in the morning, twelve o'clock in the noon, and six o'clock in the afternoon.In this way, everyone can choose a time to watch, and there is no need to wait in a hurry. Ye Zi is trying her best to give everyone a burst of code.

ps: In the next chapter, the fun will begin.

(End of this chapter)

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