Chapter 344 The Crisis of the Lin Group

Hearing the words of Zhong Shengyang and Xiao Tianquan, Lin Yaran frowned, and just when she was about to speak, she heard Jiang Yifan speak again.

"I said Principal Zhong and Director Xiao. They have already left the campus, so there must be no distinction between identities. Now, you are in our company. Although the visitor is a guest, you should also pay attention to your words and deeds."

"What about us, it seems that it has nothing to do with you, right? Who are you in this company? Why do you speak instead of your President Lin?" Zhong Shengyang said unhurriedly.

Jiang Yifan sneered, "I'm not a high-ranking person here, but I have enough capital to speak for our President Lin, but it's you, what capital do you have to question me?"

"Although you are here as guests, you must have the attitude of guests. Don't make it look like you are the boss here! Let me tell you, we are more polite and can treat you as guests, but if I am not polite, then None of you shit!"

"You!" Xiao Tianquan was furious immediately!Standing up abruptly, he was about to rush forward.

Zhong Shengyang's face was livid, and he said in a low voice, "Director Lin, is this going to be bad?"

"Mr. Zhong, Jiang Yifan is the executive director I just appointed, and his authority is under me. I think he has the capital to talk to you. What he just said is right. If you are messing around here, please leave on your own. "

Lin Yaran was also a little angry, she wasn't a friend or a partner in the first place, and she acted like she was superior to others.

Jiang Yifan snickered from one side, Lin Yaran's words made him think it was time, this slapped Zhong Shengyang and the others in the face!

Zhong Shengyang said with an ugly face, "I'm here today, and I have three things to do. One request, one question, and a word for you."

"Speak quickly if you have something to say, and fart quickly if you have something to say." Jiang Yifan crossed his arms and sat opposite them.

Xiao Tianquan really couldn't bear Jiang Yifan anymore, he clenched his fists tightly and raised it up, "What the hell..."

"Stop!" Zhong Shengyang hurriedly shouted.

Just like that, Xiao Tianquan withdrew his hand and cast a vicious glance at Jiang Yifan.

Jiang Yifan leaned on the chair with an indifferent attitude, crossed his legs, and blinked at Xiao Tianquan a few times, very embarrassing!
Those eyes were full of provocation, as if telling Xiao Tianquan, "Come on, Xiao Tiangou, you are biting me, and I am worried that you are causing trouble here!" '

Zhong Shengyang got up and stood up, holding up a finger, "The first request is that I hope you go to the police station to bring Zhou Nuo out. I think you will have a way how to bring him out."

"Then what if we say no?" Jiang Yifan spread his hands.

"That's the second question." Zhong Shengyang Fangfo expected that Jiang Yifan would say this, raised his second finger and said, "Aren't you afraid that the Lin Group will be removed from the historical stage of Chenbei City?"

"I don't know if the Lin Group will be delisted, but if you dare to have any plans for him, I will make you disappear from this world." Jiang Yifan lit a cigarette at this time and smiled solemnly.

"Then I said the sentence I gave to you. Lin Yaran, you can also pass this sentence on to your father." Zhong Shengyang didn't say anything to Jiang Yifan, but continued, "What happened back then, now is the time to do something. It's over."

"Let's go!" Zhong Shengyang stood up immediately after finishing speaking.

"and many more!"

Jiang Yifan stood in front of these three people with a cigarette in his mouth, holding the table with his right hand, and said in a condescending posture
"Zhong Shengyang! Don't come here to play these psychological tactics for me, use any moves you have! Don't feel like you are worth two to five or eighty thousand, and feel that you have an incomparable advantage. In fact, you are really in my eyes. It's not shit!"

As he said that, Jiang Yifan changed the subject, "Why do you ask for a question and give me a sentence? Let me tell you, even if you have ten questions and ten requests, you won't be able to do it. I really think you are the second child? I really think Lin Group Is it just paper? You say it will disappear and it will disappear?"

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you." After Zhong Shengyang finished speaking in a cold voice, he continued to walk outside.

"You don't want to talk so much nonsense just now!" Jiang Yifan took a sharp puff on his cigarette and spit the smoke directly on Zhong Shengyang's face, "Is the Lin Group where you come and leave whenever you want?"

"What? Still want to keep us here?" The man with eyes behind Zhong Shengyang spoke.It seems to be polite, but the words are extremely domineering.Leaning forward, he happened to meet Jiang Yifan's eyes!
This is not an easy character!

This is the first impression that the man with glasses gave Jiang Yifan!

His eyes narrowed and he smiled, "If I want to stay, you can't leave!"

"Then try it!" The man with glasses smiled softly, and put the briefcase aside.

"Let them go!" Lin Yaran said.Her delicate eyes turned away from the crowd, and her voice was a little cold.

"Boy, don't think that being an executive here means you're invincible." Zhong Shengyang laughed out loud when he heard this, and walked out with big strides.And Xiao Tianquan and the man with glasses followed closely behind.

After they left, Lin Yaran sat down and murmured in a low voice, "It looks like I guessed."

Jiang Yifan took a few puffs of cigarettes and smiled, "Don't worry, I won't let their tricks succeed."

"Yifan, why don't you release that Zhou Nuo. I think Zhong Shengyang really cares about this woman." Lin Yaran thought, if she was released, there might be a glimmer of life, and maybe Zhong Shengyang would not For Lin.

But she thought too simply.

Jiang Yifan shrugged, "If that woman is released, the Lin Corporation will really be in trouble. Don't forget that Zhou Nuo has been with you for a while, and she has participated in many major events in the company. She also knows some secrets, if she is allowed to come out and stand by Zhong Shengyang's side to deal with the Lin Group together, then we will become very passive."

"Now she is carrying it inside, because it is a crime of intentional poisoning, even if Zhong Shengyang wants to go to the police station to see her, the possibility is not too high, so she can't let go."

Jiang Yifan changed the subject and said, "Zhong Shengyang came here this time to break your heart. Back then, when you played games behind you, it caused some sequelae to you all, which led to some fear of them! They just want to use your fear emotions, and use psychological offensives to crush you."

"So you can't follow his way, don't worry, since I said I can settle this matter, I will definitely do what I say."

Lin Yaran nodded slightly when she heard the words, and leaned on the table tiredly, her face became a little haggard.

(End of this chapter)

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