Chapter 218 Chaos situation

"Explanation?" Jiang Yifan asked back, "Is there any evidence for your explanation? Secondly, you were originally from Qin Fang, but few people knew about your following me. Do you think that if you say it, someone will believe you?"

Jiang Yifan's rebuttal made Zhao Liu speechless, and after thinking for a while, he said helplessly, "Then let them slander you so much?"

When Jiang Yifan heard the words, he suddenly felt a little sarcasm. Those who accompanied him every day had distrust, but at this moment, Zhao Liuchu, who was rebellious, was always thinking about himself.

Pursing the corners of his lips, he patted Zhao Liu on the shoulder and said, "Okay, everything will pass."

Zhao Liu nodded, "Well, you can rest assured to do what you should do, and I will do my best to help you."

After chatting with Zhao Liu for a while, Jiang Yifan left and told him not to take the initiative to contact him. After leaving Zhao Liu's house, Jiang Yifan turned off his phone and left the SIM card by the side of the road.

He is very clear about the official means. If he follows the same path, he will definitely find himself. He simply has nothing to worry about now, and the mobile phone will naturally be useless.

Driving through the street, there were policemen and some mysterious people everywhere, and there was no need to think that Jiang Yifan was arrested.

He parked the Land Rover in a corner not far from the blue enchantress, made a simple cover up, and then went to those small clothes stores to buy two sets of clothes, a hat and glasses.

From today onwards, Jiang Yifan's life will become a bit lonely and a bit tight. In short, he needs to face the ghost-faced double flower alone!
Without any support, I didn't even dare to walk on the street too ostentatiously!
Thinking about it, I feel a little ridiculous.The lone wolf god of war in the mysterious base would have such an embarrassing day?If his previous opponents found out, would he laugh his ass off?
Half an hour later, in an abandoned house in the suburbs of Chenbei City, Jiang Yifan carefully observed the surrounding terrain.

There are shelters on all sides, and they were all abandoned factories before, only a few hundred meters away from the factory where the ghost-faced double flowers are located.

He hid here just to wait for the ghost-faced double flowers to appear, and observe what they were doing here by the way.

Jiang Yifan vaguely felt that the ghost-faced double flower would not hide in the abandoned factory here for no reason, and must have some purpose. Although Lu Zhuang hadn't found out yet, he was sure that there must be some ulterior secret here .

Time passed by every minute and every second, and it didn't take long for it to be more than nine o'clock in the evening. During this period, Jiang Yifan only went out to buy some things. People passed by without being found.

Although he does not know the so-called disguise technique, as a person who came out of the mysterious base, it is still very easy to disguise himself.


The words are divided into two parts.

At this time, Chenbei City has become a mess.

Chenbei City Police Station, Director Jiang Zhengyang sat in the conference room, looked at the policemen below, with a serious face, and said sharply, "Find Jiang Yifan at all costs, remember not to confront him head-on, and bring him back to the police station intact. .”

"Chief, what if he attacks us?" one of the police officers asked.

Jiang Zhengyang frowned when he heard this, "It is absolutely necessary not to do anything, if... if he kills everyone, he can do it depending on the situation."

"The white team is already lying in the hospital, why do you still believe him?" The deputy director, that is, Wang Wenliang, a retired soldier who fought against Jiang Yifan back then!In fact, when he received the order that Jiang Yifan was wanted, he didn't dare to believe it.

After all, he had fought against Jiang Yifan. Although this person was somewhat violent, he was still an upright person and would not do that kind of thing.

But one fact after another was placed in front of him, so he had to accept it.

Jiang Zhengyang is the only one who knows Jiang Yifan's identity. He doesn't believe in him, but in the word Lone Wolf, but there are some things that must be done.

He is the chief of the Chenbei City Police Department, and he wants to think about the people of the entire urban area.There was a hundred reluctance in his heart. Under the public opinion, he still had to let his subordinates take action.

His conflict stems from the fact that he doesn't believe that Jiang Yifan would do such a thing, but he has to obey the will of the people to issue orders to arrest people.

After thinking for a while, he said to Wen Liang, "Director Wen, I believe in Jiang Yifan's character, so I don't want to make things bigger. Secondly, if he really does this kind of thing, then Chenbei City will face the most difficult situation in history." Situation. Jiang Yifan's ability is higher than anyone in the police station. Even you and I may not be his opponent. If such a person exists in the urban area, if he really does something harmful to the citizens, what do you think we will do? Are you able to stop it?"

Hearing this, even Wen Liang, who had experienced the baptism of bullets and bullets, gasped. He had fought against Jiang Yifan, so he naturally knew its strength. If such a person was in the urban area, it would undoubtedly cause the largest Panic!At that time, Beishi will inevitably be in chaos!

He nodded heavily, "I will personally lead the team and try to bring him back to the police station safely." After speaking, Wen Liang directly led a group of police elites to walk outside.

Watching everyone leave, Jiang Zhengyang stretched his frowning brows, and muttered in a low voice, "How did things turn out like this?"

In fact, what Jiang Zhengyang said was not wrong at all. If an existence like Jiang Yifan really did something to the urban area, no one would be able to stop him, and he would pay a heavy price directly.

Believe in him, so I will do whatever it takes to bring him back safely.

If you don't believe him, try not to fight, so that those disasters can happen!

In Ward 888 of Chenbei People's Hospital.

Lin Yaran was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face, Lin Huafeng and his wife were on the left, and Lin Yanran and Tang Guo were on the right.

Just now, Bai Lao performed the surgery himself, and it is not life-threatening. There are two reasons for not waking up now. The first is that he lost a lot of blood, and the second is that he found a golden needle in Lin Yaran's head. The golden needle is exactly the same as that used by Jiang Yifan!

"How could Yifan do such a thing? Our family treats her well!" Lin Yanran's mother said sadly.

"I really didn't expect him to do such a thing." Lin Yanran's face was not good-looking. In fact, she didn't believe it either. A confrontation between character and character.

Listening to Lin Yanran's words, Lin Huafeng grinned meaningfully, "Yanran, if I say he didn't do this, would you believe me?"

ps: Do an update activity in the group. The topic is to judge the one with the highest beauty. Everyone can participate in it and add a chapter to the children's shoes with the highest beauty. The time is three days.Group number: 485176245.In the future, we will carry out some more activities of this kind in the group, and hope that everyone can participate in it.Chat and discuss life together.It would be even better if there are sister papers to join!

(End of this chapter)

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