Chapter 367 Playing in the Water (4 More)
While everyone was cheering and discussing, Jiang Yifan and Lin Yanran were already drenched.

If it was just the place where he jumped off the rock, he would have wet his pants at most, but Jiang Yifan insisted on swimming forward for a certain distance with Lin Yanran in his arms.

Lin Yanran wanted to struggle, but in this water, with Jiang Yifan holding her tightly, how could a little girl struggle to get away.

The coolness of the water in the evening made them sober.

A few seconds later, Jiang Yifan and Lin Yanran surfaced.


"Jiang Yifan! You want to drown me!"

"I didn't know you couldn't swim!" Jiang Yifan looked aggrieved, holding Lin Yanran in his hands, fearing that she would drown.

"Hurry up and take me up there, my clothes are all wet." Lin Yanran held Jiang Yifan's clothes tightly, and to be honest, she was very scared now.I was too scared to move an inch.

Jiang Yifan grinned, finally found what Lin Yanran was afraid of, and then leaned forward and kissed the dripping face.


Jiang Yifan smiled happily and said, "Oh, it's rare that you don't have the strength to resist, but I can take advantage of it."

"You are shameless, you bastard! Hurry up and take me up there!" Lin Yanran splashed hard on the water surface, sometimes splashing on her face, sometimes splashing on the ends of her hair.

The eldest lady, who usually seemed arrogant, was extremely panicked and angry at this time, but she was also anxious, slapping her hard, carefully observing her every move.

Jiang Yifan was beside Lin Yanran, just watching quietly, in fact, Lin Yanran in this appearance is quite attractive!

Holding Lin Yanran's hand, "Come on, I'll teach you how to swim."

"I do not want."

"Then I'll swim back by myself, you stay here alone." Jiang Yifan said and started to swim forward.

Because Lin Yanran lost her center of gravity, she began to descend slowly, shouting "Help!"

At this moment, Lin Yanran's heart is broken. She is the jewel in the palm of the Lin family, and one of Chenbei City's four dignified school beauties!It was so embarrassing at this time, and it was so powerless to shout out the word 'help'!

All this is because of Jiang Yifan.

"Hmph, Jiang Yifan, you are shameless, you bastard, after I get ashore, I will definitely settle accounts with you... Sigh, I'm almost drowning, how can I go ashore!"

Lin Yanran's mental activities were unusually rich and colorful, anyway she wanted to scold, but felt that she didn't have the strength to do so.

When Jiang Yifan saw that Lin Yanran was about to completely enter the water, he took a deep breath and plunged into the water, then swam to Lin Yanran's side, and kissed that cherry red lips!
Lin Yanran's original struggle stopped because of this kiss, and Jiang Yifan gradually wrapped her arms around her waist, and then led her out of the water, smiling, "I'm not trying to take advantage of you this time! A hero saves the beauty."

"Huh, huh~" Lin Yanran held onto Jiang Yifan's shoulders tightly, panting heavily, and said in a compromised way, "Jiang Yifan, Yifan, Brother Fan, teach me how to swim, I really don't want to be in the water gone."

Jiang Yifan sneered, lifted Lin Yanran's arms, and swam behind her, "Come on, try to make your body almost parallel, and then open and close your arms, and at the same time, slowly move your feet backwards." stare."

"I...I...don't dare." Lin Yanran stammered.

Jiang Yifan walked around to the side, holding Lin Yanran's belly, "Come on, do as I just said, I will support you, and I will definitely prevent you from having any accidents."

Lin Yanran followed suit dubiously. In the beginning, she almost fell into it a few times, but it was Jiang Yifan who held her back, and she gradually became proficient.

For more than ten minutes, the two of them only advanced less than three meters.

Seeing that she was getting closer and closer to the shore, Lin Yanran became more and more happy, and she thought she had already returned to swimming, looking at Jiang Yifan, "I feel that I have already mastered it."

"Then try it yourself." Jiang Yifan slowly let go of Lin Yanran.

But without holding on for two seconds, Lin Yanran began to sink, thumping vigorously, as if she was very clumsy.

Jiang Yifan supported her and continued to swim forward.Said carefully. "Swimming can't be rushed. The more anxious you are, the less you can move forward. It's like learning to walk when you were young. If you walk too fast, you will fall down, and you have to keep a balance..."

Lin Yanran slightly turned her head to look at Jiang Yifan's serious face, listening to the careful teaching, but there was a warm current flowing through her heart.

Looking at that resolute face and all kinds of caring words, Lin Yanran suddenly realized that it wasn't because she learned to swim just now, nor was it because she knew how to swim that she was not afraid of the water.

It was because Jiang Yifan supported her and protected her, giving her a sense of security and something to rely on...

With a shallow smile, he and Jiang Yifan continued to swim forward...

A few minutes later, the two of them arrived at the shore, but Lin Yanran was limp on the spot and couldn't get up anyway. It wasn't leg cramps, but the distance she swam just now had exhausted her whole body's strength.

Jiang Yifan shook the water from his hair, turned his head to look at Lin Yanran and said with a smile, "What? The usual domineering Colonel Lin, why is she looking like a drowned rat now?"

"It's just that you don't have a backache when you stand and talk, and you're tired from swimming, okay?" Lin Yanran gave him an annoyed look, resisting the feeling of powerlessness, and forced herself to stand up, but her legs were still weak.Feeling tired every step of the way.

Jiang Yifan smiled slightly, then squatted down in front of Lin Yanran, pointed to his shoulder, "Come on, my husband will carry you."

Lin Yanran hesitated for a moment, thinking in her heart, "Anyway, it's all because of Jiang Yifan that I am like this, and now I should let him carry me."

Simply, she lay directly on his back.

Jiang Yifan got up slowly, grinning and said, "Little pig, you are really heavy."

"You're the pig, you're the only one who weighs, and I'm only ninety catties, okay?" Lin Yanran said coquettishly, and lightly hit him on the shoulder with her pink fist.

But to be honest, Lin Yanran felt quite comfortable lying on Jiang Yifan's back... Slowly put her face on her shoulders, although the dampness of her hair would make her cheeks a little uncomfortable, but overall it was not bad.

When the last ray of sunlight fell, the two walked towards Wan Ke and the others.

Wan Ke and the others were already stunned, standing together like nympho, staring at the two of them with wide eyes.

"The boss is the boss, and such a top school beauty can be won."

"That's a must, and it doesn't matter whose boss it is."

"Hmph!" Tang Guo pouted when he heard the compliments from several people, and snorted unhappily, and said, "Why isn't the person on uncle's back me!"

ps: Today and tomorrow are four shifts, take it easy, hope everyone understands...

(End of this chapter)

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