Chapter 274

While muttering to herself, Lin Yanran slowly lay down.

Time seemed to be frozen, and every second seemed to be broken into several parts to spend. The only thing left in the whole room was the sound of breathing, which was very quiet.

In fact, neither of them fell asleep.

With his back to Lin Yanran, Jiang Yifan was indeed a little tired, but in this situation, if he could fall asleep steadily, he would not be considered a normal man.

On the other hand, Lin Yanran opened her closed eyes every three seconds, and her body was restrained in that place, not even daring to move.Even though she was used to being a young lady in the past, she was a little shy at this moment.

I was thinking more than once in my heart, what should I do if Jiang Yifan suddenly turned around and did something to me when I fell asleep?
Well, forget it, I won't sleep, just lie down like this, anyway, it's only a few hours before dawn.

Just when countless emotions came to his heart, Jiang Yifan suddenly turned around and put his big hands directly on Lin Yanran's body.

"Hey!" Lin Yanran was stunned for a moment, but when she was about to scold the guy, she found that he was breathing evenly and his eyes were tightly closed. This is exactly what he does after falling asleep!
Slowly heaved a sigh of relief, when Jiang Yifan put his hands on her just now, his heart felt like it was about to jump out!
After being teased by him, he didn't feel any drowsiness anymore. He turned his body slightly, and his agile eyes happened to be looking at Jiang Yifan's face.

Sharp-edged face, handsome face, the corners of the mouth are slightly raised, and the lips are pursed from time to time.The resulting arc made Lin Yanran smile subconsciously.

"It looks like he's pretty handsome!"

"It would be nice if you didn't speak so shamelessly."

"It's no wonder Guoguo likes him so much. In fact, sometimes he's really charming."

"Hmph! How could I praise him!"

"Jiang Yifan, you took my first kiss away. You probably don't even know it yet. I swore that the person who took my first kiss away is my man, Lin Yanran, for the rest of my life."

"But could this man be you?"


Lin Yanran looked at Jiang Yifan in front of her, her monologue followed one after another, and for some reason, she suddenly felt her heart soften.His complexion is also unpredictable, sometimes he is full of smiles, his eyes are sweetly closed, and sometimes he is a little angry and his mouth is slightly pouting.

I don't know how long it took, when Lin Yanran was about to be intoxicated by Jiang Yifan's face, his eyes opened!
"Did you find that I'm particularly handsome? Are you going to give me the most precious thing today?" Jiang Yifan said lightly, with the corners of his mouth raised!
"Ah!" Lin Yanran was caught off guard by saying this!She shrank back suddenly, almost falling off the bed.

Immediately, his face turned red, and he pointed at Jiang Yifan, "You didn't fall asleep?"

"At first I wanted to just fall asleep like this, but who knew that you stared at my face for so long that I didn't dare to fall asleep anymore. If you accidentally gave me something..."

"Bah, bah, I'm not as shameless as you!" Before Jiang Yifan could finish speaking, Lin Yanran directly interrupted him.

"Hey, since everyone says I'm shameless, and with such good conditions, why don't you do something." Jiang Yifan got up, rubbed his hands and smiled cheaply, "I have to do something to get through the long night!"

"What are you doing?"

"Yes, I want to do it!"

Just as he was talking, Jiang Yifan directly pulled Lin Yanran into his arms, without giving the latter a chance to speak, he pressed his lips.

"Hmm~" Lin Yanran groaned, struggling hard, crying in her heart, is this supposed to lead a wolf into a house?
Jiang Yifan's big hands also became dishonest, slowly climbing up from his calf...

As time passed by, Lin Yanran had no strength left in her struggles, and the tears in the corners of her eyes slowly flowed down. Just when she was about to give up resistance, she suddenly heard a rush of phone ringing!
Jiang Yifan's face changed, and he looked at the phone angrily, it was an unfamiliar number!He really wanted to pick it up and yell at it, but he was afraid of spoiling the atmosphere, so he hung up directly.But who would have thought that before he could take his hand back, he called again.

"Let me tell you, if you say you made a wrong call, or you have nothing serious to call me, I will really find a way to find out who you are, and then kill you!" Jiang Yifan answered the phone angrily.

Taking advantage of this gap, Lin Yanran stood up directly, straightened her clothes, and looked at Jiang Yifan with some resentment.Seems angry and shy.In short, it can really be said to be a mixed bag!

"Did you disturb your good business?" There was a sinister laugh from the opposite side.

"It's you?" Jiang Yifan was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile, "What? You got over it so soon."

It was Liang Qing who made the call. After the two subordinates escorted him to escape, he became extremely crazy and vowed to tear Jiang Yifan to pieces!
Liang Qing said, "Jiang Yifan, don't do this with me, I didn't come to scold you today."

"Does that mean you want to surrender and let me spare you?" Jiang Yifan smiled sarcastically.

"How is it? Lin Yanran's taste is good, right?" Liang Qing didn't answer his question, but changed the subject.

Jiang Yifan heard the words, looked around, and asked in a deep voice, "What do you mean?"

"It's not just that you have a computer expert." Liang Qing said coldly, "Li Haiyang is not an insider at all. The one who really found out our whereabouts is a computer expert beside you, right?"

"You only realized it now?" Jiang Yifan sneered.

"Do you think I should post the picture of you and Lin Yanran together on the Internet? Do you want to post the photo of Tang Guo changing clothes to our campus network?"

"You can try." Jiang Yifan's face became gloomy, and a strong murderous intent flashed in his eyes in an instant!
"I will keep these things. Don't worry, I will use them when it is critical." Liang Qing hung up the phone immediately after finishing speaking.

Jiang Yifan put down his phone, then frowned and looked around the room.

"What's wrong?" Lin Yanran also calmed down and asked cautiously.

Jiang Yifan said in a deep voice, "A monitor is installed in the room between you and Guoguo."

"What!" Lin Yanran almost jumped up when she heard the news!Those nimble eyes stared at the boss.

Jiang Yifan made a silent gesture, and then squinted his eyes and began to search around, but he didn't find it after looking around, then he slapped his head, "How could I forget about Beibei, he's so smart It’s easy to find a monitor for a dog!”

Seeing Jiang Yifan's move, Lin Yanran covered her mouth and sneered, "I thought you could do anything."

"Hey, there is a specialization in the arts!"

ps: Recommend a friend's new book, the awesome and filthy cool article "Perspective of Small Village Doctor", the update is super fast.

(End of this chapter)

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