Chapter 225 Form Reversal
With Lu Zhuang taking the lead, a dozen big men behind him walked directly around the crowd, each of them looked menacing and aggressive!
Zhang Momo sneered, "Jiang Yifan! I hope you are still alive before the bad news comes!"

The corner of Jiang Yifan's mouth rose, "Actually, you should consider whether you will get bad news now!"

After Jiang Yifan finished speaking, Lu Zhuang and other big men immediately surrounded Zhang Momo, and said softly, "Sister Yun, I'm sorry."

"Lu Zhuang! What do you mean?" Zhang Momo was completely stunned at this moment, pointing at Lu Zhuang in astonishment.

Lu Zhuang spread his hands, "At the beginning, Qin Fang died and left us all behind. I was arrested, and my brothers were all scattered all over the place. It just so happens that you are still here. Instead of trusting us, you are everywhere. Let us brothers charge forward! Rather than doing this, we might as well choose a wise master to follow."

"Traitor!" Zhang Momo snapped, his face became extremely ugly.

"Nothing you say can change the status quo. It's okay for Qin Fang to treat me as a brother, but you two sisters can't. I managed to gather people together, and you still don't trust us. If you trusted us a little more, maybe I would When Jiang Yifan was wanted, he really came back to you. It's a's a pity." When Lu Zhuang said this, he gave Jiang Yifan a meaningful look.

After a pause, he said, "Don't blame me. After all, we were all Qin Fang's people back then. At a certain moment, I really didn't want to betray, but who would have thought that these two girls don't trust us."

Jiang Yifan waved his hand indifferently. To be honest, he didn't expect Lu Zhuang to really help him, but this move must be played.

But now it seems that the ending is good, if Lu Zhuang and others help Ghost Face Shuanghua, they will bring some troubles for themselves.

"It's in vain that our father treats you so well." Zhang Momo said with a cold glance at Lu Zhuang.

"We will remember what he did to us, but that's all he did to us. It has nothing to do with you two sisters. Most of us are orphans or people who have nowhere to go. Now you are not in good shape, Why should we take the edge of the sword?"

As Lu Zhuang said, he winked at the person next to him, "Send Miss on her way!"

"Hmph! You're just catching me alone, and my sister is still here." A cold light flashed in Zhang Momo's eyes, and slowly put those little hands into his trouser pockets.

"Is your sister?" Jiang Yifan stood up unhurriedly at this moment, glanced at Zhang Momo's posture about to escape, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, you will all be reunited."

As soon as Jiang Yifan's voice fell, two cars drove straight over, and Fox, Hou Zi, brigade deputy, and Bayu walked over from the car carrying two big black bags.Randomly throw it on the ground.The four of them turned to Jiang Yifan and said, "Boss, the sister-in-laws are really beautiful."

Jiang Yifan angrily gave Monkey and the others a look, and then opened the two big black bags. Inside were Mo Yan and the man who wanted to sneak attack Bai Bingbing.

Looking at Zhang Momo, the conversation changed, and he said very domineeringly, "Zhang Momo, you can go on your way with peace of mind!"

When Zhang Momo saw that the entire army on his side was wiped out, he was dumbfounded. His thoughts of sneak attack and escape disappeared, his delicate body trembled, and he murmured in a low voice, " is it possible? ?”

"Nothing is impossible." Jiang Yifan smiled slightly, "You have made such a big circle, you first attracted my attention, then changed into me and the dead Xu Mei'er, and killed the Xu brothers. Let Nuo Da a Xu The group was defeated. The purpose is to make the officials think that I did it, and this will give you a chance to attack Bai Bingbing."

"The second step is to sneak into Wan Ke's side, and use his pure energy to make him fall in love with you desperately, and use tricks to break up the two of us. The purpose is to let the forces of the Blue Enchantress and me segmentation"

Speaking of this, Jiang Yifan lit a cigarette and continued, "With these two steps as the basis, you can safely attack me, but you are still not at ease, so you pretend to be me, and in front of Lin Lin Lin Yaran was injured in the face of all the employees of the family. The purpose is to make Lin, the last one who relies on me, completely disbelieve me."

"If you talk about these steps of yours, there is no mistake at all, and you also think that after eliminating all of my assistance, you can kill me directly, and then annex all the forces in front of you one by one, which can also make yours Plans can actually be implemented."

Jiang Yifan pursed his lips, "It's a pity that you never thought that although I was wanted and pushed into a desperate situation by you, I can still survive the desperate situation!"

"They are all people you hide in the dark, right? You knew our plan from the beginning?" Zhang Momo paused and said suspiciously, "No, if you knew our plan, why would you just sit back and watch?" Doesn't matter if these girls are injured? How did you guess that we would suddenly kill them today?"

Jiang Yifan shook his head slightly, "I didn't know about your plan at the beginning, but it was you who hid by Wan Ke's side, because his breakup with me made me more determined. This is a conspiracy!"

"As for today's matters." When Jiang Yifan said here, he pointed to the fox. "If you are willing to spend the night with him, he will probably tell you."

"Fuck, boss, can you not be so biased and just push this little girl to the old fox." Monkey frowned unwillingly.

Zhang Momo stood there and looked at the two people on the ground, and muttered in frustration, "We've been planning for so long? We lost like this?"

The fox took a few steps forward, pinched Zhang Momo's chin and said with a smile, "It's not wrong to lose. There are too few people who can drive my boss to a desperate situation. So after you die, we will be in your grave Give me a thumbs up for encouragement!"

When the fox was talking, Wan Ke suddenly ran over, pushed the former away, and said cursingly, "Get out of here!"

"Damn, who the hell are you!" The fox was not happy anymore.Grabbing Wan Ke's clothes, "Try telling me one more thing."

"I told you to get lost!" Wan Ke roared, and punched the fox.

What is the identity and status of the fox, and Wan Ke can still be hit?A grappling hand and an over-the-shoulder throw directly threw Wan Ke to the ground, and he exhaled and cursed, "Little bastard, come out to fight like others before your hair grows."

"Fox!" Jiang Yifan frowned and shook his head at him.The fox paused for a moment, then walked aside, smoking a stuffy cigarette.

(End of this chapter)

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