Chapter 241 The way girls like to confess

At noon, Jiang Yifan strolled around outside the company for a few times. I have to say that the current Lin Group is really awesome.This whole building is all owned by other people, and even the next few big real estates have been auctioned, and Lin's subordinate group is going to be established.

For the current Chenbei City, Lin Huafeng is undoubtedly the only one who can do such a handwriting!

In fact, it is still the same old saying, in this world, whoever is rich is the uncle!Money can turn ghosts around. The current Lin Huafeng does not dare to say that he is the richest man in this provincial capital, but he can definitely be ranked in the top three.

When Jiang Yifan was secretly surprised, he was also thinking that if he had so much money, he would definitely not be expanding the company. He would find someone with high ability to help manage the company, and then buy a private jet to travel around the world. Soak in beauties all over the world, eat delicious food all over the world.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, he wandered back to the training room. At this time, Shen Rong was arranging documents inside. When he saw Jiang Yifan push the door open, he smiled in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Jiang Yifan sat in front of Shen Rong, "I promised you would come over a long time ago, isn't there some delay? Let the beautiful woman wait all the time, what will others think of me in the future."

"Slick tone!" Shen Rong gave Jiang Yifan a speechless glance, and then said, "Then shall we start now?"

"The meeting will start. Let me ask you a few questions first." Jiang Yifan interrupted Shen Rong. In terms of relationship, he is really similar to a rookie. It is a trivial matter to make candlelight dinner at night, but this girl can develop further. However, he has some words that are very weak, so it is better to ask Shen Rong at this time.

For this kind of thing, it will definitely not work to ask a man, but it will be better to ask a woman. After all, it is a woman who really understands a woman!

Obviously Jiang Yifan also asked the wrong person this time, because of what he asked today, a huge oolong incident almost happened in the near future!And it was precisely because of that incident that he became a real old driver emotionally!
Of course, this is all for later, now back to the topic.

Shen Rong put down the document in her hand, put her chin in her right hand and said curiously, "You can ask."

Jiang Yifan organized his language and asked, "What kind of confession do girls usually like?"

Shen Rong's eyes shook a few times when she heard the words, "Why do you ask such a question? Are you going to confess your love to someone?"

"Isn't this a review of homework in advance, which can be used in the future."

"Although every girl has different personalities and habits, the confession and proposal methods in their dreams are similar. First of all, it must be romantic. The premise for a woman to agree to you is to be touched. When her heart is touched by you After that, the whole thing will become very sacred, and then the man will say the words deep in his heart in a serious manner, such as I love you, and I will be with you for the rest of my life."

Shen Rong listened to Jiang Yifan's words, but she had a different thought in her heart. Jiang Yifan had helped her and her family, and even mentioned the relationship between the two in front of Xing Yuantian. Although both of them maintained a tacit understanding, Did not go to explain.

But at this time, Shen Rong was thinking, would Jiang Yifan want to confess to himself in the future?So she said all this according to her dream.

Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Speaking of what is deep in your heart in a serious manner?"

"That's right, when a girl's heart is touched by a man, what she wants to hear the most is what the man should be responsible for. Although many people say now, it's a bit weird to say that if you don't leave if you love you, if you don't want to break up, etc. Tan, but girls just like it. The most important thing is to be serious, so that girls can promise you without any return." Shen Rong explained.

Jiang Yifan thought for a while, and began to fantasize about the conversation with Lin Yanran tonight, and then asked, "Then what else?"

"That's it, what else do you want?"

"For example, if the girl agrees, then the two of them will become a couple. How can they develop to a deeper level?" Jiang Yifan is like a curious baby. As soon as he opened the chatterbox, problems immediately appeared.

Shen Rong thought for a while, "It depends on how the two develop. Many things happen naturally. If you ask me these things, I have my own thoughts. After all, I have never experienced it before."

"Okay, then I understand, let's start the training." Jiang Yifan nodded and said.

After a strange look flashed in Shen Rong's agile eyes, she turned on the projector, stood up and walked over, and then began to introduce Lin's company.

"The Lin Group started from..."

The entire afternoon was spent in Shen Rong's explanations, but Jiang Yifan was almost in the left ear and out the right ear, and his mind was full of composing the scene tonight.

And he also thought of how to get Tang Guo to help him subconsciously!
"Okay, I have talked about the corporate culture and some work processes, and tomorrow I will tell you some details about the department you are going to."

At 05:30 in the afternoon, Shen Rong turned off the projector and said.

Jiang Yifan nodded, "Okay, the beautiful teacher has worked hard."

"In fact, working in this big company is really fun every day. If I hadn't chosen the profession of teaching at the beginning, I would have really wanted to work here forever." Shen Rong said with a smile.

"Then you can talk to Lin Yaran, I think she will definitely hire a talent like you with a high salary."

Shen Rong shook her head, "Let's forget it. Are you still going home?"

Jiang Yifan looked at the time, "Come back, I'll be back now, see you, beautiful teacher." As he spoke, he ran out with a smile.


ps: There are a thousand Hamlets for a thousand people. Actually, I read book reviews every day, and I understand what everyone said and what they want to see. There is a certain reason for Ye Zi to write about every character, including her character. For example , Regarding Lin Yanran's character, this is like our growth, from ignorance to rebellious willfulness, and after experiencing many things, he becomes mature.

So don't worry, give this book some time to grow, and give the characters in it time to grow. I believe that the stories that happen to each character will make you happy and moved again and again.Ye Zi will be very careful in shaping the characters and stories, and I hope everyone will continue to support Ye Zi, and because of your support, this book will go further.

Regarding the typos, some of the previous chapters do exist, and Ye Zi is also trying her best to modify them. You can see that they are almost eliminated now, but there are still black under the lights.This is inevitable.So I hope everyone understands.

Finally, I would like to say, cursing, please pay attention to some of your own words, every story is constructed with heart, every word is typed out with hard work, yes, readers are the God of us writers, but God should not use words without reason. Treat the author with insults.

(End of this chapter)

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