Chapter 259

About ten minutes later, Jiang Yifan also took out the bullet from Xuedie's shoulder, thanks to the fact that it was not embedded too deeply, so it didn't hurt the bone, but it bled a little more.

After finishing the shoulder, he removed the herbal medicine on the arm, and re-applied a medicine that can promote recovery. After wrapping it up, he was greatly relieved.

Fortunately, the treatment was done in time, otherwise it would be really hard to say what would happen to the toxin.

There are also weaknesses in strong people, and there are nemesis in the existence of Niucha.

In fact, using poison is a low-level performance in anyone's eyes, but it is originally a life-and-death attitude, so how can anyone abide by it?
It's true that Xue Die is strong, but she will still fall for the tricks of the mastermind behind her back!
However, this also indirectly gave Jiang Yifan an important message, that is, when Liang Qing comes back this time, there must be a super terrifying existence beside him, and Liang Qing has become the ghost doctor's apprentice again. With the addition of poison, it is even more powerful!

As mentioned before, the ghost doctor is not a good person, nor is he a doctor who abides by medical ethics. On the contrary, the methods he uses are relatively vicious.

Therefore, Jiang Yifan is sure that the poison this time must have been formulated by Liang Qing or the ghost doctor!
Seeing that Xuedie's breath had become much more even, Jiang Yifan felt relieved, turned to Lin Yanran and said, "Do you have any spare clothes?"

"Do you want to give it to her?" Lin Yanran was startled for a moment, then pointed to Xuedie on the bed.

Jiang Yifan sneered, and said with a playful smile, "Could it be possible for me to wear it?"

"Uncle, in fact, you are so handsome, you will look beautiful in women's clothing." Because of the nervousness just now, Tang Guo didn't dare to say a word. Now that he's done, he naturally wants to join in the fun.

It's just that her outrageous words got Jiang Yifan and Lin Yanran both rolled their eyes and raised their middle fingers in exchange!
Some grievances pursed their mouths, "I'm just stating a fact!"

"It just so happened that during the daytime today, my sister took me and Guoguo out to buy some clothes, and I went to get them, but..." Lin Yanran said behind, hesitating to speak...

"Just what?" Jiang Yifan asked curiously.

"I can wear those clothes, but I don't know if she can..." Lin Yanran blushed a little, as if she was a little shy.

"Although she is taller than you, she should be about the same. Anyway, I just deal with it. I'll take her to buy it tomorrow."

"Alright then." Lin Yanran hesitated for a moment, before turning around and leaving.

"Wait." Jiang Yifan stopped her again, "It's just that the clothes are not enough, let's get two underwear by the way."

"Ah?" Lin Yanran and Tang Guo Qiqi said in astonishment, "I'm afraid this really won't work."

"What's wrong?" Jiang Yifan was a little puzzled.

"Her size must be bigger than mine... mine." Lin Yanran lowered her voice when she said this, pointing to Xuedie's towering and proud place.

'Pfft' Jiang Yifan couldn't hold back for a moment before laughing, "You really think highly of her, she's not as big as you."

When they were at the base, Jiang Yifan and his entire team secretly called Xuedie 'Princess Taiping', which means she has small breasts, like an airport.

In fact, it is not very small, but because of this beauty, there are no rough waves, which is a bit of a fly in the ointment.

Lin Yanran scratched her head, "Okay, then I'll get it."


About five or six minutes later, Lin Yanran ran down the stairs, and took two pieces of clothes with tags on them, which were new at first glance, and two new underwear.The black one matches well with Snow Butterfly.

"Okay, you can rest here, I'll take her into the bathroom and take a shower." Jiang Yifan took the clothes and gave the order to evict her!
"You give her a bath?"

Lin Yanran was a little surprised, but also a little angry. After all, this lonely man and widow lived in the same room, and they had to take a bath...

"What's the big deal. It's not like I haven't washed it before!" Jiang Yifan snorted, and couldn't help but recall in his mind the scene when he saw Xuedie taking a bath.The corners of the mouth subconsciously rose slightly.



"If I say no, I won't!" Lin Yanran also felt that Xue Die had fallen asleep because of her injury, so she didn't want to make too much noise with him, otherwise she would have to get to the bottom of the sentence just now, "It's not that it hasn't been washed". Ask clearly.

She looked at Jiang Yifan angrily and said angrily, "Go out, Guoguo and I will wash her."

"This... I think I'll wash it myself. She has wounds on her body, so she can't get water there, and she needs to be very careful. You two young ladies have been pampered and pampered in the past. How could you have done such a thing?" Jiang Yifan It's easy to catch an opportunity to have such a close contact with Xue Die, and it's not easy to let it go.

Besides, in the past, Xue Die would beat or scold him, but now that he has such a good opportunity, if he doesn't make up for what he had before, it would be too bad!
"Don't talk to me, no matter how stupid we are, we know how to avoid her wounds, you are a shameless bastard, you just want to take advantage of her to give her a bath!" Lin Yanran put her hands on her waist At the moment, she knows Jiang Yifan too well.

Jiang Yifan curled his lips speechlessly, "Then the three of us will let her forget it together, we all strip} naked together, and then the four of us squeeze into a bathroom..."

Well, Jiang Yifan has already started to imagine how wonderful this scene is.

"'re so dirty!" Tang Guo gave Jiang Yifan a disgusted look when she heard that, and then pushed him away, "Hurry up and get out, or I'll throw you and this big sister out together with Sister Yanran. "

Even though he didn't want to, Jiang Yifan had no choice but to go out at this time, and had no choice but to go to the living room.Watching Wolf Qing Beibei squatting next to the sofa watching TV.Walking to his side, he muttered in a low voice, "Bebe, what do you think it's like taking a bath with three beauties?"

Wolf Qing Beibei glanced back at him, and turned his head to look at the TV without saying anything. The scene of One Punch Superman saving the beauty was playing on the TV!

The corner of Jiang Yifan's mouth raised slightly, and he patted Beibei's head, "You guys reminded me that I was a hero to Xuedie, and according to the development of the plot, she should promise me with her body."

"Ahahaha, this is not bad, it can take down the heroine of the base! In the future, Monkey and the others will give me [-] likes!" Jiang Yifan laughed loudly thinking of this...

And Lin Yanran and Tang Guo carefully got Xuedie to the bathroom, because they were worried that the wound would touch water, so they also made a lot of preparations.

(End of this chapter)

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