Chapter 389 Lin Yaran's Thoughts
After Jiang Yifan's words, everyone became serious. Doing business with a man with a net worth of tens of billions will definitely benefit greatly.

Not only in terms of money, but also to log into a higher platform, and this time Jiang Yifan invested tens of billions in the Lin Group. If he can work together on this real estate project, he will definitely be able to cooperate with the Lin Group in the future. Can have business contacts.

Now that celebrities from all walks of life in the provincial capital are here, Lin's Group, as a leading enterprise, has now opened up the international market, and the future is absolutely limitless.So if you embrace this big tree at this time, you will have many opportunities in the future.

As a businessman, he likes to draw inferences from one instance, from cooperating with Jiang Yifan to cooperating with Lin Group in the future.

However, they didn't know what Jiang Yifan was planning. The reason why he threw out the blockbuster real estate after the tens of billions of capital injection was undoubtedly to win people's hearts.

Taking this opportunity is enough to bring together most of the businessmen in the provincial capital, and the Zhong Group will be faced with being independent, and their market in the provincial capital and even the domestic market will become very poor!

Zhong Shengyang's facial muscles twitched a few times. At this moment, the matter had become a foregone conclusion.

Just now, he lifted a rock to shoot himself in the foot, but this time he made a wedding dress for someone else.This time it's really a big loss!
Zhong Meimei thought for a while, then turned her head and said a few words to the man with glasses, and then left. Zhong Shengyang took a look at the situation, took advantage of the fact that everyone's attention was on Jiang Yifan, silently withdrew from the crowd and came along with him All three of them left in despair.

Came here with a high profile, was slapped heavily in the face during the period, and finally had to leave in embarrassment.

Jiang Yifan laughed secretly when he saw the appearance of the three people leaving one after another.

At this time, his cell phone rang, and seeing that it was Lu Zhuang's number, he looked suspiciously down the stage, only to see Lu Zhuang pointing to the phone and asking him to answer it.

Jiang Yifan picked up the phone, and Lu Zhuang on the opposite side said, "Brother Fan, Zhao Liu didn't find out that it was because of the power outage, so it wasn't that the Zhong family had any premeditation. I have already sent people to follow them. You can rest assured to arrange things here." .”

Jiang Yifan nodded and hung up the phone.Then I looked at the group of people below, "If you have ideas to cooperate with me, after this celebration is over, you can find me alone. Let's participate in this anniversary party first, and there will be a few singers coming later. Let's sing for everyone."

When everyone heard the words, they were all whispering, and they felt in their hearts that this anniversary celebration was really lucky, to be able to know someone like Jiang Yifan.

And this time, Jiang Yifan's reputation spread throughout the provincial capital, and he once became the youngest entrepreneur of the year!
The anniversary celebrations have entered into a regular state, and then the female singers have begun to perform on stage.

After Lin Yaran drank a few glasses of wine with the others, she walked to Jiang Yifan's side and said with a big smile, "If I didn't have you just now, I don't know what I would do today."

Jiang Yifan shrugged, "Don't worry about it so much, since I promised you that I will help you organize this anniversary celebration, there will definitely be no mistakes."

"However, is the 100 billion yuan and real estate project you just said real or fake?" Lin Yaran asked suspiciously. Although she knew that Jiang Yifan was relatively mysterious and there were many things she didn't know, but the [-] billion yuan net worth was really worth it. It can't really be hidden.

Jiang Yifan sipped his red wine, "Of course it's true, did you think I was joking just now?"

"Where did you get so much money? Besides, the Lin Group had also participated in the auction for the land in the suburbs before, and the total price was several hundred million." Lin Yaran was really astonished.There may be a source for the tens of billions of dollars, but the undeveloped land in the suburbs is not something that anyone can easily bid for.

As an officially supported development zone there, the price will naturally be several times higher than that of ordinary places. In addition, Chenbei City has developed rapidly in recent years, and the land in the surrounding areas has also risen accordingly.In a sense, the land Jiang Yifan now holds is far more valuable than the 100 billion yuan.

He said it was worth billions, but that was just casually, and Jiang Yifan really didn't understand these prices, but Lin Yaran was different, she naturally understood these things when she often dealt with them.

If you really develop the land in the suburbs well, I dare not say that there will be tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of profits!
Jiang Yifan smiled meaningfully, "Sister Yara, would you believe me if I said that these were all given away for free?"

"Cut." Like a little girl, Lin Yaran snorted coquettishly, and said with a look of disbelief, "You think I'm a three-year-old child, even if pies fall from the sky, they will kill people."

"I knew you wouldn't believe it, but the fact is that someone else gave it to me. I played a small game with the Zhong Group a while ago, and then they lost, so they gave me a piece of land and 70.00% of their group's equity in cash. "

"You mean that the money and land just now belonged to the Zhong Group?" Lin Yaran was really speechless, and looked at Jiang Yifan in surprise, "No wonder Zhong Shengyang's face was so ugly just now, it turned out that he lifted a rock and hit himself. foot."

Jiang Yifan sneered, "Then you think that I usually have so much money as a person who keeps accounts for every meal?"

Lin Yaran thought about it carefully, and let out bursts of beautiful laughter like silver bells, but she also understood that Jiang Yifan must have done something to make the Zhong Group like this, according to her understanding of Jiang Yifan, this time Things will certainly not be small.

Although the price of the undeveloped land in the suburbs is high, according to Zhong's funds, he doesn't pay much attention to it, but the 70.00% equity is not a big deal!
The death of that piece of land means that the Zhong family will not make a profit for a year or two, but the [-]% equity will definitely make the Zhong family unable to recover from a setback!
But here comes the problem.

Lin Yaran asked, "But just now Zhong Shengyang said that they have reached a cooperation with country M. If they no longer have [-]% of the equity, even if they are cashed out, they don't have that much capital."

Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows, his face changed slightly, "It's easy to explain, it must be Xiao Tianquan's stepfather, that guy from the imperial capital, who made the move."

"Then you..." Lin Yaran's face became worried. If she said that, Jiang Yifan's life would not be easy in the future. This time, the terrifying guy in the imperial capital would definitely not hurt Zhong. Easily bypassed Jiang Yifan!

Jiang Yifan waved his hand casually, "It's okay, I'm made of iron, even if the king of heaven comes, I can't do anything to me."

Lin Yaran pondered for a moment, and then said no more. Many things could not be resolved by talking, but she believed in her heart that since Jiang Yifan did his best to help her at this time, he would also do his best when he was in trouble. Everything to help him!

(End of this chapter)

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