Chapter 317 I Will Float
Not only the people who participated in the PK came out, but even the distinguished guests from abroad also came out, looking at the crowd in front of them one after another, with joy and sorrow, some happy and some angry.In short, the faces of these people can be expressed by the inappropriate word 'colorful'.

Assistant Zhou's charming eyes swept over everyone, and then he walked up to the first foreigner, "Mr. Mike, please comment on Huang Wen."

Mike nodded, "Mr. Huang Wen is really a good person, he can answer all the questions I asked."

When he said this, Huang Wen's eyes flashed a faint look of confidence, but in the next second, Mike slapped him hard in the face, and he only heard him say, "But there is one thing about Mr. Huang Wen that made me very sad." uncomfortable."

"Please tell me." Assistant Zhou frowned and said.

Mike said, "In 5 minutes, before I finished asking my questions, he interrupted me openly and forcibly instilled your company's so-called culture into me. If he is really a partner of Lin's Group today It’s the first time I come here, so I think I will definitely not agree to cooperate, so this time I give Mr. Huang Wen a score of six.”

"This..." Just as Huang Wen was about to defend himself, Assistant Zhou said bluntly, "Okay, Huang Wen, you can listen to the other comments first."

Huang Wen hesitated to speak, but seeing Assistant Zhou's unfriendly expression, he swallowed the words and stood behind.

Then there was the second person, that is, Zhang Kai. The foreigner's evaluation of him was similar to that of Mike's evaluation of Huang Wen just now, but the final rating was one point more, which was seven points.

Then Assistant Zhou looked at the foreign man next to him and said, "Mr. Joss, please come and comment on the only girl we have here."

The man named Joss took a step forward, showing a warm smile, and then said, "Xu Ying is a nice girl, she is good at communicating with people, and she is meticulous when listening to my questions. Overall, she is really good." , but there is also a slightly fatal shortcoming."

Joston paused, looked at Xu Ying, who was already in a nervous sweat, and said with a smile, "Her shortcoming is that she doesn't know how to refuse. Generally speaking, she communicates with customers, whether they are foreign guests or executives of domestic enterprises. , In terms of mutual communication, some questions can be answered, but many questions cannot be answered. When necessary, private questions are forbidden to answer. But Xu Ying answered all the useful and boring questions I asked. "

"Then what's your rating for her?" Assistant Zhou asked.

Joss thought for a moment, "Eight points."

Xu Ying secretly breathed a sigh of relief, eight points is not too high, but it is not too low, at least for now, she will not be eliminated.

However, Huang Wen and Zhang Kai held their hands tightly, because Jiang Yifan will be a decisive figure. If Jiang Yifan scores less than seven points, then Huang Wen and him will be eliminated in this round. If they score above eight points, they will be eliminated. The only ones are Huang Wen and Zhang Kai.

Assistant Zhou looked at the young couple, "You two, please comment on the last one. You can talk freely."

Xiangruo nodded slightly and looked at his wife, "Yimo, you can answer, I believe you can perfectly interpret Mr. Jiang Yifan."

Yi Mozhi nodded slightly, and there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and there were two dimples on that beautiful face. Because of the name before, the happy look has not faded now. .

Yimo stood next to Jiang Yifan and said, "To be honest, Mr. Jiang Yifan is the most irresponsible representative I have ever met. It stands to reason that as a company representative to negotiate with us, or to participate in a reception, it is mostly because of Some commercial purpose. But he didn't. So I say he's irresponsible."

"Phew." Both Huang Wen and Zhang Kai breathed a sigh of relief, especially Zhang Kai, because Huang Wen was already doomed to be eliminated. Now Huang Wen just thought that someone would give him the last place, while Zhang Kai Just pondering, since he was said to be irresponsible by foreign guests, it would definitely be a very low score.

However, Jiang Yifan looked at Yimo with great interest, waiting for his next words.

Yi Mo paused and continued, "Although he is somewhat irresponsible in this regard, I think only a person like him can negotiate the biggest deal, carry out the cooperation to the end, and maximize the interests of both parties to achieve A real win-win."

When he said this, he glanced at everyone with a puzzled expression, smiled and said, "Although it was only 5 minutes, Mr. Jiang Yifan left the deepest impression on me and my husband. Friends ask questions, how many impressions can the people you talk to leave on you?"

"This..." Joss hesitated.

"It's hard to say." Another foreigner also spoke, his face was not very good-looking.

But Mike sneered, "To be honest, according to Mr. Huang Wen's negotiating methods, I guess I can remember him for an hour. And it's still not a good impression."

Yimo nodded happily, "That's it, but Mr. Jiang Yifan can leave an impression on me and my husband for a lifetime, and it's impossible to forget."

"Why!" Assistant Zhou asked with interest.

"Because he blessed our love and marked our love with the most meaningful label." With a happy smile, he walked to the side of each other, gently wrapped his arms around his husband, and said softly, "Mr. Jiang Yifan Give our husband and wife a pair of couple names with profound meanings. Love each other!"

"He is irresponsible, but it is because of this irresponsibility that more people's partners like him, whether it is a reception or a negotiation. With the current development, it is no longer possible to use a specific format to Do it, if after entering, you just cooperate and make friends with a certain purpose, then I think it won’t be too long even if you succeed.”

Yimo paused and said, "But Mr. Jiang Yifan's actions are to communicate with the other party and truly make friends, so that after both parties know each other well, it will be easier to discuss business and cooperation. Although this In a certain sense, 5 minutes is 'wasted', but in my opinion, if there is a cooperation, then we will definitely cooperate for a long time in the future, because I have seen the Chinese culture and the strength of your company from Mr. Jiang Yifan !"

Yimo's conversation made the people around him stunned, because they never thought that a guy who came down from the air would be praised so great!

Jiang Yifan sneered, "Hey, little beauty Yimo, if you praise me like that, I'm going to float."

(End of this chapter)

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