Chapter 322 promise to cooperate
Jiang Yifan suddenly slapped the table and stared at him, and he was still so angry that the entire conference hall fell silent instantly. Yimo and Lin Yaran, the two most representative figures, frowned, expressing concern for the people in front of them. Everything got a little worried.

"What's the matter?" Yimo walked over at this moment and asked.

"It's my problem." Xiangru looked embarrassed, and slightly bowed his head to Jiang Yifan, "I'm sorry, Mr. Yifan."

"Are you sorry for me?" Jiang Yifan sneered, "It's not me you are sorry for, but this girl standing beside you, this girl who doesn't dislike anything about you, who is always by your side, who will never leave you! "


"what does it mean?"

"Why does it seem that there is still a story?"

Others who didn't understand the situation wrinkled their foreheads and began to discuss in confusion.

Lin Yaran walked to Jiang Yifan's side and lowered her voice, "What are you doing, this is business."

Jiang Yifan grinned, "Sister Yaran, do you believe me?"

Lin Yaran was stunned and nodded, "I believe it, but this..."

Jiang Yifan directly interrupted her words, "Believe me, just watch from the side, and I will help you negotiate this deal."

Although she didn't know what Jiang Yifan would do, Lin Yaran believed him from the bottom of her heart, so she looked at Yimo after thinking for a while and said, "Miss Yimo, let them continue."

Yimo glanced at Jiang Yifan with some resentment, because this man just scolded his man, he must feel a little uncomfortable in his heart, but looking at Xiangruo's gentle eyes, he nodded and returned to his original position.

"Mr. Yifan, don't be angry. When we come to Huaxia this time, we do have the idea of ​​cooperating with the Lin Group, but we are still hesitating, and the headquarters is also holding meetings all day long to weigh the pros and cons. Many things are not It’s not up to us to decide.”

Xiangru looked at Jiang Yifan respectfully, his eyes filled with deep apologies.

Jiang Yifan shrugged, openly lit a cigarette in this office, leaned forward and said, "Actually, the problem you just mentioned is not unsolvable."

"Huh?" Xiangyu didn't mind Jiang Yifan smoking in this scene, but seriously waited for his next words.

Jiang Yifan flicked the soot, "No matter how many countries' markets M's products penetrate, they are still in other people's territory. Even if he is strong, he only occupies the superficial market, but the root is still occupied by local people. So you can Think about it from a different angle.”

Jiang Yifan's words directly aroused Xiangru's interest, and he leaned forward as well, "Continue talking."

"Three steps, the first step is to cooperate with Lin's Group, use our products to penetrate first, and use your group's only market to expand.

The second step is to use the method with the lowest cost performance, that is to say, not making money but not losing money, to suppress the market occupied by products from country M in your country. I believe that since you can become the largest company in country F, you must have channels in all aspects There are also connections, and it is not difficult to do this step.

However, the third step is to take advantage of the squeeze of country M's products and start to take advantage of the empty market to vigorously promote our products and occupy the market on a large scale. Then the third step will be much easier. "

Listening to Jiang Yifan's words, Xiangruo thought about it for a while. He is an ambitious man who wants to fight hard for that unattainable woman, so his wisdom will allow him to rationally analyze the three things Jiang Yifan said. step.

After thinking for a while, I raised three fingers, "I have three questions, which are prerequisites for implementing these three steps."

"Say it." Jiang Yifan said with a smile. At this moment, he already had enough confidence to negotiate the deal that even Lin Yaran thought was impossible!

"First, if you want to penetrate and occupy the market, the product must be undoubtedly a product that surpasses country M. Can you guarantee this?"

Jiang Yifan nodded resolutely, "I can assure you, and I will surprise you. Since the Lin Group can sit among the top large groups in China, its strength is absolutely beyond doubt."

Xiangruo continued, "Second, if we cooperate, it must be carried out in the way you invest in the market, because the three steps you mentioned I'm sure the upper echelons of our group will not agree, but if you agree to control In this market, I dare to make a decision for you now."

"It's a good calculation. If you do this, you will bring the Lin Group into your camp. If you make money, you will make money together. If you don't make money, we will lose the most. After all, you only provided the channel and the initial market. "Jiang Yifan spread his hands and said directly.

Xiangru scratched his head in embarrassment, "There is no way to do this. Although our group is considered a top existence in country F, compared with several large groups in country M, it is really far behind. So we must win over a A powerful ally."

Jiang Yifan nodded, "Yes, I can promise you this."

"What?" Xiangru was stunned for a moment, this was a big gamble, Jiang Yifan, as a person who had not officially started his job, dared to do this on behalf of him?
"Don't worry, I have that ability and strength." Jiang Yifan shook his body, exuding an aura of a king all over his body, and that huge aura made Xiangruo unable to believe it.

"The third question is actually a request." Xiangru hesitated for a while, "That is, if this matter is successful, can you help me marry Yimo?"

Jiang Yifan was stunned for a moment, but then he was relieved. There is no man in the world who does not love beautiful women, and said, "Okay, even if you don't tell me, I will help. If I can bring you two bitter couples together, It was a good thing to do.”

"Okay, I'll go and talk to Yimo right away, and then you can ask Mr. Lin to prepare the contract, and then we'll discuss the last item, and we're ready to make a decision." Xiangru said excitedly.

To be honest, he also had vague ideas about the steps Jiang Yifan just mentioned, but he didn't dare to do that because the risk was too great.

But just now Jiang Yifan woke him up by scolding him, which also filled him with confidence!

He solemnly bowed to Jiang Yifan, then walked to Yimo's side and bowed his head to whisper a few words in his ear.

Yimo's expression was unpredictable, and finally she looked at Xiangxi with some joy, "Really?"

Xiangruo nodded affirmatively.

Seeing this, Yimo stood up from the chair and looked at Lin Yaran, "Chairman Lin, there is no need to proceed any further. We will prepare the contract in a while, and we can sign the cooperation right away."

ah?Lin Yaran was stunned, because she didn't even have much confidence that the negotiation would be successful this time, but now... she agreed so quickly!

(End of this chapter)

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