Chapter 269

After the monkey finished speaking, everyone around looked at Jiang Yifan, and their eyes were also full of surprise.

Jiang Yifan lit a cigarette and said unhurriedly, "I was going to deliver meat to him. Liang Qing got the inheritance of a ghost doctor, and now he can be called a master of poisoning. Based on this alone, no matter what we do Time goes by, and it is difficult to find a solution.”

"Secondly, they have raised their vigilance now. That is only for ordinary people. Just imagine, if you are Liang Qing, because of this incident, you will arrange people around your residence to protect yourself. .Then what would you say your current state is like?"

The fox frowned and thought for a while, then slapped his legs and smiled, "If I were Liang Qing, then I would definitely be at ease now! Because I was worried about being attacked like those island warriors before, I must have arranged people around him, That's how to protect him! But he himself is relaxed."

"But." The fox said here, his expression changed, he hesitated to speak.

"But what?" Jiang Yifan smiled.

"But, they must have ambushed a lot of people outside, so how do we get in?"

"Wait a minute, I'll let someone find a breakthrough." Jiang Yifan smiled and took out his phone. For him, since he dared to say that, he must have enough confidence.

In addition, Zhao Liu was already staring at Liang Qing's villa, and according to Zhao Liu's character, he definitely wouldn't just stare at that simple.So find a gap to go in, and then implement the plan that Jiang Yifan said before, there is absolutely no problem.

As he said that, Jiang Yifan dialed Zhao Liu's phone number directly, and the other party connected immediately, and asked, "What a coincidence, I was about to call you."

"Let me talk about the business first." Jiang Yifan didn't give Zhao Liu a chance to talk about the matter, and said bluntly, "You have been staring at the villa where Liang Qing lives for a while, have you found a gap where you can enter without disturbing people?"

"He has more than 70 people around him now, but it's impossible to say that there is no gap, but it's a bit difficult. What's wrong?" Zhao Liu replied.

"I'm going to give him some meat to eat." Jiang Yifan told Zhao Liu his plan with a smile.

"Actually, it doesn't need to be so troublesome." Zhao Liu on the opposite side smiled, "This is what I was going to tell you just now."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yifan smiled slightly, it seems that Zhao Liu had some unexpected gains!I have to say that keeping Zhao Liu by my side back then really played a big role in the critical moment.

"Come and see for yourself and then you decide what to do."

"Okay, you wait." Jiang Yifan hung up the phone after finishing speaking, and looked at the people around him, "Brigade deputy, take everyone to stand by, and I will go there with the instructor."

"Okay." Everyone nodded, and Jiang Yifan and Xuedie rushed towards Zhao Liu.

Xue Die is just an instructor, everyone does not treat her as a strict superior-subordinate relationship, but they treat Jiang Yifan differently, Jiang Yifan is the backbone of the entire team, so in a sense, the status of Jiang Yifan and Xue Die in the hearts of everyone , the former is higher than the latter!
In the car, Xuedie asked, "What is there in the North Mountain of Huatian Village that the islanders covet so much?"

"I don't know, but I heard from Li Yan that there should be some good treasures handed down from our ancestors. Anyway, no matter what it is, we can't let the islanders take it away, even if it's a handful of Chinese soil!" Jiang Yifan looked Seriously, a strong murderous intent flowed in his eyes!The whole person's aura has changed a lot.

Xuedie looked at Jiang Yifan, but did not continue speaking.

The two soon arrived at the place where Zhao Liu lived, and walked into the basement with ease.

"You arranged the people around this room?"

Although Lu Zhuang was hiding very secretly, he was still noticed by Xue Die.Jiang Yifan nodded, "Zhao Liu is different from us. He is a person behind the scenes who engages in intelligence, but often he can save our lives at critical times, so I called someone to protect him."

"Brother Fan." Zhao Liu greeted him.

"Well, what did you tell me to watch?" Jiang Yifan nodded.

Zhao Liu fiddled a few times in front of the computer, and then the picture of Liang Qing talking with Li Haiyang in the room before was displayed on the big screen.

"Because of the sneak attack on their people today, they guessed that there was an inner ghost. Liang Qing suspected Li Haiyang without hesitation, but was refuted by Li Haiyang. I think this is a very interesting piece of information. I think it will be very helpful to you guys. The next steps will help a lot.”

Inside ghost?

When Jiang Yifan heard these two words, he suddenly laughed!
"Today we swept away everyone in Liang Qing outside. We didn't expect him to think that he was an insider! But it's true, there are people like Zhao Liu who are more against the sky, and they can't even think of the so-called "insider" when they are killed. ’ turned out to be just listening to their phone calls.”

"However, in this case, we can take advantage of Li Haiyang."

"what do you mean……"

"That's right, it's just to sow discord!"

"However, as far as I know, Li Haiyang seems to have a lot of hatred for you. How can you persuade him?" Xuedie asked.

Jiang Yifan smiled mysteriously, and instead of answering Xuedie's words directly, he looked at Zhao Liu, "Can you forge a call record?"

"It depends on who you want. I need his own voice." Zhao Liu replied after thinking for a while.

"Just forge the call records between me and Li Haiyang."

"Okay, wait for 5 minutes." Zhao Liu began to operate on the computer while Jiang Yifan was beside him, telling him how to deal with the dialogue inside.

About five or six minutes later, Zhao Liu transmitted the recording to Jiang Yifan's mobile phone, and said with a smile, "I wish you all the best."

Jiang Yifan took the phone and smiled, put it in his pocket, and turned to look at Xue Die, "Instructor, please inform the foxes and the others, let them take all the guys over there, and they will try to open a gap at all costs! Create momentum Bigger, the bigger the better."

Although I don't know exactly what Jiang Yifan is going to do, but at this time, he will definitely not mess around. Xue Die picked up the mobile phone and called the fox on the opposite side as he walked out. After briefly talking about everything, the two A person also walked to the side of the car.

At this moment, Jiang Yifan also made a phone call, "Hey, Officer Bai, haven't you rested yet?"

"Is there something wrong?" Bai Bing asked coldly.

"Well... come out and make an appointment, I rented a villa in Haoting Villa, thinking about playing a uniform temptation with you." Jiang Yifan said with a harmless smile.

(End of this chapter)

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