Chapter 293 Then you will die

Jiang Yifan and Tianren Chidi fell from the cliff, like heavy stones, they hit the abyss below vertically.

Bai Bingbing, who got off the police car, was originally in a state of high mental tension. When he saw this scene, his smart eyes suddenly jumped, his body shook slightly, and he almost passed out.Holding the car in shock, he ran directly towards the place where Jiang Yifan and the others fell.

And the goshawk on the top of the mountain flew down from the top very fast. The reason why it is called goshawk is not because he can fly, but because his leaping ability is very high, and the speed of sliding down from a high place is ten times faster than that of ordinary people. More than double, and be able to use the flexibility of the body to avoid accidents that will occur during the period.

His ability is somewhat similar to Jiang Yifan's extreme speed, but the way he uses his body and speed is quite different.

The two of them ran to the bottom of the cliff, but they couldn't see anything except the rippling calm lake and the one or two sparrows leaping up.

Jiang Yifan and Tianren Chidi couldn't be seen at all, and they didn't know whether they fell into the lake or fell on the sides of the cliff!

"Jiang Yifan!"


Goshawk and Bai Bingbing stood in two directions of the natural lake, shouting towards the cliff.But apart from the reverberating echo, there is nothing else at all!
"Jiang Yifan..."

"Boss, stop playing, come out quickly!"


Could it be as Lin Yanran's premonition indicated?Her bad feeling directly refers to the fact that something will happen to Jiang Yifan?

Is that right?

"Jiang Yifan, get out!"

"Come out, don't you let my old lady catch you forever!"

"My old lady is here to arrest you now, you should come out quickly!"

At this moment, Bai Bingbing really had the feeling that his throat was broken. He looked at the calm lake with an extremely hoarse voice, and suddenly felt a heart-wrenching pain in his heart.

This is like the feeling Jiang Yifan showed after he blocked that knife for Jiang Yifan in the cemetery!
On the contrary, the goshawk is still looking for it, shuttling among the mountains, under various big rocks and in corners.The belief in his heart told him that Jiang Yifan would not die!

"Boss, you won't die."

"You also said that leading the brothers will compete with those old players!"

"Boss, didn't you say that you want to see all the beauties in the world!"

The obsession in my heart told Goshawk time and time again that Jiang Yifan was the best person in their entire team, his light had only just bloomed a little bit, and there were countless times waiting for him to shine!

How could it be possible to die together with that bastard from the island country?


Lin Yanran, who was fetching water from the water dispenser at the Lin Group, suddenly felt dizzy for some reason, the cup in her hand shook, and suddenly fell to the ground.

"Ouch!" The water splashed in all directions, and just fell on her fair calf, dyeing two red spots.

"Yan Ran, what's the matter with you?" Shen Rong happened to come over at this moment and asked softly.

Lin Yanran hurriedly picked up the cup, shook her head in a panic, and went straight to her own actions, then took out her mobile phone and dialed.


Unable to connect...

I made three phone calls to Jiang Yifan, but none of them got through. At this moment, Lin Yanran's heart was completely panicked!

"Did something really happen to him?" Lin Yanran put down the things in her hands in a panic, ran directly outside, and started to shuttle around the whole city in her own car. She didn't know where Jiang Yifan was. So I was looking for it aimlessly, and the bad feeling became stronger and stronger.


The scene returns to the Beishan natural lake.

Bai Bingbing and Goshawk did not give up any hope. After about 3 minutes passed, the lake suddenly burst into bubbles.

Then a figure rushed out from inside.

It's Tianren Chidi!This guy didn't die!

Wet all over, he jumped up from the lake and ran towards Bai Bingbing.

"Sister-in-law, be careful!" Goshawk's eyes fixed on Tianren Chidi, and rushed over quickly.

Bai Bingbing was in a state of panic, lost his mind for a moment, and was about to take out his gun, but a stone was suddenly thrown from Tianren Chidi's hand, hitting the gun to the ground.

I saw Tianren Chidi slammed his right foot on the ground, and immediately rushed towards Bai Bingbing!
"Ah!" Bai Bingbing exclaimed, took two steps back, stepped on a stone, staggered twice and sat on the ground.

"Little girl, go to hell!" Tianren Chidi suddenly grabbed Bai Bingbing's feet, and pulled her back, pulling Bai Bingbing over, and stretched out his hands to strangle her.

"Let her go!" At this moment, there was a coolness behind Tianren Chidi's back, as if something sharp had touched the back of his neck.

I saw Jiang Yifan standing behind him with a solemn expression, eyes full of murderous intent, and said coldly.

"Huh!" The goshawk who came behind was greatly relieved, and his originally tense nerves also quietly relaxed, revealing a faint smile.


The scene was played back to the moment when Jiang Yifan and Tianren Chidi fell from the cliff.

At that time, because of Tianren Chidi's tugging, Jiang Yifan couldn't stand still and fell down, but the two of them were not ordinary people, how could they collide with a rock and die like that?

So during the ten or so seconds of falling in mid-air, the two of them almost tried their best to force themselves to fall into the natural lake.

But the natural lake doesn't look big on the top, but the bottom is like a memory world, very wide and very big, as if the whole mountain is covered by a lake, and neither of them died, so there will inevitably be an underwater battle!

Of course, it is impossible for the two of them to stay underwater for too long even if they are powerful, so the two of them exhausted each other's physical strength while fighting. In the end, it was Tianren Chidi who gained the upper hand and threw Jiang Yifan away from the water by himself. Jumped up.

Originally, I thought that I would not be able to survive anyway, so killing one would count as one, and killing Bai Bingbing directly would be regarded as a backstop, but now...

Tianren Chidi tightly pinched Bai Bingbing's neck, showing a ferocious smile, "Take your things away, or I'll just strangle this little bitch to death!"

Jiang Yifan resisted the pain and tiredness on his body, gritted his teeth, "Let go at the same time, I will give you an honorable death!"

"What if I say no?" Tianren Chidi seemed to be addicted to threatening Jiang Yifan.

Jiang Yifan's eyes flashed, and the dagger in his hand directly plunged into Tianren Chidi's head, "Then you will die!"

(End of this chapter)

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