Chapter 272
Bai Bingbing looked at the chaotic scene in front of him, and said directly to the policemen, "Pull the cordon, and avoid all irrelevant people."

After hearing the words, the police all started to act. On the top floor of the villa, Liang Qing recovered a little bit, looked at the dozen or so people in front of him, and said with a gloomy expression, "Why are the police here?"

"I don't know who called the police, we can't get out now." A man next to him said.

In fact, most of the people guarding the villa tonight are from Chenbei City, and only a few are from the island country.

Liang Qing took a deep breath, "You two escorted me to run through the back door, I can't be caught, and then tell the brothers not to resist, I will find a way to save you."

" can we save it after it's all gone in?" The man looked a little embarrassed, a little reluctant.

Liang Qing slammed the sofa heavily, and said in a deep voice, "I say I can, let the brothers surrender!"

After his words fell, these men looked at each other in dismay, and had no choice but to admit defeat and walked outside, while the remaining two men, staring at each other, supported Liang Qing and walked towards the back door.

In just a moment, only Li Haiyang, who was still in a coma, was left in Nuo Da's villa!


Half an hour later, in the training base in the suburbs, the man with the ball head was tied to a chair, and he was still awake!

Jiang Yifan took out his mobile phone and dialed, "Officer Bai, the gift for you tonight is not bad."

"You don't come here, who are these people?" Bai Bing said coldly, at this time she was very angry, because too many people were arrested this time, causing the cells in the police station to be full, and These people are surprisingly stubborn and don't say anything. "

Jiang Yifan pursed his lips and said with a smile, "If you interrogate well in your way, there will be unexpected surprises! These people are a gift for you, enough for you to upgrade two levels in a row!"

Before Bai Bingbing could speak, Jiang Yifan hung up the phone. Bai Bingbing thought about what he said just now. After thinking for a while, he ordered to the policeman next to him, "Notify the two directors, and hold a meeting overnight."

The scene returns to the training base.

Jiang Yifan pulled out the gold needle from the man with the ball head, and kicked him, "Hey, your dear father told you to go home for dinner."

The ball-headed man slowly woke up, glanced at the strange scene around him, and finally stopped his gaze on Jiang Yifan, with a mocking smile on his face, "What a despicable method."

"What kind of method to use to deal with what kind of person." Jiang Yifan shrugged, moved a chair, and sat in front of Wanzitou with Erlang's legs crossed.

"I said that you guys from the island country are really shameless. They want to come to my Chinese land to do their best!"

"That's your honor!"

"According to what you said, is it that when you come, I have to let the people of Chenbei City line up to welcome you? Then set up two tables in Haichunju to celebrate your arrival?"

Jiang Yifan spread his hands in a funny way, "Okay, don't pretend to be a big-tailed wolf with me, you are already a prisoner, so you should have the attitude of a prisoner."

"Don't try to know anything from me, it's useless to ask." The man with the ball head leaned on the chair, looking very leisurely.It seemed that he didn't care what Jiang Yifan would do to him at all.

"I didn't plan to ask you anything, I just invited you to come and play for a few days. Meet Long Wei of my Great China!"

Jiang Yifan smoked a cigarette in his mouth and said, "I just want to tell you, no matter how many people you dispatched this time, or what kind of conspiracy you are planning, in our eyes, it is just like a decoration!"

"It's ridiculous! People from my big island country will kill you sooner or later! You will worship our god!"

In Jiang Yifan's eyes, the man with the meatball head is like a boiled duck, only his mouth is stiff!It stands to reason that they are all caught now, so they should have the attitude of a prisoner.

But who would have thought that this guy is still arrogant, very arrogant!

So Jiang Yifan was very upset!After snapping his fingers, Fox and other brothers came over and asked, "What's the matter, boss?"

"I'll give you 10 minutes to make him feel like a prisoner. I'll come and chat with him in 10 minutes." After Jiang Yifan finished speaking, he got up and walked towards Xuedie.

"Hey, this hairstyle is really unique!" Monkey rubbed his hands with a playful expression on his face.

The fox, however, glanced at the monkey with disdain, walked up behind the man, and directly removed the things that bound his hair, and immediately his hair became disheveled.

"Like a girl, with such long hair, I'm not afraid of bugs this summer."

"Talk nonsense to him, the boss will give you 10 minutes!"

"What's the rush, let him kneel down and beg for mercy in 3 minutes..."


The group of brothers directly surrounded the ball head and began to act in a few words. For this kind of thing, they are most willing to do it at the base!

Xuedie glanced inside, then turned her gaze to Jiang Yifan and asked, "What are you going to do next?"

"Wait first, Liang Qing must have escaped by now, and when he calls out the people behind the scenes, it will be the ultimate battle." Jiang Yifan stretched his waist, "I've been in the city for a long time, let's move around a bit , feel tired."

"I didn't expect you to improve so much in the past few months." Xuedie murmured, looking at the moonlight in the distance.

"No way, if you don't make progress, you will be killed. I like killing people, but I don't like being killed!" Jiang Yifan said, his eyes became a little dazed.

In fact, besides the enemy, there is another factor that makes him improve his strength, and that is his master Cang Yunzi!
I remember that the mysterious old fortune teller said that only when he is strong can he have the capital to save Cang Yunzi.So he is constantly honing himself and growing.

The day he was stronger, Cang Yunzi would suffer one day less!
"I'm going to meet someone later." Xue Die also had a tired look on her face.Obviously, I was a little tired from the busyness of the past two days.


"Director Jiang, I'll discuss some things with him. After all, the situation is different this time. If necessary, the local police can cooperate with our actions." Xue Die said.

"Go again tomorrow. Take a good rest tonight. Look at your dark circles." Jiang Yifan pointed to Xuedie's face. "And your injury is not healed yet. You can't fight like that."

"I'm just telling you, I don't mean to ask for your consent." Xue Die cast a cold glance at Jiang Yifan, then walked inside.

Jiang Yifan shrugged speechlessly, "You won't look pretty if you have dark circles under your eyes, I'm kind."

(End of this chapter)

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