Chapter 350 Watching the Sunrise with a Beauty
Hearing Lin Yaran's words, Jiang Yifan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Every side is the real me, but in different occasions, there will be different expressions."

"Has anyone ever asked you such a sentence?" Lin Yaran asked with her white teeth lightly raised.


"I don't know why you always give people a very mysterious feeling. When I first met you, I thought you were quite simple, but after getting familiar with you, I found that you are always so unpredictable. Every time I deal with various things There will be many different identities to face.”

Lin Yaran lightly brushed the hair beside her ear, and then said, "But sometimes, I find that you are the real Jiang Yifan, who can understand your every move, but after a few days, I find out that The side you showed before doesn’t feel real.”

"Generally speaking, you will always give people a feeling of flickering light and darkness. I feel that I am familiar with you, but suddenly I am a little strange, but it is strange, but it is really in front of me. It is difficult. Put that feeling into words."

Lin Yaran couldn't even explain what Lin Yaran said. He felt that Jiang Yifan was mysterious, but he felt that he was right in front of him.When you reach out to touch it, it becomes so blurry again.

Jiang Yifan shrugged, "I'm not too sure about this, but at any time and in any situation, I am the most real to you."

Lin Yaran nodded slightly, and asked, "Where are you going to take me?"

"It's a very beautiful place." After Jiang Yifan finished speaking, the car drove smoothly and directly into the last street.

After walking forward for about ten minutes, he stopped the car with a creak.

Jiang Yifan opened the car door and helped Lin Yaran get down.

"Huh!" Lin Yaran breathed a sigh of relief suddenly, when she opened the car door, a cool sea breeze hit her face.

"" There was a loud sound of waves, and the two walked towards the beach with their arms.

There was no one on the beach at this time, except for the sound of the waves at that time, there was nothing else. The waves hit the stones, and then the cool breeze of the waves also rushed towards the face.

The air is fresh, the night sky is beautiful, and the stars in the sky seem to be telling something. The bright moon hangs high in the sky, swaying faint light spots on the sea, which is particularly artistic.

Lin Yaran stretched out her arms, showing a gesture of embracing the air, and then said lightly, "It's so quiet and comfortable!"

"How do you feel?" Jiang Yifan also opened his arms and half-closed his eyes, enjoying this rare sense of comfort.

A gust of wind blew through Lin Yaran's hair. At this moment, she was standing on the beach, as if she was a goddess. The faint body fragrance entered Jiang Yifan's nostrils with the wind, and her nose touched it lightly. , very enjoyable.

Lin Yaran said softly, "After the noisy scene in the nightclub just now, it feels really comfortable to suddenly enter this quiet night. It's like blending into the whole nature."

Jiang Yifan pursed his lips, took off his shoes and walked into the sea, laughing a few times.Then turned around, "Sister Yara, come here. It's very cool."

Seeing this, Lin Yaran also put her high heels aside, rolled up her trousers, and walked slowly over. The cool sea water flooded her feet. She bent down slightly, and her slender, white fingers slid across the water, raising her hands. Ripples.

When the finger is raised from the water, a burst of water splashes, and the bright starry sky against such a beautiful scenery is really a magnificent picture!
Jiang Yifan was a little obsessed with watching this scene. Lin Yaran stood in the sea, and the movements just now were really beautiful.

"After a day of hustle and bustle in the city, it's really pleasant to talk to the sea water here, and to be with the stars and the moon."

Jiang Yifan said lightly, "Sister Yara, from now on you have to go out and play frequently, and you can't stay in the company all the time."

Lin Yaran nodded slightly, put her hands on the water, and let out soft laughter.

Seeing this, Jiang Yifan raised water and splashed it directly towards Lin Yaran.

"Okay, you dare to splash me with water!" Lin Yaran was stunned for a moment, then picked up water and splashed it towards Jiang Yifan.

After experiencing a kind of wild high in the nightclub, the two gradually walked into the night. The sea breeze was blowing, and the two were not moved by it, but were laughing and playing to their heart's content.

Splashes of water dripped from Lin Yaran's hair to her clothes. The original white clothes were soaked and gradually became a little transparent.

The looming bra inside was very eye-catching, and the delicate white skin in front of the collarbone was exposed in front of Jiang Yifan.Make him feel fascinated, obsessed.

Gradually, the two of them got tired of playing, and almost involuntarily walked out of the sea holding hands, and then sat on the beach.

Both of their clothes were completely soaked, but they didn't feel uncomfortable, and they still felt very comfortable.

The beach, which has been exposed to the sun for a day, still retains residual heat, and it feels warm to sit on it.

Jiang Yifan looked at the galaxy in the starry sky and said with a smile, "Sister Yara, the night is so beautiful today."

Lin Yaran nodded slightly, the smile on her face never faded since she came here, and said, "Yeah, the last time I felt so happy was when I went on a trip with my parents a year ago."

"You are so tired every day." Jiang Yifan shrugged and then said, "Why don't we stay here today. Don't go back. :
"Ah?" Lin Yaran's delicate body trembled, a little confused about the meaning of Jiang Yifan's words.

Jiang Yifan smiled and said, "Let's watch the night scene here all night, and then wait for tomorrow's sunrise together."

"But tomorrow..." Lin Yaran hesitated, and she will be busy at the company tomorrow. If she doesn't rest all night, how can she have the energy to do things tomorrow, and now Zhong Shengyang and the others are watching.

Jiang Yifan waved his hand, "Don't worry, I'm with the company."

Lin Yaran nodded slightly, moved closer to Jiang Yifan, and slowly put her head on his shoulder to calm her heart down, enjoying the rare peace at this moment.

The two just sat like this, sometimes chatting a few words, sometimes laughing, sometimes feeling the emotions at this time, time passed quickly.

When the east was turning white, Lin Yaran suddenly tugged at Jiang Yifan's clothes, "Yifan, the sun is coming out."

"Yeah, the sun is out." Jiang Yifan smiled lightly, gently embracing Lin Yaran's fragrant shoulders, and the two of them enjoyed the comfort of the first ray of sunshine on their bodies together.

Looking from afar, handsome men and beautiful women are sitting together by the beach, the sun is shining, this moment seems to have been frozen and become eternity!
ps: When writing, Ye Zi already had this picture in his mind, I don’t know if you have any after reading it?
(End of this chapter)

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